(in English / suomeksi alla)
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce a call for papers for a conference on language, gender and sexuality studies in Finland and beyond. The conference will be hosted by the University of Helsinki, 12-13th October 2023. Please find the call for proposals below and on the website: https://www.helsinki.fi/en/conferences/language-gender-and-sexuality-theore…
Please feel free to forward the CFP to your networks and interested colleagues.
On behalf of the Organizing Committee,
Best regards,
Jarmo Harri Jantunen
Hyvät kollegat,
saamme iloksemme kutsua teidät jättämään esitelmäehdotuksia konferenssiimme, joka käsittelee kielen, sukupuolen ja seksuaalisuuden tutkimusta Suomessa ja sen ulkopuolella. Konferenssi järjestetään Helsingin yliopistolla 12.-13.10.2023. Tarkemmat tiedot alla ja kotisivuilla:https://www.helsinki.fi/fi/konferenssit/kieli-sukupuoli-ja-seksuaalisuus-teoreettisia-ja-menetelmallisia-nakokulmia
Kutsua saa mieluusti jakaa eteenpäin.
Järjestelytoimikunnan puolesta
Jarmo Harri Jantunen
Language, gender and sexuality: theoretical and methodological perspectives 12-13th October 2023
University of Helsinki, Finland.
First Call for Papers
The intersections of language, gender and sexuality have become central topics of interest for researchers from many fields, but gender and sexuality categories are often handled in a simplistic manner, for example as fixed binary variables. However, these are both complex categories which require new theoretical understanding and methodological orientations. With the aim of bringing together both national and international scholars interested in language and gender and/or sexuality, we are organizing a two-day conference on October 12 and 13, 2023 at the University of Helsinki. All presentations will be given in person.
The call for papers for the conference is open to all scholars focusing on language. In particular, we hope to receive abstracts on studies utilizing queer theories or feminist approaches (e.g., intersectional feminism), but we welcome abstracts on any topics related to language and gender and/or sexuality. Both established and younger researchers are encouraged to participate. Possible topics include but are not limited to:
queer (linguistic) theory/methods
corpus linguistic approaches to studying language and gender/sexuality
ethnographic approaches to studying language and gender/sexuality
construction of gender and sexual identities in discourse
queer and trans sociophonetics
With these themes in mind, we have invited two plenary speakers, who will both also lead a methodological workshop:
Dr. Lucy Jones, University of Nottingham:
Plenary: Constructions of identity and embodiment in the discourse of trans youth
Workshop: Doing ethnography in queer and trans linguistics: Issues, concepts, and reflections
Dr. Frazer Heritage, Manchester Metropolitan University:
Plenary: Lavender corpus linguistics: taking stock and moving forward
Workshop: Corpus approaches to language and sexuality: tackling methodological challenges
Submission details:
Abstracts should be 250 words in length (excluding references), and they can be written in English or Finnish. Likewise, accepted papers can be presented either in English or Finnish.
All abstracts should be submitted via email langgegesex(a)helsinki.fi<mailto:langgegesex@helsinki.fi> by May 11th. Instructions for the abstract layout are provided on the website: https://www.helsinki.fi/en/conferences/language-gender-and-sexuality-theore…
Notification of acceptance will be sent in early June.
The conference is funded by the Helsinki Institute for Social Sciences and Humanities. There is no registration fee for presenters.
Please contact langgesex(a)helsinki.fi<mailto:langgesex@helsinki.fi> if you have any questions.
Conference website: https://www.helsinki.fi/en/conferences/language-gender-and-sexuality-theore…
Pekka Posio, Jarmo Jantunen, Laura Hekanaho, Meri Lindeman, Sanni Surkka and Annina Pura
Kieli, sukupuoli ja seksuaalisuus: teoreettisia ja menetelmällisiä näkökulmia
12.-13.10.2023, Helsingin yliopisto
Ensimmäinen kiertokirje
Kielen, sukupuolen ja seksuaalisuuden risteyskohdista on tullut keskeinen tutkimuskohde monilla eri kieleen keskittyvillä tutkimusaloilla, mutta sukupuolta ja seksuaalisuutta käsitellään niillä usein yksinkertaistavasti, esimerkiksi pelkästään binäärisinä muuttujina. Molemmat ovat kuitenkin monimutkaisia kategorioita, joiden käsitteleminen vaatii uutta teoreettista ymmärrystä ja menetelmällisiä suuntauksia. Tavoitteenamme on tuoda yhteen kielestä sekä sukupuolesta ja/tai seksuaalisuudesta kiinnostuneita tutkijoita sekä Suomesta että muualta maailmasta. Siksi järjestämme kaksipäiväisen konferenssin 12. ja 13. lokakuuta 2023 Helsingin yliopistossa. Kaikki esitelmät pidetään paikan päällä.
