Check this out!
FYI, the 13th International Workshop on Spoken Dialogue Systems
Technology <> (IWSDS2023) is
taking place this week, 21-24 February.
As this year’s conference theme is "Diversity in Dialogue Systems", many
contributions also address under-resourced languages.
Check the program for interesting papers here
A special session on Dialogue Systems for Multilingual and
Under-resourced Language Speakers
<> is
planned on Friday 24.
Claudia Soria
Cnr-Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale “Antonio Zampolli”
Via Moruzzi 1
56124 Pisa
Tel. +39 050 3153166
Skype clausor
Dear colleagues,
My team is heading to Bolivia again and this time we'll have internet
We'd love to find a system (online app or code) that allows us to put audio
files in a secure server, and which has a simple and intuitive interface
where our informants can log in, listen to an audio clip, re-speak it,
transcribe it on a piece of paper, take a photo of the paper (perhaps with
their phone) & upload that photo to be stored together with the rest of the
information on that clip, and then move on to the next clip.
Does anything like that exist? What would you recommend? Feel free to email
just me, and if so, let me know if I can share back the suggestions with
the group.
Thank you in advance,
Alex (Alejandrina) Cristia
Researcher, CNRS
Laboratoire de Sciences Cognitives et Psycholinguistique
29, rue d'Ulm, 75005, Paris, FRANCE
My site:
If you donate, ask me about effective charities
/ Si vous faites des dons, posez-moi des questions sur le don efficace
Third call for papers
Fourth workshop on Resources for African Indigenous Language (RAIL)
Note: deadline extension and submission system information
The 4th RAIL (Resources for African Indigenous* Languages) workshop
will be co-located with EACL 2023 in Dubrovnik, Croatia. The Resources
for African Indigenous Languages (RAIL) workshop is an
interdisciplinary platform for researchers working on resources (data
collections, tools, etc.) specifically targeted towards African
indigenous languages. In particular, it aims to create the conditions
for the emergence of a scientific community of practice that focuses on
data, as well as computational linguistic tools specifically designed
for or applied to indigenous languages found in Africa.
Previous workshops showed that the presented problems (and solutions)
are not only applicable to African languages. Many issues are also
relevant to other low-resource languages, such as different scripts and
properties like tone. As such, these languages share similar
challenges. This allows for researchers working on these languages with
such properties (including non-African languages) to learn from each
other, especially on issues pertaining to language resource
The RAIL workshop has several aims. First, it brings together
researchers working on African indigenous languages, forming a
community of practice for people working on indigenous languages.
Second, the workshop aims to reveal currently unknown or unpublished
existing resources (corpora, NLP tools, and applications), resulting in
a better overview of the current state-of-the-art, and also allows for
discussions on novel, desired resources for future research in this
area. Third, it enhances sharing of knowledge on the development of
low-resource languages. Finally, it enables discussions on how to
improve the quality as well as availability of the resources.
The workshop has “Impact of impairments on language resources” as its
theme, but submissions on any topic related to properties of African
indigenous languages (including non-African languages) may be accepted.
Suggested topics include (but are not limited to) the following:
Digital representations of linguistic structures
Descriptions of corpora or other data sets of African indigenous
Building resources for (under resourced) African indigenous languages
Developing and using African indigenous languages in the digital age
Effectiveness of digital technologies for the development of African
indigenous languages
Revealing unknown or unpublished existing resources for African
indigenous languages
Developing desired resources for African indigenous languages
Improving quality, availability and accessibility of African indigenous
language resources
*: The term indigenous languages used in the RAIL workshop is intended
to refer to non-colonial languages (in this case those used in Africa).
In no way is this term used to cause any harm or discomfort to anyone.
Many of these languages were or are still marginalised, and the aim of
the workshop is to bring attention to the creation, curation, and
development of resources for these languages in Africa.
Submission requirements:
We invite papers on original, unpublished work related to the topics of
the workshop. Submissions, presenting completed work, may consist of up
to eight (8) pages of content plus additional pages of references. The
final camera-ready version of accepted long papers are allowed one
additional page of content (so up to 9 pages) so that reviewers’
feedback can be incorporated.
Submissions need to use the EACL stylesheets. These can be found at Submission is electronic in PDF
through the START system which can be found at Reviewing is double-blind, so
make sure to anonymize your submission (e.g., do not provide author
names, affiliations, project names, etc.) Limit the amount of self
citations (anonymized citations should not be used). Accepted papers
will be published in the ACL workshop proceedings.
