The UKP Lab in Darmstadt, Germany, led by Iryna Gurevych and the recently founded INSAIT in Sofia, Bulgaria have several job openings:
*** Associate Research Scientists (PostDoc- or PhD-level) in AI and NLP ***
Are you an outstanding PhD candidate or Postdoc with a strong profile in Natural Language Processing, LLMs and AI? We have several openings as Associate Research Scientists at UKP Lab (Germany) and INSAIT (Bulgaria)!
We highly appreciate demonstrable engagement in open-source projects, communication skills in English and the ability to effectively cooperate with scientists of various interdisciplinary backgrounds. Prior experience with relevant areas of NLP and Machine Learning and strong engineering skills are a plus.
More information about the opening and the application process can be found here:…
Join our internationally recognized team, enjoy diverse opportunities for professional development, and conduct cutting-edge research! Application deadline: April 15th, 2024.
Please submit your application via the following form: Please indicate which institute you are applying to.
Prof. Dr. Iryna Gurevych
UKP Lab, Technical University Darmstadt, Germany
INSAIT, Sofia, Bulgaria
International Conference ‘New Trends in Translation and Technology’ (NeTTT’2024)
Varna, Bulgaria, 3-6 July 2024
*** Submission Deadline Extended to 30 April 2024 ***
# The conference
The second edition of the forthcoming International Conference ‘New Trends in Translation and Technology’ (NeTTT’2024) will take place in Varna, Bulgaria, 3-6 July 2024.
Continuing the tradition of the first edition of the NeTTT conference and HiT-IT events series, the objective of the conference is (i) to bridge the gap between academia and industry in the field of translation and interpreting by bringing together academics in linguistics, translation studies, machine translation and natural language processing, developers, practitioners, language service providers and vendors who work on or are interested in different aspects of technology for translation and interpreting, and (ii) to be a distinctive event for discussing the latest developments and practices. NeTTT’2024 invites all professionals who would like to learn about the new trends, present the latest work or/and share their experience in the field, and who would like to establish business and research contacts, collaborations and new ventures.
The conference will take the form of presentations (peer-reviewed research and user presentations, keynote speeches), and posters; it will also feature panel discussions. The accepted papers will be published as open-access conference e-proceedings.
# Conference topics
Contributions are invited on any topic related to latest technology and practices in machine translation, translation, subtitling, localisation and interpreting. NeTTT’2024 will feature a Special Theme Track "Future of Translation Technology in the Era of LLMs and Generative AI".
The conference topics include but are not limited to:
## CAT tools
- Translation Memory (TM) systems
- NLP and MT for translation memory systems
- Terminology extraction tools
- Localisation tools
## Machine Translation
- Latest developments in Neural Machine Translation
- MT for under-resourced languages
- MT with low computing resources
- Multimodal MT
- Integration of MT in TM systems
- Resources for MT
## Technologies for MT deployment
- MT evaluation techniques, metrics and evaluation results
- Human evaluations of MT output
- Evaluating MT in a real-world setting
- Quality estimation for MT
- Domain adaptation
## Translation Studies
- Corpus-based studies applied to translation
- Corpora and resources for translation
- Translationese
- Cognitive effort and eye-tracking experiments in translation
## Interpreting studies
- Corpus-based studies applied to interpreting
- Corpora and resources for interpreting
- Interpretese
- Resources for interpreting and interpreting technology applications
- Cognitive effort and eye-tracking experiments in interpreting
## Interpreting technology
- Machine interpreting
- Computer-aided interpreting
- NLP for dialogue interpreting
- Development of NLP based applications for communication in public service settings (healthcare, education, law, emergency services)
## Emerging Areas in Translation and Interpreting
- MT and translation tools for literary texts and creative texts
- MT for social media and real-time conversations
- Sign language recognition and translation
## Subtitling
- NLP and MT for subtitling
- Latest technology for subtitling
## User needs
- Analysis of translators’ and interpreters’ needs in terms of translation and interpreting technology
- User requirements for interpreting and translation tools
- Incorporating human knowledge into translation and interpreting technology
- What existing translators’ (including subtitlers’) and interpreters’ tools do not offer
- User requirements for electronic resources for translators and interpreters
- Translation and interpreting workflows in larger organisations and the tools for translation and interpreting employed
## The business of translation and interpreting
- Translation workflow and management
- Technology adoption by translators and industry
- Setting up translation /interpreting / language provider company
## Teaching translation and interpreting
- Teaching Machine Translation
- Teaching translation technology
- Teaching interpreting technology
- Latest AI developments in the syllabi of translation and interpreting curricula
## Ethical issues in translation and technology
- Bias and fairness in MT
- Privacy and security in cloud MT systems
- Transparency and explainability of MT systems
- Environmental impact on MT systems
# Special Theme Track - Future of Translation Technology in the Era of LLMs and Generative AI
We are excited to share that NeTTT’2024 will have a special theme with the goal of stimulating discussion around Large Language Models, Generative AI and the Future of Translation and Interpreting Technology. While the new generation of Large Language Models such as CHATGPT and LLAMA showcase remarkable advancements in language generation and understanding, we find ourselves in uncharted territory when it comes to their performance on various Translation and Interpreting Technology tasks with regards to fairness, interpretability, ethics and transparency.
