[Spanish version below]
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*Call for papers for the issue 70 of the journal Procesamiento del
Lenguaje Natural*
The submission deadline for the journal Procesamiento del Lenguaje
Natural has just extended until 16 December, 2023.
*Important dates*
* *Submission deadline: 16 December 2022*
* Notification of acceptance: 31 January 2023
* Camera ready: 6 February 2023
* Publication: March 2023
Submission platform: http://myreview.sepln.org/myreview-sepln70/
The aim of the journal Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural is to provide
a forum for the publication of scientific-technical articles in the
field of Natural Language Processing (NLP), for both the national and
international scientific community. The articles must be unpublished and
cannot be simultaneously submitted for publication in other journals or
conference proceedings. The journal also aims to promote the development
of areas related to NLP, disseminate research carried out, identify
future guidelines for basic research, and present software applications
in this field. Every year the Sociedad Española de Procesamiento del
Lenguaje Natural (SEPLN) (Spanish Society for the Natural Language
Processing) publishes two issues of the journal, including original
articles, presentations of R&D projects, book reviews and summaries of
PhD theses.
The scientific quality of the Journal is supported by the 2021 JCR index
(JCI: 0.21, Q4-Linguistics - ESCI), the SCImago Journal Ranking (SJR:
0.217, Q4-Computer Science Applications, Q2-Linguistics and Language),
the Scopus Index (CiteScore: 1.5, Q4-Computer Science Applications,
Q2-Linguistics and Language) and the index SNIP (Source Normalized
Impact per Paper) with 0.37 points. More information at:
* Linguistic, mathematical and psycholinguistic models of language
* Machine learning in NLP
* Computational lexicography and terminology
* Corpus linguistics
* Development of linguistic resources and tools
* Grammars and formalisms for morphological and syntactic analysis
* Semantics, pragmatics and discourse
* Word sense disambiguation
* Monolingual and multilingual text generation
* Machine translation
* Knowledge and common sense
* Multimodality
* Speech synthesis and recognition
* Dialogue systems and interactive systems/ Conversational assistants
* Audio indexing and retrieval
* Monolingual and multilingual information extraction and retrieval
* Question answering systems
* Evaluation of NLP systems
* Automatic textual content analysis
* Sentiment analysis, opinion mining and argument mining
* Plagiarism detection
* Negation and speculation processing
* Text mining in blogosphere and social networks
* Text summarization
* Text simplification
* Image retrieval
* NLP in biomedical domain
* NLP-based generation of teaching resources
* NLP for languages with limited resources
* NLP industrial applications
* Low-resource NLP tasks, data augmentation
*Submission Information*
The proposal must be submitted by *December 16nd, 2022* and must meet
certain format and style requirements.
All submissions must be in PDF format and submitted electronically using
the Myreview system available at:
Submitted papers will be subjected to a blind review by at least three
members of the program committee.
*Categories of papers*
* Regular papers with original contributions.
* Summary of PhD thesis.
*Information for Authors*
The proposals can be written in Spanish or English and should be at most
10 A4-size pages of content, plus unlimited pages for references, and 4
pages maximum for summaries of PhD theses.
The papers must include the following sections:
* The title of the communication (in English and Spanish).
* An abstract in English and Spanish (maximum 150 words).
* A list of keywords or related topics (in English and Spanish).
* The documents must not include headers or footers.
As reviewing will be blind, the paper should not include the authors’
names and affiliation. Furthermore, self-references that reveal the
author’s identity should be avoided. The articles should only include
the title, the abstract, the keywords and the proposal.
We recommend using the LaTeX and Word templates that can be downloaded
from the SEPLN web (author guidelines have been updated):
*Note on camera ready*
The final version of the paper (camera ready) should be submitted
together with a cover letter explaining how the suggestions of the
reviewers were implemented in the final version. This cover letter will
be considered in order to accept or finally reject the selected paper.
*Preprint policy*
The Journal allows the publication of preprints (non-refereed paper
posted online, such as ArXiv) anytime, but during the review period the
preprint must indicate that the paper it is “under review” in the
Journal Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural. Likewise, if the paper is
accepted, the preprint must be updated with the DOI, name of the Journal
and the bibliographic information of the paper.