Please make sure you also go through the responsible NLP checklist
( Also,
submissions should have a section titled “Limitations” (as described in
the stylesheets). Authors are also encouraged to include an explicit
ethics statement.
Important dates:
Submission deadline 20 February 2023
Date of notification 13 March 2023
Camera ready deadline 27 March 2023
RAIL workshop 5 or 6 May 2023
Organising Committee
Rooweither Mabuya, South African Centre for Digital Language Resources
(SADiLaR), South Africa
Don Mthobela, Cam Foundation
Mmasibidi Setaka, South African Centre for Digital Language Resources
(SADiLaR), South Africa
Menno van Zaanen, South African Centre for Digital Language Resources
(SADiLaR), South Africa
Prof Menno van Zaanen menno.vanzaanen(a)
Professor in Digital Humanities
South African Centre for Digital Language Resources
DISCLAIMER: This e-mail message and attachments thereto are intended solely for the recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorised review, use, disclosure, or distribution is prohibited. If you have received the e-mail by mistake, please contact the sender or reply e-mail and delete the e-mail and its attachments (where appropriate) from your system.
Second call for papers
Fourth workshop on Resources for African Indigenous Language (RAIL)
The 4th RAIL (Resources for African Indigenous* Languages) workshop
will be co-located with EACL 2023 in Dubrovnik, Croatia. The Resources
for African Indigenous Languages (RAIL) workshop is an
interdisciplinary platform for researchers working on resources (data
collections, tools, etc.) specifically targeted towards African
indigenous languages. In particular, it aims to create the conditions
for the emergence of a scientific community of practice that focuses on
data, as well as computational linguistic tools specifically designed
for or applied to indigenous languages found in Africa.
Previous workshops showed that the presented problems (and solutions)
are not only applicable to African languages. Many issues are also
relevant to other low-resource languages, such as different scripts and
properties like tone. As such, these languages share similar
challenges. This allows for researchers working on these languages with
such properties (including non-African languages) to learn from each
other, especially on issues pertaining to language resource
The RAIL workshop has several aims. First, it brings together
researchers working on African indigenous languages, forming a
community of practice for people working on indigenous languages.
Second, the workshop aims to reveal currently unknown or unpublished
existing resources (corpora, NLP tools, and applications), resulting in
a better overview of the current state-of-the-art, and also allows for
discussions on novel, desired resources for future research in this
area. Third, it enhances sharing of knowledge on the development of
low-resource languages. Finally, it enables discussions on how to
improve the quality as well as availability of the resources.
The workshop has “Impact of impairments on language resources” as its
theme, but submissions on any topic related to properties of African
indigenous languages (including non-African languages) may be accepted.
Suggested topics include (but are not limited to) the following:
Digital representations of linguistic structures
Descriptions of corpora or other data sets of African indigenous
Building resources for (under resourced) African indigenous languages
Developing and using African indigenous languages in the digital age
Effectiveness of digital technologies for the development of African
indigenous languages
Revealing unknown or unpublished existing resources for African
indigenous languages
Developing desired resources for African indigenous languages
Improving quality, availability and accessibility of African indigenous
language resources
*: The term indigenous languages used in the RAIL workshop is intended
to refer to non-colonial languages (in this case those used in Africa).
In no way is this term used to cause any harm or discomfort to anyone.
Many of these languages were or are still marginalised, and the aim of
the workshop is to bring attention to the creation, curation, and
development of resources for these languages in Africa.
Submission requirements:
We invite papers on original, unpublished work related to the topics of
the workshop. Submissions, presenting completed work, may consist of up
to eight (8) pages of content plus additional pages of references. The
final camera-ready version of accepted long papers are allowed one
additional page of content (so up to 9 pages) so that reviewers’
feedback can be incorporated.
Submissions need to use the EACL stylesheets. These can be found at Submission is electronic in PDF
through the START system (link will be provided once available).
Reviewing is double-blind, so make sure to anonymize your submission
(e.g., do not provide author names, affiliations, project names, etc.)
Limit the amount of self citations (anonymized citations should not be
used). Accepted papers will be published in the ACL workshop
Please make sure you also go through the responsible NLP checklist
( Also,
submissions should have a section titled “Limitations” (as described in
the stylesheets). Authors are also encouraged to include an explicit
ethics statement.