The theme track invites studies on how LLMs perform on Translation and Interpreting Technology tasks and applications, and what this means for the future of the field. The possible topics of discussion include (but are not limited to) the following:
- Changes in the translators and interpreters’ professions in the new AI era especially as a result of the latest developments in LLMSs and Generative AI
- Generative AI and translation
- Generative AI and interpreting
- Augmenting machine translation systems with generative AI
- Domain and terminology adaptation with Large Language Models
- Literary translation with Large Language Models
- Improving Machine Translation Quality with Contextual Prompts in Large Language Models
- Prompt engineering for translation
- Generative AI for professional translation
- Generative AI for professional interpreting
# Keynote speakers
We are delighted to announce the NeTTT’2024 keynote speakers
- Helena Moniz (University of Lisbon and Unbabel), President of the European Association of Machine Translation
- Carla Parra Escartín (RWS Language Weaver)
# Tutorial (3 July 2024)
- Tharindu Ranasinghe (Aston University), Quality Estimation for Machine Translation
# Programme Committee
The Programme Committee of NeTTT’2024 is listed
# Conference Chairs
- Ruslan Mitkov (Lancaster University)
- Gloria Corpas Pastor (University of Malaga)
# Programme Chairs
- Constantin Orasan (University of Surrey)
- Tharindu Ranasinghe (Aston University)
# Sponsorship Chair
- Vilelmini Sosoni (Ionian University)
# Publication Chair
- Maria Kunilovskaya (University of Saarland)
# Organising Committee
- Organising Committee of NeTTT’2024 is listed
# Submissions and publication
NETTT’2024 invites the following types of submissions:
User papers – for industry and practitioners. References to related work are optional. Allowed paper length: between 1 and 4 pages.
Academic submissions, in three different categories (have to follow formatting requirements, references to related work are required):
• (academic) full papers – describing original completed research. Allowed paper length: maximum 12 pages + unlimited references.
• (academic) work-in-progress papers/posters – describing work in progress, late breaking research, papers at a more conceptual stage, and other types of papers that do not fit in the ‘full’ papers category. Allowed paper length: maximum 7 pages + unlimited references.
• (academic) demo papers – describing working systems. Allowed paper length: maximum 5 pages + unlimited references. In addition to the papers, the authors will be expected to demonstrate the systems at the workshop.
The conference will not consider and evaluate abstracts only.
Each submission will be reviewed by three members of the Programme Committee. Submission is organised via Softconf START conference management system at
For submitting the papers, we invite the authors to comply with the Springer format, following the templates:
• LaTeX:…,
• Overleaf:…,
• Word:….
The accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings and made available online on the conference website. Authors of accepted papers will receive guidelines regarding how to produce camera-ready versions of their papers.
The final version of the accepted papers will be published in e-proceedings with assigned ISBN and DOI.
All accepted papers will be included in the conference e-proceedings which will be available at the conference website.
# Schedule
- Submission deadline: 30 April 2024
- Notification: 5 June 2024
- Final version due: 20 June 2024
All deadlines are valid for 23.59 Anywhere on Earth.
# Registration
Conference registration is open on
The promotional early registration fee has been extended to 17 March 2024.
# Venue
The conference will take place at, Varna, situated only 200 m away from the fine sandy Black Sea beach.