*Important dates*
* *Submission deadline: 16 December 2022*
* Notification of acceptance: 31 January 2023
* Camera ready: 6 February 2023
* Publication: March 2023
Contact person: Eugenio Martínez Cámara (emcamara(a)decsai.ugr.es)
Editorial Committee of the Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural
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*Petición de artículos para la revista Procesamiento del Lenguaje
Natural nº 70.*
*Fechas importantes*
* Envío de trabajos: 16 de
diciembre de 2022
* Notificación de aceptación o rechazo: 31 de enero de 2023
* Versión final: 6 de
febrero de 2023
* Publicación: Marzo de 2023
Plataforma de envío: http://myreview.sepln.org/myreview-sepln70/
*Objetivos de la revista*
La revista Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural es un foro de publicación
de artículos científico-técnicos en el ámbito del Procesamiento del
Lenguaje Natural (PLN), tanto para la comunidad científica nacional como
internacional. Los artículos tienen que ser inéditos y no haber sido
postulados para ser publicados simultáneamente en otras revistas o actas
de congresos. La revista quiere potenciar el desarrollo de las
diferentes áreas relacionadas con el PLN, mejorar la divulgación de las
investigaciones que se llevan a cabo, identificar las futuras
directrices de la investigación básica y mostrar las posibilidades
reales de aplicación en este campo. Anualmente la SEPLN (Sociedad
Española para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural) publica dos números
de la revista, que incluyen artículos originales, presentaciones de
proyectos, reseñas bibliográficas y resúmenes de tesis doctorales.
La calidad científica de la Revista está respaldada por el índice del
JCR 2021 (JCI: 0,21, Q4-Linguistics - ESCI), el índice SCImago Journal
Ranking (SJR: 0,217, Q4-Computer Science Applications, Q2-Linguistics
and Language), el índice de Scopus (CiteScore: 1,5, Q4-Computer Science
Applications, Q2-Linguistics and Language) y el índice SNIP (Source
Normalized Impact per Paper) con 0,37 puntos. Más información en
*Áreas temáticas*
* Modelos de lenguaje matemáticos y psicolingüísticos
* Aprendizaje automático en PLN
* Lexicografía y terminología computacional
* Lingüística de corpus
* Desarrollo de recursos y herramientas lingüísticas
* Gramáticas y formalismos para análisis morfológico y sintáctico
* Semántica, pragmática y discurso
* Resolución de ambigüedad léxico-semántica
* Generación de texto monolingüe y multilingüe
* Traducción automática
* Multimodalidad
* Reconocimiento y síntesis de habla
* Sistemas de diálogo/ asistentes conversacionales
* Auto-indexación
* Recuperación y extracción de información monolingüe y multilingüe
* Sistemas de búsqueda de respuestas
* Evaluación de sistemas de PLN
* Análisis automático de contenido textual
* Análisis de sentimiento y minería de opiniones
* Detección de plagio
* Procesamiento de la negación y la especulación
* Minería de texto en la blogosfera y las redes sociales
* Resumen automático de texto
* Simplificación de texto
* Recuperación de imágenes
* Conocimiento y sentido común
* PLN en el ámbito biomédico
* Generación de recursos didácticos basada en PLN
* PLN para lenguas con recursos limitados
* Aplicaciones industriales del PLN
* Tratamiento del Lenguaje Hablado
*Envío de trabajos*
Las propuestas de trabajos (artículos y resúmenes de tesis) podrán ser
enviadas hasta la fecha límite del *16 de diciembre de 2022*.
El envío y la revisión de las propuestas se realizarán exclusivamente en
formato PDF y se gestionarán a través del sistema Myreview:
La evaluación de los trabajos pasará por un proceso de revisión ciego
realizado como mínimo por tres miembros del consejo asesor de la SEPLN.
*Tipos de trabajos*
* Artículos sobre contribuciones originales.
* Reseñas de tesis doctorales.
*Instrucciones para los Autores*
Los trabajos pueden estar escritos en español o en inglés y su longitud
máxima será de 10 páginas de contenido más un número ilimitado de
páginas de referencias para los artículos científicos, y de un máximo de
4 páginas para los resúmenes de tesis.