Important dates:
Submission deadline 13 February 2023
Date of notification 13 March 2023
Camera ready deadline 27 March 2023
RAIL workshop 5 or 6 May 2023
Organising Committee
Rooweither Mabuya, South African Centre for Digital Language Resources
(SADiLaR), South Africa
Don Mthobela, Cam Foundation
Mmasibidi Setaka, South African Centre for Digital Language Resources
(SADiLaR), South Africa
Menno van Zaanen, South African Centre for Digital Language Resources
(SADiLaR), South Africa
Prof Menno van Zaanen menno.vanzaanen(a)
Professor in Digital Humanities
South African Centre for Digital Language Resources
DISCLAIMER: This e-mail message and attachments thereto are intended solely for the recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorised review, use, disclosure, or distribution is prohibited. If you have received the e-mail by mistake, please contact the sender or reply e-mail and delete the e-mail and its attachments (where appropriate) from your system.
On behalf of our colleague, Laurent Besacier:
hi everyone
i thought this info could be useful for scientists working on NMT for
low resource languages
we recently released SMaLL-100 model, a Shallow Multilingual MT Model
for Low-Resource Languages
it is a distilled version of the large 12B MTM-100 model released by Meta
you can find out more here:
but the reason why i want to share this to SIGUL & EAMT community is
because we provide models (which are a good pre-trained model to develop
MT for low resource language pair) and also a demo platform to access MT
for those 10,000 language pairs !
Online MT demo:
(still a bit slow because currently running on 2 v*CPU* - 16GB RAM)
Best regards
Laurent Besacier
Naver Labs Europe
Claudia Soria
Cnr-Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale “Antonio Zampolli”
Via Moruzzi 1
56124 Pisa
Tel. +39 050 3153166
Skype clausor
-------- Messaggio Inoltrato --------
Oggetto: Request to forward: Please become a reviewer for ISCA conferences
Data: Tue, 24 Jan 2023 09:49:13 +0100
Mittente: TPC chairs INTERSPEECH 2023 <tpc-chairs(a)>
Rispondi-a: tpc-chairs(a)
Organizzazione: INTERSPEECH 2023
A: petra.wagner(a)
Dear speech researcher,
In preparation for INTERSPEECH 2023, we are currently searching for
reviewers to evaluate submitted manuscripts. The reviewing period will
be between 8th March and 19th April 2023.
If you are not already a reviewer for ISCA conferences, we encourage you
to sign up at, using
the same email address as your CMT account. If you do not have a CMT
account, you will need to create one, as reviewing will take place fully
within CMT ( To be eligible as a
reviewer for ISCA you should have previously published at INTERSPEECH,
ICASSP, ICPhS or related conferences and satisfy two or more of the
following conditions:
- Hold a Ph.D.
- Published at least one journal article as first author in a
speech-related journal (e.g., IEEE/ACM T-ASLP; Speech Communication;
Computer, Speech & Language; JASA; Phonetica; - Journal of Phonetics; or
other comparable journals)
- Published at least 3 INTERSPEECH/ICASSP/ASRU/SLT or major NLP
conference (ACL/EMNLP/NAACL) papers as first author
- Received at least 100 citations on first authored papers
- Have an h-index of at least 7 and i10-index of at least 10
- Be recommended by an ISCA Fellow, ACL Fellow, IEEE Fellow, IEEE Senior
Member, or current/past INTERSPEECH Area Chair
To help conference organisers match the papers allocated to you, please
also register with the Toronto Paper Matching System at using the same email address as CMT.
This should result in you being assigned papers that better match your
interests and expertise.
Kind regards,
Simon, Kate, Petra
Simon King, Kate Knill, Petra Wagner
Technical Programme Committee chairs
Dublin, Ireland - 20-24th August 2023
First call for papers
Fourth workshop on Resources for African Indigenous Language (RAIL)
The 4rd RAIL (Resources for African Indigenous Languages) workshop will
be co-located with EACL 2023 in Dubrovnik, Croatia. The Resources for
African Indigenous Languages (RAIL) workshop is an interdisciplinary
platform for researchers working on resources (data collections, tools,
etc.) specifically targeted towards African indigenous languages. In
particular, it aims to create the conditions for the emergence of a
scientific community of practice that focuses on data, as well as
computational linguistic tools specifically designed for or applied to
indigenous languages found in Africa.