# Further information and contact details
The conference website is and will be updated on a regular basis. For further information, please contact us at nettt2024(a)
Dr Tharindu Ranasinghe
Lecturer in Computer Science
School of Informatics and Digital Engineering
Birmingham, B4 7ET, UK
*Apologies for crossposting*
TermTrends24: Models and Best Practices for Terminology Representation in
the Semantic Web
Workshop colocated with MDTT 2024 <>
Date: 26th June, 2024
Venue: Granada, Spain
More info:
7th April - *30**th April (Extended)**: Deadline for paper submission*
*About TermTrendsTermTrends 2024 will now be a hybrid workshop!* Co-located
with MDTT 2024, TermTrends aims to provide a discussion forum on the
theoretical and methodological approaches for the representation of
terminological data, both at a conceptual and a linguistic level. In
particular, we would like to focus on their connection to the Linguistic
Linked (Open) Data (LLOD) paradigm through the representation of these data
according to Semantic Web formats. By adopting models or vocabularies
proposed for the representation of linguistic data, we would contribute to
the creation of interoperable and reusable terminological resources.
With this objective, the workshop intends to explore the advantages and
challenges underlying various Terminology-related standardisation
approaches, ranging from the initially proposed standards to represent
terminology within the International Standardisation Organisation (ISO),
such as the TermBase eXchange (TBX) format, to models that represent
linguistic descriptions associated with ontologies in the Semantic Web,
such as SKOS and Ontolex-lemon.
Being multidisciplinary in scope, it focuses on identifying terminological
representation needs, as well as limitations of current models in
addressing such needs, with the aim of also exploring the development of an
extension of the Ontolex-lemon vocabulary and how that may contribute to
overcoming such challenges.
*Call for Papers*The topics of interest for this workshop include, but are
not limited to, the following topics:
- Terminology Representation Standards
- Terminology as Linguistic Linked (Open) Data
- Interoperability of Terminological Resources
- Reusability of Terminological Resources
- Challenges in Terminology Representation
- Analysis of the structure of Terminological Resources
Papers proposals should follow the CEUR template. Short and long papers
will be accepted. Following CEUR guidelines, short papers should be 5-6
pages long and long papers 8-10 pages long. Authors must submit their
papers through the EasyChair platform following this link.
*Important Dates*7th April - *30**th April (Extended)**: Deadline for paper
*20 April 2024* - Deadline for notification for paper submission
*15 May 2024* - Deadline for camera-ready paper submission
*26 June 2024 *- TermTrends Workshop
*Workshop Organisers*
Rute Costa, NOVA FCSH / NOVA CLUNL (Portugal)
Elena Montiel-Ponsoda, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain)
Sara Carvalho, Univ. de Aveiro / NOVA CLUNL (Portugal)
Patricia Martín-Chozas, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain)
Federica Vezzani, University of Padova (Italy)
*Patricia Martín Chozas - Postdoctoral Researcher*
* Ontology Engineering Group*
Artificial Intelligence Department
ETSI Informáticos - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Phone: (+34) 910673091
* We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CfP *
* For the online version of this Call, visit:
CIKM 2024: 33rd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management
Boise, Idaho, USA
October 21–25, 2024
The 33rd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM) offers a forum for academia and industry to present cutting-edge research on artificial intelligence, search and discovery, text and data mining, and database systems.
The Applied Research Track invites submissions from both academia and industry that focus on advancing the understanding of issues related to deploying IR, NLP and AI at scale. Unlike the Research Track, the Applied Research Track concentrates on applied work, such as describing the implementation of a system, data acquisition, or application of a methodology that addresses a significant real-world problem and demonstrates measurable benefits and impact. We invite authors to submit papers that showcase their research work’s real-world impact and demonstrate practicality and scalability.
Submissions should clearly outline how the work has been deployed or released and for how long, or how the work is planned to be deployed or released and what is its potential impact in the real world
Key Dates
* Applied Research Papers abstract: 13 May 2024
* Applied Research Papers: 20 May 2024
* Applied Research Papers notifications: 16 July 2024
* Camera ready: 8 August 2024
(All deadlines are at 11:59 pm AOE)
Topics of Interest
We invite submissions along the same topics of interest lines as the CIKM 2024 Research Track, but with a focus on applied and deployed work, substantiated by a system launch, data release, or other practical application evidence.