Las propuestas deben contener los siguientes apartados:
* El título del artículo (en español e inglés).
* Un resumen en español y un abstract en inglés de un máximo de 150
* Un listado de temas relacionados o palabras clave (en español e inglés).
* Los documentos no podrán incluir cabeceras ni pies de página.
Como la fase de revisión de los trabajos es ciega, en los artículos que
se envíen no se debe incluir ninguna referencia a los autores ni
referencias propias que revelen la identidad de los mismos. Todas las
contribuciones deben contener únicamente el título, el resumen, las
palabras claves y la propuesta.
En el caso de los resúmenes de tesis, el anonimato no es necesario.
Los trabajos deben seguir el formato de las revistas de la SEPLN
disponible en la siguiente dirección:
Las guías se han actualizado, por favor, utilicen las que están
disponibles en la página web de la revista.
*Nota sobre la versión final*
La versión final del trabajo (camera ready) debe enviarse con un
documento en el que se explique cómo se han implementado las sugerencias
de los revisores. Dicho documento se tendrá en cuenta para aceptar o
rechazar el trabajo en cuestión.
*Política de prepublicación*
La revista permite publicar una versión no revisada de los artículos en
plataformas de prepublicación (plataformas de artículos no evaluados
como ArXiv). Sin embargo, durante el periodo de revisión se debe indicar
que el artículo está “en revisión” en la revista Procesamiento del
Lenguaje Natural. Si el artículo es aceptado, se debe actualizar la
publicación en la plataforma de prepublicación con el DOI, nombre de la
revista y la información bibliográfica del artículo.
*Fechas importantes*
* Envío de trabajos: 16 de
diciembre de 2022
* Notificación de aceptación o rechazo: 31 de enero de 2023
* Versión final: 6 de
febrero de 2023
* Publicación: Marzo de 2023
Persona de contacto: Eugenio Martínez Cámara (emcamara(a)decsai.ugr.es)
Consejo de redacción de la revista Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural.
Eugenio Martínez Cámara
Profesor Ayudante Doctor | Junior Lecturer
DaSCI, Instituto Andaluz de Inteligencia Artificial | DaSCI, Andalusian Institute in Artificial Intelligence.
Dpto. Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial | Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence department.
Universidad de Granada
Dear colleagues,
We are very pleased to announce that the 10th edition of the Conference on Computer-Mediated Communication and Social Media Corpora (CMC-CORPORA) will be jointly hosted by Mannheim University and the Leibniz Institute for the German Language on September 14-15, 2023 in Mannheim, Germany. Save the date!
For more information go to https://www.uni-mannheim.de/cmc-corpora2023/ .
The Call for Papers will be released in January 2023. The submission deadline will be around the end of April 2023.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
The Organizers:
Jutta Bopp, Louis Cotgrove, Laura Herzberg, Harald Lüngen, Andreas Witt
EACL 2023 Student Research Workshop Second Call for Papers
View on the web at
Main Conference: May 2-6, 2023
Paper Submission Deadline: December 16, 2022
## General Rules for Submission
The EACL 2023 Student Research Workshop (SRW) provides a forum for
student researchers who are investigating various areas related to
Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing. The workshop
provides an excellent opportunity for student participants to present
their work and receive valuable feedback from the international research
community. The workshop’s goal is to aid students at multiple stages of
their education: including undergraduate, masters, junior, and senior
PhD students.
We invite papers in two different categories:
Thesis Proposals: This category is appropriate for PhD students who have
decided on a thesis topic and wish to get feedback on their proposal and
ideas about future directions for their work.
Research Papers: Papers in this category can describe completed work, or
work-in-progress with preliminary results. For these papers, the first
author MUST BE a current graduate or undergraduate student. We encourage
submissions from Ph.D. students, as well as Masters or advanced
undergraduate students. Topics of interest for the SRW are the same as
for the main conference (https://2023.eacl.org/calls/papers/).
Please see the submission guidelines page for more information at
## Benefits of participation
All accepted papers and thesis proposals will be presented in the main
conference poster session, giving students an opportunity to interact
with and present their work to a large and diverse audience, including
top researchers in the field and assigned mentors.