Previous workshops showed that the presented problems (and solutions)
are not only applicable to African languages. Many issues are also
relevant to other low-resource languages, such as different scripts and
properties like tone. As such, these languages share similar
challenges. This allows for researchers working on these languages with
such properties (including non-African languages) to learn from each
other, especially on issues pertaining to language resource
The RAIL workshop has several aims. First, it brings together
researchers working on African indigenous languages, forming a
community of practice for people working on indigenous languages.
Second, the workshop aims to reveal currently unknown or unpublished
existing resources (corpora, NLP tools, and applications), resulting in
a better overview of the current state-of-the-art, and also allows for
discussions on novel, desired resources for future research in this
area. Third, it enhances sharing of knowledge on the development of
low-resource languages. Finally, it enables discussions on how to
improve the quality as well as availability of the resources.
The workshop has “Impact of impairments on language resources” as its
theme, but submissions on any topic related to properties of African
indigenous languages (including non-African languages) may be accepted.
Suggested topics include (but are not limited to) the following:
Digital representations of linguistic structures
Descriptions of corpora or other data sets of African indigenous
Building resources for (under resourced) African indigenous languages
Developing and using African indigenous languages in the digital age
Effectiveness of digital technologies for the development of African
indigenous languages
Revealing unknown or unpublished existing resources for African
indigenous languages
Developing desired resources for African indigenous languages
Improving quality, availability and accessibility of African indigenous
language resources
Submission requirements:
We invite papers on original, unpublished work related to the topics of
the workshop. Submissions, presenting completed work, may consist of up
to eight (8) pages of content plus additional pages of references. The
final camera-ready version of accepted long papers are allowed one
additional page of content (so up to 9 pages) so that reviewers’
feedback can be incorporated.
Submissions need to use the EACL stylesheets. These can be found at Submission is electronic in PDF
through the START system (link will be provided once available).
Reviewing is double-blind, so make sure to anonymize your submission
(e.g., do not provide author names, affiliations, project names, etc.)
Limit the amount of self citations (anonymized citations should not be
used). Accepted papers will be published in the ACL workshop
Important dates:
Submission deadline 13 February 2023
Date of notification 13 March 2023
Camera ready deadline 27 March 2023
RAIL workshop 2 or 6 May 2023
Organising Committee
Rooweither Mabuya, South African Centre for Digital Language Resources
(SADiLaR), South Africa
Don Mthobela, Cam Foundation
Mmasibidi Setaka, South African Centre for Digital Language Resources
(SADiLaR), South Africa
Menno van Zaanen, South African Centre for Digital Language Resources
(SADiLaR), South Africa
Prof Menno van Zaanen menno.vanzaanen(a)
Professor in Digital Humanities
South African Centre for Digital Language Resources
DISCLAIMER: This e-mail message and attachments thereto are intended solely for the recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorised review, use, disclosure, or distribution is prohibited. If you have received the e-mail by mistake, please contact the sender or reply e-mail and delete the e-mail and its attachments (where appropriate) from your system.
*QPP++ 2023 is a workshop of the 45th European Conference on Information
Retrieval (2-6 April, Dublin, Ireland).*
*Query Performance Prediction (QPP) *is currently primarily used for ad-hoc
retrieval tasks. The Information Retrieval (IR) field is reaching new
heights thanks to recent advances in large language models and neural
networks, as well as emerging new ways of searching, such as conversational
search. Such advancements are quickly spreading to adjacent research areas,
including QPP, necessitating reconsidering how we perform and evaluate QPP.
*Important Dates*
Submission deadline: February 5th, 2023
Notification of acceptance: March 5th, 2023
Camera ready: March 15th, 2023
Workshop day: April 2nd, 2023
Conference days: April 3rd-6th, 2023
*Call for Papers*
This workshop aims at stimulating discussion on three main aspects
concerning the future of QPP:
*What are the emerging QPP challenges* posed by new methods and
technologies, including but not limited to dense retrieval, contextualized
embeddings, and conversational search?
How might these *new techniques be used to improve the quality of QPP*?
Can we claim that the current techniques for *evaluating QPP are
effective in all arising scenarios*? Can we envision new evaluation
protocols capable of granting generalizability in new domains?
We plan to foster the discussion via *two focus groups* led by the
workshop's organizers.