* Data and information acquisition and preprocessing (e.g., data crawling, IoT data, data quality, data privacy, mitigating biases, data wrangling)
* Integration and aggregation (e.g., semantic processing, data provenance, data linkage, data fusion, knowledge graphs, data warehousing, privacy and security, modeling, information credibility)
* Efficient data processing (e.g., serverless, data-intensive computing, database systems, indexing and compression, architectures, distributed data systems, dataspaces, customized hardware)
* Special data processing (e.g., multilingual text, sequential, stream, spatio-temporal, (knowledge) graph, multimedia, scientific, and social media data)
* Analytics and machine learning (e.g., OLAP, data mining, machine learning and AI, scalable analysis algorithms, algorithmic biases, event detection and tracking, understanding, interpretability)
* Neural Information and knowledge processing (e.g., graph neural networks, domain adaptation, transfer learning, network architectures, neural ranking, neural recommendation, and neural prediction)
* Data processing enabled by large language models and other foundation models (e.g. information retrieval or data management facilitated by the use of LLMs)
* Information access and retrieval (e.g., ad hoc and web search, facets and entities, question answering and dialogue systems, retrieval models, query processing, personalization, recommender and filtering systems)
* Users and interfaces for information and data systems (e.g., user behavior analysis, user interface design, perception of biases, personalization, interactive information retrieval, interactive analysis, spoken interfaces)
* Evaluation, performance studies, and benchmarks (e.g., online and offline evaluation, best practices)
Crowdsourcing (e.g. task assignment, worker reliability, optimization, trustworthiness, transparency, best practices)
* Understanding multi-modal content (e.g., natural language processing, speech recognition, computer vision, content understanding, knowledge extraction, knowledge graphs, and knowledge representations)
* Data presentation (e.g., visualization, summarization, readability, VR, speech input/output)
* Network and graph mining (e.g., social network analysis, mining important nodes in networks, subgraphs and graph motifs mining, community detection)
* Applications (e.g., urban systems, biomedical and health informatics, legal informatics, crisis informatics, computational social science, data-enabled discovery, social media)
Paper Submissions
We welcome original applied research submissions that are not previously published, accepted to be published, or being considered for publication in any other forum. Full-length papers should satisfy the standard requirements of top-tier international research conferences.
Authors should include their names and affiliations in the manuscript (i.e. submissions are single-blind).
Submissions are limited to 7 pages plus unlimited references (note that additional appendices are not allowed) and must be formatted using ACM’s 2-column template “sig-conf”, see
Papers that include text generated from a large-scale language model (LLM), such as ChatGPT, are prohibited unless this produced text is presented as a part of the paper’s experimental analysis. AI tools may be used to edit and polish authors’ work, such as using LLMs for light editing of their text (e.g., automate grammar checks, word autocorrect, and other editing of author-written text), but text “produced entirely” by generative/AI models is not allowed.
At least one author of each accepted paper must register to present the work on-site in Boise, Idaho, USA, as scheduled in the conference program.
The official publication date is when the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to two weeks before the first day of the conference. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work.
Dual Submission Policy
Submitting papers that are identical (or substantially similar) to versions that have been published, accepted for publication, or submitted in parallel to other conferences (or any venue with published proceedings) is not allowed. However, it is allowed to make an abstract submission by May 13, 2024 (without uploading the paper PDF) for a paper that is still under review as long as the ongoing review process ends by the full paper final deadline of May 20, 2024. You need to withdraw your submission in case the paper is accepted or still under review by May 20, 2024.
Authors are allowed to submit papers that have been presented or are to be presented at conferences or workshops without proceedings, or with only abstracts published. Authors may also submit anonymized work already available as a preprint (e.g., in arXiv). In this case, the authors must modify the title and abstract while refraining from citing the manuscript to preserve anonymity.
Authorship Policy
Before paper submission, authors are advised to review ACM’s authorship policy carefully. Please ensure that all authors are identified in EasyChair before the submission deadline. To help reviewers identify potential conflicts of interest, the full author list must be specified by the abstract submission deadline. Consequently, no changes to authorship will be allowed under any circumstance after the abstract submission deadline; neither update will be permitted for camera-ready versions.
Desk Rejection Policy
Submissions that fail to adhere to the anonymity, length, or formatting requirements, or violate ACM’s policies on academic dishonesty—such as plagiarism, author misrepresentation, or falsification—may be subject to desk rejection by the chairs.
ACM Policy Against Harassment
All authors and participants must adhere to the ACM Policy Against Harassment. For full details, please visit this site:
Chairs Contact Information
For more information, contact the Applied Research Track PC chairs at: CIKM2024-applied [at] easychair [dot] org
Wei Chen (Microsoft Research Asia)
Yinglong Xia (Meta)
* We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CfP *
* For the online version of this Call, visit:
CIKM 2024: 33rd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management
Boise, Idaho, USA
October 21–25, 2024
The Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM) provides a unique venue for industry and academia to present and discuss state-of-the-art research on artificial intelligence, search and discovery, data mining, and database systems, all at a single conference. CIKM is uniquely situated to highlight technologies and insights that materialize the big data and artificial intelligence vision of the future. CIKM 2024 will take place between October 21-25, 2024 in Boise, Idaho, USA.