Submissions (in both categories) may either be archival or non-archival,
based on the wishes of the authors. All archival papers will be
published in the EACL 2023 SRW Proceedings. All non-archival papers may
be submitted to any venue in the future except another SRW.
Each willing participant is also assigned a mentor - an experienced
researcher - who can provide mentoring during the conference.
## Important Dates
Paper submission deadline: December 16, 2022
Acceptance notification: February 24, 2023
Camera-ready deadline: March 17, 2023
EACL conference dates: May 2-6, 2023
All deadlines are 11:59PM UTC-12:00 (“anywhere on Earth”).
## Submission Requirements
We accept both archival submissions (i.e., the work can be included in
the conference proceedings) and non-archival submissions (the work will
be presented in the workshop, but will not be part of the proceedings).
The “archival” submissions should follow the anonymity period and
restrictions of the main conference as appears in
Papers can be submitted as short or long papers.
Short papers consist of up to four (4) pages of content, plus unlimited
references. Upon acceptance, they will be given five (5) content pages
in the proceedings.
Long papers consist of up to eight (8) pages of content, plus unlimited
references. Upon acceptance, they will be given nine (9) content pages
in the proceedings.
Thesis proposals consist of up to eight (8) pages of content, plus
unlimited references. Upon acceptance, they will be given nine (9)
content pages in the proceedings.
Authors are encouraged to use this additional page to address reviewers’
comments in their final versions.
Paper submissions must use the official EACL 2023 style templates. All
submissions must be in PDF format and must conform to the official style
guidelines, which are contained in these template files. The review
process is blind; hence, all submissions must be anonymized.
The SRW invites papers on topics related to computational linguistics,
including but not limited to:
Anaphora, Discourse and Pragmatics
Computational Social Science and Social Media
Dialogue and Interactive Systems
Document analysis, Text Categorization and Topic Models
Generation and Summarization
Ethical and Sustainable NLP
Information Retrieval and Search
Information Extraction
Interpretability and Model Analysis in NLP
Language Resources and Evaluation
Language Grounding and Multi-Modality
Linguistic Theories, Cognitive Modeling and Psycholinguistics
Machine Learning in NLP
Machine Translation
Multidisciplinary and NLP Applications
Question Answering
Semantics: lexical
Semantics: sentence level and other areas
Sentiment Analysis and Argument Mining
Phonology, Morphology, and Word Segmentation
Tagging, Chunking, Syntax, and Parsing
Student Research Workshop Co-Chairs
Elisa Bassignana, IT University of Copenhagen
Matthias Lindemann, University of Edinburgh
Alban Petit, University of Paris-Saclay
Student Research Workshop Faculty Advisor
Valerio Basile, University of Turin
The organizers of the workshop can be contacted by email at
More details can be found at https://sites.google.com/view/eacl2023srw
NBME (National Board of Medical Examiners)
Summer 2023 Internships in Assessment Science, Psychometrics, and Educational Technology
June 5 - July 28, 2023
This year's internship is fully virtual. Both part-time and full-time internship positions are available. The internship is suitable for students that have completed at least two years of coursework and are actively enrolled in a doctoral program in computer science, statistics, measurement, cognitive science, medical education, or related field. Interns will be assigned to one or more mentors and will interact with other graduate students and NBME staff. The expected deliverables from the summer internship project are an internal research presentation, as well as a conference submission / presentation and/or a paper submitted for publication. Application deadline is Tuesday, January 31, 2023, at midnight PST. More information about the summer internship program can be found in the application portal: https://nbme.applicantpro.com/jobs/2627749.html
The pay is $45 an hour. Total stipend for full-time interns (35 hours per week) is $12,600. Total stipend for part-time interns will range from $5,400 (15 hour per week) to $7,200 (20 hours per week). Applicants will indicate their preference (full-time and/or part-time) when applying. In addition, NBME will provide a $1000 stipend toward attending a conference for all full-time and part-time interns.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Chris Runyon: CRunyon(a)nbme.org<mailto:CRunyon@nbme.org>
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In memory of Gerry Nelson
We are extremely sad to announce the death of our friend and colleague,
Gerald (Gerry) Nelson, Professor Emeritus of the Chinese University of
Hong Kong, who has died following a short illness on 20 October 2022.
