---------- Mensaje original ---------- De: JULIA LAVID LOPEZ lavid@FILOL.UCM.ES Para: SYSFLING@JISCMAIL.AC.UK Fecha: 30/09/2022 17:23 Asunto: I International Seminar on Translation Studies (4-25 october and 7-10 november 2022)
Dear professors and graduate student colleagues,
As part of the research activities of the Instituto de Lenguas Modernas y Traductores at Universidad Complutense Madrid, we have organised the I International Postgraduate Seminar on Translation Studie https://www.ucm.es/iulmyt/seminarioss, consisting of talks by well-known specialists in different areas of translation. All talks will be online except the one by Jordi Doce which will be offered in hybrid format.
Registration is free and will be carried out by filling in the separate forms for each of the talks. Registered participants will receive an email with a Google Meet link to access each of the talks.
Organising committee: Julia Lavid, Jorge Braga, Marta Guirao, Esther Sánchez-Pardo y Juan Rafael Zamorano
WEBPAGE at: https://www.ucm.es/iulmyt/seminarios
Translation as systemic choice in the recreation of meaning in context: Exploration of source and target language systemic options within different registers https://www.ucm.es/iulmyt//christian-matthiessen
Prof. Christian M.I.M. Matthiessen, visiting Universidad Complutense 4 de Octubre, 17:00 (Madrid time) / 16:00 (UK time) Inscripción/ registration at: https://forms.gle/2vW3H9NoMr7PFeZF7
The Challenges of Theatre Translation https://www.ucm.es/iulmyt//tamzin-townsend
Tamzin Townsend, traductora y directora teatral 11 de octubre, 17:00 (Madrid time) / 16:00 (UK time)
Inscripción/ registration : https://forms.gle/982fo6MVDhHmNDCZ6
Neural Machine Translation: A Whistle-Stop Tour https://www.ucm.es/iulmyt/dorothy-kenny
Prof. Dorothy Kenny, Dublin City University 18 de octubre, 17:00 (Madrid time) / 16:00 (UK time)
Inscripción/ registration https://forms.gle/5QKbiivPe5WWwkRD9
When qualitative meets quantitative: news translation, categorization, and corpora https://www.ucm.es/iulmyt//federico-zanettin
Prof. Federico Zanettin, Università degli studi di Perugia 24 de octubre, 17:00 (Madrid time) / 16:00 (UK time)
Inscripción/ registration https://forms.gle/HQCX2RiCXc66wUTn7
La pragmática y sus retos en la traducción Dr. Carlos de Pablos, University of East Anglia
25 de octubre, 17:00 (Madrid time) / 16:00 (UK time)
Inscripción/ registration https://forms.gle/WF9fBP1Ch8QCCzYk9
El idioma como barrera o como puente: el problema de las variantes regionales y las fronteras internas del español en el mundo del libro
Mercedes Guhl, traductora editorial independiente 7 de noviembre, 17:00 (Madrid time) / 16:00 (UK time)
Inscripción/ registration https://forms.gle/iKeHPn2p2Fnw71fTA
A Construction Grammar Perspective on Translation Studies https://www.ucm.es/iulmyt//tatiana-serbina
Dr. Tatiana Serbina, Aachen University 8 de noviembre, 17:00 (Madrid time) / 16:00 (UK time)
Inscripción/ registration https://forms.gle/GgKq2rMx3XV8xgJXA
Traducción poética Jordi Doce, traductor y poeta
10 de noviembre, 17:00 (Madrid time) / 16:00 (UK time)
Inscripción/ registration https://forms.gle/ufwZTK9vHGPSTtAt6
Prof. Dra. Julia Lavid López Directora del Instituto Universitario de Lenguas Modernas y Traductores (UCM) Catedrática (Full Professor) de Filología Inglesa
Departamento de Estudios Ingleses: Lingüística y Literatura Facultad de Filología -Universidad Complutense 28040 Madrid
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