Key Dates
* Short Papers abstract: 27 May 2024
* Short Papers: 3 June 2024
* Short Papers notifications: 16 July 2024
* Camera ready: 8 August 2024
(All deadlines are at 11:59 pm AOE)
Topics of Interest
We encourage submissions of high-quality research papers on all topics in the general areas of artificial intelligence, data science, databases, information retrieval, and knowledge management. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following areas:
* Data and information acquisition and preprocessing (e.g., data crawling, IoT data, data quality, data privacy, mitigating biases, data wrangling)
* Integration and aggregation (e.g., semantic processing, data provenance, data linkage, data fusion, knowledge graphs, data warehousing, privacy and security, modeling, information credibility)
* Efficient data processing (e.g., serverless, data-intensive computing, database systems, indexing and compression, architectures, distributed data systems, dataspaces, customized hardware)
* Special data processing (e.g., multilingual text, sequential, stream, spatio-temporal, (knowledge) graphs, multimedia, scientific, and social media data)
* Analytics and machine learning (e.g., OLAP, data mining, machine learning and AI, scalable analysis algorithms, algorithmic biases, event detection and tracking, understanding, interpretability)
* Neural Information and knowledge processing (e.g., graph neural networks, domain adaptation, transfer learning, network architectures, neural ranking, neural recommendation, and neural prediction)
* Information access and retrieval (e.g., ad hoc and web search, facets and entities, question answering and dialogue systems, retrieval models, query processing, personalization, recommender and filtering systems)
* Users and interfaces for information and data systems (e.g., user behavior analysis, user interface design, perception of biases, personalization, interactive information retrieval, interactive analysis, spoken interfaces)
* Evaluation, performance studies, and benchmarks (e.g., online and offline evaluation, best practices)
Crowdsourcing (e.g. task assignment, worker reliability, optimization, trustworthiness, transparency, best practices)
* Understanding multi-modal content (e.g., natural language processing, speech recognition, computer vision, content understanding, knowledge extraction, knowledge graphs, and knowledge representations)
* Data presentation (e.g., visualization, summarization, readability, VR, speech input/output)
* Applications (e.g., urban systems, biomedical and health informatics, legal informatics, crisis informatics, computational social science, data-enabled discovery, social media)
Paper Submissions
Authors are invited to submit original short papers that have not been previously published, and are not being considered for publication in any other forum. Short papers should describe ongoing work, recent insights, or summaries of significant research, that address research problems targeting top-tier research venues. Short papers should be particularly well suited to poster presentations.Manuscripts should be submitted to the CIKM 2024 Easychair site in PDF format, using the ACM sigconf template, see Submissions should be in 2-column sigconf format. Short papers cannot exceed 4 pages plus unlimited references.
Papers should be submitted through the CIKM 2024 online submission system. The review of short papers will be double-blind, and those submissions that have not been properly anonymized will be desk-rejected without review.
Papers that include text generated from a large-scale language model (LLM) such as ChatGPT are prohibited unless this produced text is presented as a part of the paper’s experimental analysis. AI tools may be used to edit and polish authors’ work, such as using LLMs for light editing of their own text (e.g., automate grammar checks, word autocorrect, and other editing work), but text “produced entirely” by AI is not allowed.
At least one author of each accepted paper must register to present the work on-site in Boise, Idaho, USA, as scheduled in the conference program.
The official publication date is when the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to two weeks before the first day of the conference. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work.
Dual Submission Policy
It is not allowed to submit papers that are identical (or substantially similar) to versions that have been previously published, or accepted for publication, or that have been submitted in parallel to other conferences (or any venue with published proceedings). Such submissions violate our dual-submission policy. There are several exceptions to this rule:
Submission is permitted for papers presented or to be presented at conferences or workshops without proceedings, or with only abstracts published.
Submission is permitted for papers that have previously been made available as a technical report or similar, e.g., in arXiv. In this case, the authors should not cite the report, so as to preserve anonymity.
Authorship Policy
Before paper submission, authors are advised to review ACM’s authorship policy carefully. Please ensure that all authors are identified in EasyChair before the submission deadline. To help reviewers identify potential conflicts of interest, the full author list must be specified by the abstract submission deadline. Consequently, no changes to authorship will be allowed under any circumstance after the abstract submission deadline; neither update will be permitted for camera-ready versions.