Gerry will be laid to rest on Saturday 3 December at 10am in St Mary's
Catholic Church in his home town of Mynooth, Kildare, Ireland.
If you would like to leave a tribute to Gerry, you can do so here:
Gerry was born in 1959 in Maynooth, Ireland, and studied at Maynooth
University for his BA and MA. He received his PhD in theories of
linguistic form in the 18th Century from University College Dublin, and
worked in public libraries until he got what he referred to as ‘his big
break’ in 1991, when he joined the Survey of English Usage as a Research
Fellow on a three-year ESRC grant. This was followed by a two-year
Leverhulme project, during which he contributed substantially to Sidney
Greenbaum’s Oxford English Grammar. Later on, he took over the reins of
three further editions of Sidney’s Introduction to English Grammar.
Gerry joined an ambitious project, the International Corpus of English
(ICE), which became central to his academic life. This project,
initially proposed by Sidney Greenbaum in 1989, would be a multi-centre
international project. Every member of the network (some 20 teams) would
create a corpus according to the same strict criteria, permitting
English varieties to be meaningfully compared for the first time.
Although this challenge later proved difficult, data would be collected
synchronically within a short time window from 1990 to 1992.
Gerry and Sid updated Randolph Quirk’s Survey Corpus model of a corpus
of both speech and writing, refining the design in a number of ways.
There were to be more varied genres and contexts, texts would be shorter
at 2,000 words each, and there were a number of practical stipulations
on corpus participants, some of which were easier to apply than others!
Crucially, every requirement would be applied equally to every variety
of English captured by project teams – a task that proved challenging.
Gerry was the principal coordinator for the British Component of ICE,
As well as obtaining recordings and texts, Gerry, the ex-librarian, had
to obtain permission forms from a thousand participants, ranging from
individuals to the BBC Copyright and Artists’ Department. Gerry designed
the structural markup for transcribing and annotating the corpus.
Gerry took on the process of data collection and archival, and it was
Gerry and Sid, with Nelleke Oostdijk and Hans van Halteren in Nijmegen,
who applied the Quirk grammar to the corpus. The two books Comparing
English Worldwide (1996, edited by Greenbaum) and Exploring Natural
Language (2002, authored with Sean Wallis and Bas Aarts) stand in
testament to the huge contribution that Gerry made to the field of
corpus annotation, and to the highly collaborative way of working that
these projects represented.
Following Sidney’s death in 1996, Bas Aarts took over the reins as
Director of the Survey, and Chuck Meyer in Boston initially coordinated
the ICE project. Gerry remained the leader of the ICE-GB component,
which was completed under his stewardship in 1998, with a second release
in 2006.
Gerry was offered a Research Professorship at the University of Hong
Kong in 2000, where he stayed for two years. He returned to UCL as a
lecturer and became the Deputy Director of the Survey in 2002. It was
during this second period at UCL that he worked on the Diachronic Corpus
of Present Day Spoken English (DCPSE) corpus, which was released in 2006
alongside the second release of ICE-GB.
Gerry worked at the Survey from 2002 to 2007, when he left to take up a
Chair at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, where he remained until
his retirement in 2020.
In 2001, Gerry became the ICE project’s principal coordinator, a
responsibility he undertook for fifteen years, finally handing over the
project reins to colleagues in Zurich in 2016.
Under his stewardship, the ICE project continued to grow, despite the
usual problems of funding. Gerry was the principal expert advising ICE
teams around the world on their collection and annotation strategies,
applying a healthy dose of humour and pragmatism to the inevitable
challenges that corpus building in multiple jurisdictions by teams with
limited resources inevitably represents. He was very well-known
internationally, especially in the circles of scholars working on World
Gerry was looking forward to further collaborations following his
retirement. He continued to have a close relationship with his English
Department colleagues at CUHK and UCL, and it was a terrible shock for
all of us to hear of his untimely death in October 2022.