Esitelmäkutsu on avoin kaikille kieleen keskittyville tutkijoille.
Toivomme saavamme abstrakteja erityisesti sellaisista tutkimuksista, joissa hyödynnetään queerteorioita tai feministisiä lähestymistapoja (esim. intersektionaalinen feminismi), mutta kaikki kieltä sekä seksuaalisuutta ja/tai sukupuolta käsittelevät esitelmäehdotukset ovat tervetulleita. Kannustamme sekä kokeneempia että nuorempia tutkijoita osallistumaan. Joitain mahdollisia aihepiirejä ovat
queerlingvistiikan teoriat / metodit,
korpuslingvistiset lähestymistavat sukupuoleen / seksuaalisuuteen,
etnografiset lähestymistavat sukupuoleen / seksuaalisuuteen,
sukupuoli- ja seksuaali-identiteettien rakentuminen diskursseissa ja
queer- ja trans-sosiofonetiikka.
Näitä teemoja ajatellen olemme kutsuneet konferenssiin kaksi plenaaripuhujaa, jotka pitävät lisäksi työpajat:
FT Lucy Jones, University of Nottingham:
Plenaari: Constructions of identity and embodiment in the discourse of trans youth
Työpaja: Doing ethnography in queer and trans linguistics: Issues, concepts, and reflections
FT Frazer Heritage, Manchester Metropolitan University
Plenaari: Lavender corpus linguistics: taking stock and moving forward
Työpaja: Corpus approaches to language and sexuality: tackling methodological challenges
Tarkemmat ohjeet:
Abstraktin maksimipituus on 250 sanaa (poislukien lähdeluettelon). Abstraktin voi kirjoittaa ja esitelmän pitää joko suomeksi tai englanniksi.
Abstrakti on jätettävä sähköpostitse osoitteeseen langgesex(a)helsinki.fi<mailto:langgesex@helsinki.fi> 11.5. mennessä. Löydät tarkemmat ohjeet abstraktin muotoiluun verkkosivuilta: https://www.helsinki.fi/fi/konferenssit/kieli-sukupuoli-ja-seksuaalisuus-te…
Ilmoitus abstraktin hyväksymisestä toimitetaan kesäkuun alkupuolella.
Konferenssin rahoittaa Helsingin yliopiston humanistis-yhteiskuntatieteellinen instituutti (HSSH). Osallistuminen on esitelmän pitäjille maksutonta.
Pekka Posio, Jarmo Jantunen, Laura Hekanaho, Meri Lindeman, Sanni Surkka and Annina Pura
Dear all,
👋Join the LuxAI QTrobot competition at IROS2023 (https://ieee-iros.org/) and win one of three QTrobots!
👉Sneak-peak: Embodied and Emotional Voice Interaction with ChatGPT and QTrobot.
🤓 Sounds interesting? Click https://luxai.com/blog/iroscompetition2023/ to learn more and off we go!
Important dates:
👉 Registration Deadline: 10.04.2023
Please consider registering: https://luxai.com/blog/iroscompetition2023/
Large language models such as GPT3 can be used for different applications in human-computer interaction, and we want to explore their use in embodied interaction. The task in the competition will be to integrate ChatGPT gpt-3.5-turbo model into QTrobot by LuxAI to build a model for embodiment based on the output of the large language model. The embodiment model should employ and synchronize voice, facial expressions and gestures of the robot to produce emotional and multimodal (voice-based and embodied) dialogues. The steps can be for example:
1- A user sends a textual input to ChatGPT using a web interface.
2- Response from ChatGPT arrives and is analyzed by your model.
3- QTrobot performs what your model suggests: how to move arms, how to speak, how to show emotions.
You can find the technical description of the QTrobot here: QTrobot Documentation (https://docs.luxai.com/docs/tutorials/intro_ros)
Sviatlana Höhn (LuxAI S.A)
Ali Paikan (LuxAI. S.A)
Denis Kovacevic (LuxAI S.A.)