Desk Rejection Policy
Submissions that fail to adhere to the anonymity, length, or formatting requirements, or violate ACM’s policies on academic dishonesty—such as plagiarism, author misrepresentation, or falsification—may be subject to desk rejection by the chairs.
ACM Policy Against Harassment
All authors and participants must adhere to the ACM Policy Against Harassment. For full details, please visit this site:
Chairs Contact Information
For more information, contact the short paper chairs at: CIKM2024-short [at] easychair [dot] org
Arijit Khan, Aalborg University, Denmark
Barbara Poblete, University of Chile, Chile/Amazon, USA.
Hua Wen, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR, China
* We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CfP *
* For the online version of this Call, visit:
CIKM 2024: 33rd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management
Boise, Idaho, USA
October 21–25, 2024
The Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM) provides a unique venue for industry and academia to present and discuss state-of-the-art research on artificial intelligence, search and discovery, data mining, and database systems, all at a single conference. CIKM is uniquely situated to highlight technologies and insights that materialize the big data and artificial intelligence vision of the future. CIKM 2024 will take place between October 21-25, 2024 in Boise, Idaho, USA.
Key Dates
* Full Papers abstract: 13 May 2024
* Full Papers: 20 May 2024
* Papers notifications: 16 July 2024
* Camera ready: 8 August 2024
(All deadlines are at 11:59 pm AOE)
Topics of Interest
We encourage submissions of high-quality research papers on the general areas of artificial intelligence, data science, databases, information retrieval, and knowledge management. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following areas:
* Data and information acquisition and preprocessing (e.g., data crawling, IoT data, data quality, data privacy, mitigating biases, data wrangling)
* Integration and aggregation (e.g., semantic processing, data provenance, data linkage, data fusion, knowledge graphs, data warehousing, data lake, privacy and security, modeling, information credibility)
* Efficient data processing (e.g., serverless, data-intensive computing, database systems, indexing and compression, architectures, distributed data systems, dataspaces, customized hardware)
* Special data processing (e.g., multilingual text, sequential, stream, time series, spatio-temporal, (knowledge) graph, multimedia, scientific, and social media data)
* Analytics and machine learning (e.g., OLAP, data mining, machine learning and AI, scalable analysis algorithms, algorithmic biases, event detection, and tracking, understanding, and interpretability)
* Neural Information and knowledge processing (e.g., graph neural networks, domain adaptation, transfer learning, network architectures, neural ranking, neural recommendation, and neural prediction)
* Data preparation, Valuation, and Trading
* Information access and retrieval (e.g., web search, question answering and dialogue systems, retrieval models, query processing, personalization, recommender, and filtering systems)
* Users and interfaces for information systems (e.g., user behavior analysis, user interface design, perception of biases, personalization, interactive information retrieval, interactive analysis, spoken interfaces)
* Evaluation, performance studies, and benchmarks (e.g., online and offline evaluation, best practices)
* Crowdsourcing (e.g. task assignment, worker reliability, optimization, trustworthiness, transparency, best practices)
* Mining multi-modal content (e.g., natural language processing, speech recognition, computer vision, content understanding, knowledge extraction, knowledge graphs, and knowledge representations)
* Data presentation (e.g., visualization, summarization, readability, VR, speech input/output)
* Applications (e.g., urban systems, biomedical and health informatics, legal informatics, crisis informatics, computational social science, data-enabled discovery, social media)
* Knowledge graphs support data representation and manipulation
* Generation of knowledge graphs using unstructured data
* Information retrieval in the era of LLMs
* Open-ended QA systems
* Fairness, Accountability, Transparency, Ethics, and Explainability in Information and Knowledge Management
Paper Submissions
Authors are invited to submit original, full-length research papers that are not previously published, accepted to be published, or being considered for publication in any other forum. Full-length papers should satisfy the standard requirements of top-tier international research conferences.
Manuscripts should be submitted to CIKM 2024 Easychair site in PDF format, using the 2-column ACM sigconf template, see . Full papers cannot exceed 9 pages, including an appendix, plus unlimited references. Rejected full papers will not be considered for publication as short papers. The review of manuscripts will be double-blind, and submissions not properly anonymized will be desk-rejected without review.
Papers that include text generated from a large-scale language model (LLM), such as ChatGPT, are prohibited unless this produced text is presented as a part of the paper’s experimental analysis. AI tools may be used to edit and polish authors’ work, such as using LLMs for light editing of their text (e.g., automate grammar checks, word autocorrect, and other editing of author-written text), but text “produced entirely” by generative/AI models is not allowed.