Sean Wallis and Bas Aarts
Survey of English Usage
University College London
Sean Wallis
Principal Research Fellow
Survey of English Usage, University College London
Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT
Web: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/english-usage
Home: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/english-usage/staff/sean
Blog: http://corplingstats.wordpress.com
Out now: /Statistics in Corpus Linguistics Research
(Routledge, 2021).
Joint editor, with J. Holmwood, R. Cohen and T. Hickey, 2016. /In
Defence of Public Higher Education: Knowledge for a Successful Society/
(The Alternative White Paper for HE
<http://heconvention2.wordpress.com/>). London: HE Convention.
Dear colleagues:
We invite participants to a three-day winter school on large-scale neural NLP research – language modeling and machine translation for non-English languages – using massive Web data. The school will provide lectures, possibly some hands-on exercises, and space for discussion by and with Emily M. Bender, Philipp Koehn, Teven Le Scao, Nikola Ljubešić, Sebastian Nagel, Pedro Ortiz Suarez, Anna Rogers, Zeerak Talat, and Ivan Vulić.
The winter school is organized as a collaboration between the Horizon Europe project High-Performance Language Technologies (HPLT) and the Nordic Language Processing Laboratory (NLPL). The event will be held ‘in real life’ on February 6–8, 2023, in Norway. For additional information, please see:
There is no participant fee for the winter school, and HPLT will provide free bus transfer between the Oslo airport and the conference hotel (about two hours north of Oslo, with skiing facilities just outside the door). Participants will need to cover their own travel to Oslo and accommodation at the hotel (at about NOK 3200 for two nights in a single room, including all meals and conference facilities).
We kindly invite expressions of interest in participation in the winter school. Please register through the on-line form linked up from the above overview page. We will process requests for participation on a first-come, first-served basis, with an eye toward regional balance. Participation will be confirmed in three batches, one on December 5, another one on December 12, and finally after the closing date for registration, which is Thursday, December 15, 2022.
Welcome to Skeikampen in February 2023!
Stephan Oepen (for the organizing team)
Release of BabelNet 5.2
We are proud to announce the release of a new version of BabelNet
<https://babelnet.org/>, its Virtuoso SPARQL endpoint and its programmatic
APIs, both for Java and Python, developed jointly by the Sapienza NLP Group
<http://nlp.uniroma1.it> of Sapienza University of Rome under the
supervision of prof. Roberto Navigli <https://www.diag.uniroma1.it/navigli/>
and Babelscape <https://babelscape.com/>, a deep-tech multilingual NLP
company providing innovative solutions for natural language understanding.
BabelNet -- winner of the prominent paper award 2017 from the Artificial
Intelligence Journal and the META prize 2015, and covered in media such as The
and Time magazine
-- is today’s most far-reaching multilingual lexical-semantic knowledge
graph which, according to need, can be used as an encyclopedic dictionary,
or a semantic network or a huge knowledge base/ontology. It has been used
by more than 1000 universities and research institutions, enabling
multilinguality in several fields of AI and NLP, such as semantic search,
Word Sense Disambiguation, Semantic Role Labeling, image tagging and
semantically-enhanced multimodality.
BabelNet was created by means of the seamless integration and interlinking
of the largest multilingual Web encyclopedia - i.e., Wikipedia - with the
most popular computational lexicon of English - i.e., WordNet, and other
lexical-semantic resources such as Wikidata, Wiktionary, OmegaWiki, dozens
of wordnets (including Open English WordNet), GeoNames, and ImageNet. The
BabelNet model is centered around multilingual synsets, i.e., concepts and
named entities lexicalized in many languages, and connected with large
amounts of semantic relations.
Version 5.2 ships with the following features:
21 new languages for a grand total of 520 languages;
22 million synsets covered;
Wikipedia and Wikidata updated thanks to BabelNet live (October 2022
Wiktionary has been updated and 45k new concepts have been integrated
(October 2022 dump);
Lemma casing updated in 24 languages;
Images associated with synsets have been updated;
Cross-resource mapping updated;
- *Domain labels updated*;
Wikipedia labels are *now *multilingual.
More statistics are available at: babelnet.org/statistics.