Nina Hosseini-Kivanani (University of Luxembourg)
Any questions? Contact the organizers via iros2023(a)luxai.com!
Dear all,
does anyone happen to know, if there exist any corpus-based research of Marxist discourse?
Thank you in advance.
Best wishes,
Mikhail Mikhailov
Professor of Translation Studies (Finnish and Russian)
Tampere University, ITC
Kanslerinrinne 1, Pinni B4109
+358 50 318 0767
web: https://www.tuni.fi/en/mikhail-mikhailov
Symposium: Corpus Approaches to Lexicogrammar (LxGr2023)
Extended deadline for abstract submission: 15 April 2023
The symposium will take place online on 7-8 July 2023.
Invited Speakers:
Gaëtanelle Gilquin<https://perso.uclouvain.be/gaetanelle.gilquin> (Université catholique de Louvain)
Thomas Herbst<https://www.angam.phil.fau.de/fields/engling/herbst/> (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität)
If you would like to present, send an abstract of 500 words (excluding references) to lxgr(a)edgehill.ac.uk<mailto:lxgr@edgehill.ac.uk>. Make sure that the abstract clearly specifies the research focus (research questions or hypotheses), the corpus, the methodology (techniques and metrics), the theoretical orientation, and the main findings. Abstracts will be double-blind reviewed, and decisions will be communicated within four weeks.
Full papers will be allocated 35 minutes (including 10 minutes for discussion).
Work-in-progress reports will be allocated 20 minutes (including 5 minutes for discussion).
There will be no parallel sessions.
Participation is free.
The focus of LxGr is the interaction of lexis and grammar. The focus is influenced by Halliday's view of lexis and grammar as "complementary perspectives" (1991: 32), and his conception of the two as notional ends of a continuum (lexicogrammar), in that "if you interrogate the system grammatically you will get grammar-like answers and if you interrogate it lexically you get lexis-like answers" (1992: 64).
For more information and details of past symposia, see here: https://ehu.ac.uk/lxgr.
If you have any questions, contact lxgr(a)edgehill.ac.uk<mailto:lxgr@edgehill.ac.uk>.
Edge Hill University<http://ehu.ac.uk/home/emailfooter>
Modern University of the Year, The Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2022<http://ehu.ac.uk/tef/emailfooter>
University of the Year, Educate North 2021/21
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[Apologies for multiple submissions]
Submission deadline EXTENDED to APRIL 09!
Papers will be published in the ICWSM Workshop Proceedings. Long Papers are welcome, but also Short Papers and Abstracts are great for discussing ongoing work.
Call for Papers
TrueHealth 2023: Combating Health Misinformation for Social Wellbeing
Workshop @ ICWSM 2023, the 17th International Conference on Web and Social Media
June 5th – 8th 2023, Limassol, Cyprus
Scope and topics
In recent years, people have increasingly referred to the Web and social media as sources of information about health-related problems and solutions, as confirmed by the U.S. Pew Research Center, and other European and international studies. Although, on the one hand, these platforms favor easier and more direct access to information sources by users without the intermediation of experts, on the other hand, it is precisely such democratization of health information that constitutes a potential danger for people. As we have seen especially in the last period, linked to the pandemic, the proliferation of false information, conspiracy theories, and unreliable remedies risk compromising the health not only of individuals but that of the community as a whole.
From this perspective, it becomes necessary to study and propose technological solutions to help users come into contact with genuine information, especially in a critical domain such as health, for social well-being.
To this end, it is essential to promote research of an interdisciplinary nature, involving computer scientists, physicians, lawyers, and communication experts who can address the problem of health misinformation from different points of view by combining their expertise.
The topics of interest of the TrueHealth 2023 Workshop at ICWSM include, but are not limited to:
Assessing the genuineness of Online Health Information (OHI);
Consumer Health Search (CHS) and genuine information access;
Debunking health misinformation;
Fake news/rumors and healthcare;
Measures, evaluation methods, and datasets for health misinformation detection;
Health misinformation detection;
Health literacy and information genuineness;
Fact-checking in Online Health Information (OHI);
Misinformation and public opinion on health;
Relationship between access to non-genuine information and danger to public health;
Relationship between psychological characteristics and perceptions of health misinformation;
Techniques for accessing and retrieving genuine Online Health Information (OHI).