At least one author of each accepted paper must register to present the work on-site in Boise, Idaho, USA, as scheduled in the conference program.
The official publication date is when the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to two weeks before the first day of the conference. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work.
Dual Submission Policy
Submitting papers that are identical (or substantially similar) to versions that have been published, accepted for publication, or submitted in parallel to other conferences (or any venue with published proceedings) is not allowed. However, it is allowed to make an abstract submission by May 13, 2024 (without uploading the paper PDF) for a paper that is still under review as long as the ongoing review process ends by the full paper final deadline of May 20, 2024. You need to withdraw your submission in case the paper is accepted or still under review by May 20, 2024.
Authors are allowed to submit papers that have been presented or are to be presented at conferences or workshops without proceedings, or with only abstracts published. Authors may also submit anonymized work already available as a preprint (e.g., in arXiv). In this case, the authors must modify the title and abstract while refraining from citing the manuscript to preserve anonymity.
Authorship Policy
Before paper submission, authors are advised to review ACM’s authorship policy carefully. Please ensure that all authors are identified in EasyChair before the submission deadline. To help reviewers identify potential conflicts of interest, the full author list must be specified by the abstract submission deadline. Consequently, no changes to authorship will be allowed under any circumstance after the abstract submission deadline; neither update will be permitted for camera-ready versions.
Desk Rejection Policy
Submissions that fail to adhere to the anonymity, length, or formatting requirements, or violate ACM’s policies on academic dishonesty—such as plagiarism, author misrepresentation, or falsification—may be subject to desk rejection by the chairs.
ACM Policy Against Harassment
All authors and participants must adhere to the ACM Policy Against Harassment. For full details, please visit this site:
Chairs Contact Information
For more information, contact the PC chairs at: CIKM2024-pc [at] easychair [dot] org
Carlotta Domeniconi, George Mason University, USA
Zhifeng Bao, RMIT University, Australia
Sole Pera, TU Delft, Netherlands
****We apologize for multiple postings of this e-mail****
IberLEF 2024 Task - HOPE: Approaching Hope Speech Detection in Social
Media from Two Perspectives, for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and as
Held as part of the evaluation forum IberLEF 2024
<> in the 40th
edition of the International Conference of the Spanish Society for Natural
Language Processing (SEPLN 2024
Valladolid, Spain, 24-27 September 2024
Codalab link:
Dear All,
Hope, a crucial aspect of human psychology, profoundly shapes emotions,
behavior, and mood, influencing how individuals perceive and navigate
challenges (Bruininks and Malle, 2005; Snyder, 1994, 2000). High levels of
hope correlate with positive outcomes such as academic success and lower
depression rates, while low hope is associated with diminished well-being
(Snyder, 2002; Snyder et al., 1997; Diener, 2009). Despite its
significance, hope has been underexplored in Natural Language Processing
(NLP) until recent years. Efforts have been made to integrate NLP
techniques into the analysis of hope through shared tasks, like those
organized in ACL 2022, RANLP 2023, and IberLEF 2023 (Chakravarthi et al.,
2022; Kumaresan et al., 2023; Jiménez-Zafra et al., 2023). The upcoming
IberLEF 2024 edition aims to delve deeper into hope from two angles: hope
for equality, diversity, and inclusion, and hope as expectations. This
edition promises to expand understanding by examining hope across different
domains and languages, thus addressing crucial questions in hope speech
detection research. Two tasks are outlined in this description, each
focusing on different aspects of hope.
Task 1: It centers on "Hope for Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion,"
emphasizing the importance of hope speech in mitigating hostility and
supporting individuals facing challenges like illness, stress, or
loneliness, particularly within vulnerable groups such as the LGBT
community and racial minorities. This task consists of giving a Spanish
tweet, identifying whether it contains hope speech or not. The possible
categories for each text are:
hs: hope speech.
nhs: non hope speech.
Task 2: It delves into "Hope as Expectations," highlighting hope's role
as an anticipatory mindset shaping human emotions and behaviors, especially
in the context of social media where expressions are abundant. This task
aims to analyze hope speech's presence in English and Spanish texts,
focusing on binary hope speech detection and multiclass hope speech
detection.The subtask are presented as follows,
Subtask 2a- Binary Hope speech detection: A given text in
English/Spanish will be classified as:
Not Hope
Subtask 2b- Multiclass Hope speech detection: A given text in
English/Spanish will be classified as:
Generalized Hope
Realistic Hope
Unrealistic Hope
Not Hope
In both tasks, there will be a real-time leaderboard and the participants
will be allowed to make a maximum of 10 submissions through CodaLab, from
which each team will have to select the best one for ranking.