Kind regards,
The BabelNet Team
Roberto Navigli* - Professor*
Department of Computer, Control and Management Engineering
Sapienza University of Rome
Via Ariosto, 25
00185 Roma Italy
Phone: +39 06 77274109
Home Page: https://www.diag.uniroma1.it/navigli/
Sapienza NLP Group: http://nlp.uniroma1.it
Co-founder of Babelscape <https://babelscape.com>
Hi all,
Please see the advert and links below for more details on Lancaster University’s large investment in interdisciplinary security related research. Obviously I’d like to encourage those in the Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning areas to apply. If you’d like to informally discuss this, then please get in touch.
Security and Protection Science
Closing Date: Sunday 08 January 2023
Reference: SPS
Lecturer - https://hr-jobs.lancs.ac.uk/SPS01
Senior Lecturer - https://hr-jobs.lancs.ac.uk/SPS02
Professor - https://hr-jobs.lancs.ac.uk/SPS03
Join Lancaster's interdisciplinary research community to help keep nations, organisations and citizens safe and secure as cyber emerges as an essential domain in global protection strategies - enabling security, resilience and prosperity in increasingly uncertain times. Through a £19m investment, the University is recruiting up to 33 creative academics to tackle a wide range of societal and technological security challenges. Successful candidates will be able to protect dedicated time in Research, Teaching or Engagement for the first two years to help collaboratively drive and deliver on our vision of international excellence.
Building on our reputation as one of the UK’s largest interdisciplinary cyber and data science research communities, this investment will transform our capacity and capability to support the once in a generation opportunity represented by the announcement of the National Cyber Force in Lancashire and the impact of the creation of the North West Cyber Corridor, linking to GCHQ in Manchester.
We are seeking new and established academics and teams with a passion for joining and developing a vibrant multi-disciplinary research, education and knowledge exchange community at Lancaster to help us realise these new opportunities. Over the next five years this community will:
* Deliver a truly world-class education experience in security, protection science and related disciplines for undergraduates, postgraduates and senior management through BSc, BA, MSc, MA and EMBA programmes.
* Work together to offer a distinctive research capability that creates new approaches to cyber security and protection science, an improved understanding of its social and economic impact, and is recognised as a beacon of internationally excellent research.
* Develop new world-class facilities to support cyber-security, data and protection science.
* Engage with our regional and national partners to help consolidate Lancaster as a leader in cyber security.
We recognise that no single discipline has all the answers to the problems of cyber-security and we welcome applicants from across a range of disciplines including, but not limited to: Computer Science, Data Science, Design, Digital Health, Engineering, Law, Linguistics, Mathematics and Statistics, all disciplines associated with the Organisation, Business and Management fields, Political Science, Psychology and Sociology. Similarly, we are open to applicants with a wide range of interests in both the foundational elements of cyber security and protection and those with an interest in specific application domains or cross cutting concerns.
We are recruiting the first cohort of academics with up to 20 positions open at Lecturer to Professorial level. Ideal candidates will have outstanding domain expertise and the ability to translate that expertise into high quality research and education - working collaboratively across disciplines and research fields. For new academics a proactive cohort development programme will embed you with our existing academic community with regular development sessions that will enable you to strengthen and develop your academic profile.
Lancaster is the only university in the North West that has attained National Cyber Security Centre recognition as an Academic Centre of Excellence in both Cyber Security Research and Education, along with delivering an NCSC Certified Master’s Degree. The University was TEF Gold, Times/Sunday Times University of the Year (2018) and Times/Sunday Times International University of the Year (2020), recognising our ongoing commitment to both research and teaching and major investments in our campus and facilities.
We are committed to creating a supportive, inclusive working environment. Learn more about equality, diversity and inclusivity at Lancaster University. More information about living and working at Lancaster can also be found online. In addition to traditional lectureship contracts, Lancaster also offers alternative career routes for academics with a particular focus on engagement or teaching and scholarship for applicants interested in pursuing these pathways.
To arrange an informal discussion about these roles please contact: dc_enquiries(a)lancaster.ac.uk<mailto:dc_enquiries@lancaster.ac.uk>.