The first focus group will identify what possibilities the QPP offers
regarding new research models and IR tasks, primary considerations, issues
linked to different aspects of the QPP, and the potentialities provided by
new tools.
The second focus group will gather the community’s concerns and solutions
with respect to the QPP evaluation, especially for what concerns emerging
The workshop will focus on the following themes:
*Query performance prediction applied to new tasks*:
Can existing QPP techniques be exploited, or which new QPP theories and
models need to be devised for new tasks, such as passage-retrieval, Q&A,
and conversational search?
*Query performance prediction exploiting new techniques*:
How can new technologies like contextualized embeddings, large language
models, and neural networks be exploited to improve QPP?
*Evaluation of query performance prediction*:
How should QPP techniques be evaluated, including best practices,
datasets, and resources, and, in particular, should QPP be evaluated the
same for different IR tasks?
It is possible to submit three main categories of manuscripts to the
*Full papers*: up to 6 pages.
*Short papers*: up to 3 pages.
*Discussion papers*: up to 3 pages.
All manuscripts are expected to address the workshop's themes as mentioned
above. *Full and short papers* should contain *innovative ideas and* their
experimental evaluation. *We are also interested in works containing*
sound) *preliminary results and incremental endeavours*.
*Discussion papers should include work with or without preliminary results,
position papers, and papers describing failures*. Such papers should foster
the discussion and thus are not required to contain full-fledged results.
In this sense, the experimental evaluation of the submitted discussion
paper is appreciated but not required.
*We are also interested in receiving contributions regarding* (methodologically
sound) *failed experiments*; since the workshop will focus on new research
directions, we consider it necessary also to discuss the reasons and causes
of failures.
Each manuscript will be peer-reviewed by at least two program committee
*Accepted papers will be published online as a volume of the CEUR-WS
proceeding series.*
Submit your contribution via Easychair at the following link
To prepare the submission, use the one-column CEUR template. A precompiled
version is
available at
* <>*
Dear All,
I am pleased to forward the open call for SRIA Contribution Projects
launched by the ELE2 Consortium.
Full information, including the call documentation and related annexes
is available on the open call website
Please note that only research organisations, NGOs, incorporated
associations, companies from EU Member States are eligible to apply.
Proposals can be submitted until 29 November 2022.
Best regards,
-------- Messaggio Inoltrato --------
Oggetto: ELE2 consortium launched an open call for SRIA Contribution
Data: Tue, 11 Oct 2022 13:23:04 +0200 (CEST)
Mittente: Jana Hamrlova <hamrlova(a)>
A: langeq-2020 <langeq-2020(a)>
CC: open-call <open-call(a)>
Dear all,
I would like to remind you that ELE2 consortium launched an open call
for SRIA Contribution Projects.
For more details see the text below, full information including the call
documentation and related annexes is available on the open call website
With best regards,
Jana Hamrlova
ELE Open Call for SRIA Contribution Projects Management Team
European Language Equality initiative
<> launched an open call for SRIA
Contribution Projects <>.
projects should provide defined use cases and feasibility studies for
concrete application scenarios in one of the following topics:
1. Data sets for more robust speech technology
2. Study of language coverage for text mining and natural language
understanding in key European industrial sectors
3.Legal Assessment (Desk Research)
4. General NLP/LT/AI Landscaping (Desk Research)
5. General NLP/LT Domains (Desk Research)
6. Analysis of AI and LT in European news media
7. Computing facilities for LT (Desk Research)
8. Demonstrably Greener Models of MT
9. Survey of the use of LT in the hospital sector
10. Basic LAnguageResource Kit (BLARK) (re)definition (Desk Research)
Publication of the call: *29 September 2022*
Submission deadline: *29 November 2022 (23:59 CET)*
Evaluation and selection of the submitted proposals: December 2022
Contract signing and projects start: December 2022 – January 2023
Project duration: 2-3 months
* research organisations (including but not limited to higher education
organisations and independent research organisations), NGOs,
incorporated associations and companies
* legally established in EU member states
* one organisation per project only (mono-beneficiary projects)
* €185,000 allocated for the call
* maximum amount of eligible costs per single project: €25,000, funding
rate: 90%
* financial support will be provided in the form of a lump sum after
completing all project activities
Apply via the open call submission platform
<>, follow the Call
documentation and related annexes on the open call website
open call management team: open-call(a)
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