The dataset details and registration are available at:
Best regards,
The HOPE 2024 organizing committee
Important dates
Release of training + development corpora: Feb 16, 2024.
Release of test corpora and start of evaluation campaign: Mar 23, 2024.
End of evaluation campaign (deadline for runs submission): Apr 7, 2024.
Publication of official results: Apr 9, 2024.
Paper submission: May 5, 2024.
Review notification: Jun 2, 2024.
Camera-ready submission: Jun 19, 2024.
IberLEF Workshop (SEPLN 2024): Sep 27, 2024.
Publication of proceedings: Sep ??, 2024.
Organizing Committee
Daniel García-Baena, SINAI, Universidad de Jaén, Spain.
Fazlourrahman Balouchzahi, CIC IPN, Mexico.
Salud María Jiménez-Zafra, SINAI, Universidad de Jaén, Spain.
Sabur Butt, Institute for the Future of Education (IFE) at Tecnológico
de Monterrey, Mexico.
Miguel Ángel García-Cumbreras, SINAI, Universidad de Jaén, Spain.
Atnafu Lambebo Tonja, Centro de Investigación en Computación, Instituto
Politécnico Nacional (IPN), Mexico.
José Antonio García-Díaz, UMUTeam, Universidad de Murcia, Spain.
Bharathi Raja Chakravarthi, University of Galway, Ireland.
Hector G. Ceballos, Institute for the Future of Education (IFE) at
Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico.
Rafael Valencia-García, UMUTeam, Universidad de Murcia, Spain.
Grigori Sidorov, CIC IPN, Mexico.
L. Alfonso Ureña-López, SINAI, Universidad de Jaén, Spain.
Alexander Gelbukh, CIC IPN, Mexico.
*Sabur Butt, Ph.D. *(He/Him)
Institute for the Future of Education (IFE)
*Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico*
Address: Av. Eugenio Garza Sada 2501 Sur Tecnológico, 64849 Monterrey, N.L.
LinkedIn <> - GitHub
<> - Scholar
<> - Website
Peter Crosthwaite
Methodological considerations in selecting and designing corpus tools
University of Queensland
Brisbane, Australia
Date: Thursday, April 25, 2024
Time: 4:15pm (Sao Paulo time)
Online Zoom webinar
Register for free:
Upon registration, you will receive the link to join the Zoom session by
email. This may take a few days, because manual screening is involved.
Projeto Temático Fapesp 2022/05908-0
*Training* *set* *released**!*
Please, consider participating and/or forwarding to colleagues and groups.
****We apologize for multiple postings of this e-mail****
MentalRiskES at IberLEF 2024: Call for Participation
MentalRiskEs describes the second edition of a novel task on early risk
identification of mental disorders in Spanish comments from social media
sources. The first edition took place last year in the IberLEF evaluation
forum as part of the SEPLN 2023. The task was resolved as an online
problem, that is, the participants had to detect a potential risk as early
as possible in a continuous stream of data. Therefore, the performance not
only depended on the accuracy of the systems but also on how fast the
problem was detected. These dynamics are reflected in the design of the
tasks and the metrics used to evaluate participants. For this second
edition, we propose three novel tasks, the first subtask is about the
detection of the disorder, the second subtask consists of detecting the
context that may be associated with the disorder, and the third subtask is
about suicidal ideation detection.
We would like to invite you to participate in the following tasks:
1. Disorders detection (multi-class classification)
2. Disorder contextualization (fine-grained classification)
3. Suicidal ideation detection (binary classification)
Find out more at
MentalRiskES 2024 is part of the IberLEF Workshop and will be held in
conjunction with the SEPLN 2024 conference in Valladolid (Spain).
Important Dates
Feb 16th Registration open
Feb 21st Release of trial corpora (trial server available)
*Mar 20th Release of training corpora*
Mar 29th Registration closed
Apr 8th Release of test corpora and start of the evaluation
campaign (test server available and trial submissions closed)
Apr 12th End of evaluation campaign (deadline for submission
of runs)
Apr 18th Publication of official results and release of test
gold labels
May 10th Deadline for paper submission
May 31st Acceptance notification
Jun 17th Camera-ready submission deadline
July 11th Final camera-ready submission deadline (to IberLEF
Please reach out to the organizers at MentalRiskEs@IberLEF2024.
The MentalRiskES 2024 organizing committee.
M. Dolores Molina González