Lancaster University promotes equality of opportunity and diversity within the workplace and welcome applications from all sections of the community.
Paul Rayson
Director of UCREL and Professor of Natural Language Processing
Group Lead (SCC Data Science)
School of Computing and Communications, InfoLab21, Lancaster University, Lancaster, LA1 4WA, UK.
Web: http://www.research.lancs.ac.uk/portal/en/people/Paul-Rayson/
Tel: +44 1524 510357
Contact me on Teams<https://teams.microsoft.com/l/chat/0/0?users=p.rayson@lancaster.ac.uk>
Call for Papers
Submission Deadline : January 8th, 2023
Lausanne, Switzerland, June 28-30, 2023
The 12th International Quantitative Linguistics Conference will take place in Lausanne, Switzerland, on June 28-30, 2023. QUALICO 2023 is organized by the International Quantitative Linguistics Association (IQLA) and the Department of Language and Information Sciences (SLI) at the University of Lausanne (UNIL).
All contributions relating to quantitative linguistics and text analysis are welcome. We particularly encourage submissions on:
Descriptions of all aspects of language and text phenomena, including psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, dialectology, pragmatics, language typology, language acquisition, language evolution, usage-based approaches, information science, etc., insofar as they use quantitative mathematical methods (probability theory, stochastic processes, differential and difference equations, multidimensional analysis, fuzzy logics and set theory, function theory, etc.).
Applications of methods, models, or findings from quantitative linguistics to problems of natural language processing, text classification, stylistics, authorship attribution, language teaching, scientometrics, bibliometrics, text mining, language complexity and complex network analysis.
Methods of linguistic measurement, model construction, sampling and test theory.
Epistemological issues relevant to quantitative linguistics such as explanation of language and text phenomena, contributions to theory construction, systems theory, philosophy of science.
Oral and Poster Sessions
Presentations should be in English. Each paper will be allotted 30 minutes (20 minutes of presentation and 10 minutes of discussion). There will also be a poster session.
Multiple Works by the Same Author
The maximum number of submissions by the same author or co-author is two papers. Submissions exceeding this threshold will be automatically deleted without notification.
Submission of Abstracts
The submission of an abstract will be via EasyChair
Abstracts must be in English and should include keywords, authors affiliations and references. They should not exceed 500 words (excluding keywords, authors affiliations and references) and 2 pages all included. The requested format for submission is PDF.
The deadline for submission is January 8th 2023, 11:59:59 pm (GMT).
Notification of Acceptance
Notification of acceptance will be sent to the contact author by February 28th 2023.
Conference Volume
We will invite authors of accepted abstracts to submit full papers for publication in the conference volume, which will be proposed for publication with a leading publisher.
Participation Fees
Participation fees must be paid before April 30th, 2023. The fees are:
Regular: 250€
IQLA Member: 150€
Participation fees include:
An abstract book for the conference.
Conference volume of full papers.
One lunch break meal voucher and 2 coffee break vouchers for every day.
For participants interested in the special social event, an extra fee will be added (still to be determined).
Conference Venue
Anthropole, UNIL-Chamberonne.
1015 Chavannes-près-Renens, SWITZERLAND
The conference will take place on-site unless the sanitary situation in June 2023 requires switching to a remote, online modality.
For further details, visit the conference webpage:
Scientific Committee
François Bavaud, University of Lausanne
Radek Cech, University of Ostrava
Xinying Chen, Xi'an Jiaotong University
Sheila Embleton, York University
Guillaume Guex, University of Lausanne
Emmerich Kelih, University of Vienna
Ján Mačutek, Slovak Academy of Sciences & Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra
Coline Métrailler, University of Lausanne
George Mikros, Hamad Bin Khalifa University
Hermann Moisl, University of Newcastle
Adam Pawłowski, University of Wrocław
Haruko Sanada, Rissho University
Benjamin Storme, University of Lausanne
Arjuna Tuzzi, University of Padua
Aris Xanthos, University of Lausanne
Organizing Committee
François Bavaud, Guillaume Guex, Coline Métrailler, Stéphanie Pichot, Benjamin Storme, and Aris Xanthos.
Please read IQLA’s position regarding the war in Ukraine