Submission Instructions
We welcome both 2-page abstracts, as well as Long (8 pages) and Short (4 pages) papers – excluding references (11 pages max with references and ethics statement). Abstracts are ideal as Demo or Position papers, Short papers as presentations of ongoing research with preliminary results or summaries of previous work, and Long papers as presentations of novel research and results.
Long and Short papers will be published in ICWSM Workshop Proceedings (http://workshop-proceedings.icwsm.org/).
All submissions should be double-blind.
Papers have to follow the AAAI format, as outlined here: https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/aaai-2023-author-kit/wxnmhzcrjbpc
Submit here: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=truehealth2023
Other ICWSM submission instructions: https://www.icwsm.org/2023/index.html/call_for_submissions.html
Important Dates
Workshop Papers Submissions: April 09, 2023
Workshop Paper Acceptance Notification:April 23, 2023
Workshop Final Camera-Ready Paper Due: May 5, 2023
ICWSM-2023 Workshops Day: June 5, 2023
Gabriella Pasi (Full Professor), University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy
Rishabh Upadhyay (Research Fellow), University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy
Marco Viviani (Associate Professor), University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy
Program Committee
Lorraine Goeuriot, Université Grenoble Alpes, France
Sanda Harabagiu, The University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Liadh Kelly, Maynooth University, Ireland
Dongwon Lee, The Pennsylvania State University, USA
Yelena Mejova, ISI Foundation, Italy
Marinella Petrocchi, Institute of Informatics and Telematics (CNR), Italy
Michael Sirivianos, Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus
Xingyi Song, University of Sheffield, UK
Hanna Suominen, Australian National University, Australia
Francesca Spazzano, Boise State University, USA
Angelo Spognardi, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Bei Yu, Syracuse University, USA
Arkaitz Zubiaga, Queen Mary University of London, UK
Dear colleagues
I would be grateful if you could distribute the following announcement for a PhD contract funded by the French ANR "Lexhnology". This project in English for Specific Purposes specifically concerns moves analysis and data-driven learning for reading legal texts in English.
The full profile and call for applications can be found at: https://emploi.cnrs.fr/Offres/Doctorant/UMR7118-SABMAR-015/Default.aspx?lan…
Kind regards
Alex Boulton
ATILF, CNRS & Université de Lorraine [ https://perso.atilf.fr/aboulton/ ]
Mediate 2023: Mediate - News Media and Computational Journalism Workshop
co-located with ICWSM 2023
Limassol, Cyprus, June 5, 2023
Submission link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=mediate2023
Papers and talk proposals due: April 3, 2023
The fourth MEDIATE workshop will be held on June 5, as part of the
International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM). The main
goal of the workshop is to bring together media practitioners and
technologists to discuss new opportunities and obstacles that arise in the
modern era of information diffusion. This year's theme is: Misinformation:
automated journalism, explainable and multi-modal verification and content
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Automated journalism: novel automated and human-in-the-loop solutions for
rumour detection/verification, fact-checking, stance classification,
evaluation of existing solutions and novel relevant applications. Submitted
papers should describe how their advantages would lead to being adopted in
practice by journalists and the public (e.g. improved generalisability,
ability to provide explanations, reduced bias) and address ethical
- Explainable and Multi-modal verification: explainable rumour verification
systems, evidence-based solutions, uncertainty and prediction
explainability and general interpretable and transparent AI-systems, as
well as multi-modal rumour verification/fact-checking models, sources and
data, non-textual and multi-modal features.
- Content Moderation: novel content moderation systems for inhibiting
misinformation spreading, domain-specific content moderation solutions as
well as content moderation systems that showcase generalisability and are
We invite submissions of technical papers and talk proposals:
- Technical papers must be up to 4 pages (short papers) or up to 8 pages
(long papers). Technical papers must contain novel, previously-unpublished
material related to the topics of the workshop. Accepted papers will be
presented orally and will appear in the workshop proceedings.
- Talk proposals must be up to 2 pages describing the content of a short
talk (the actual length will be determined based on program constraints).
Papers must adhere to the ICWSM guidelines (
and be submitted through easychair (
Organizing committee
Talia Tseriotou, Queen Mary University of London
Dina Pisarevskaya, Queen Mary University of London
Elena Kochkina, Alan Turing Institute
Marya Bazzi, Alan Turing Institute & University of Warwick
Maria Liakata, Alan Turing Institute & Queen Mary University of London
Arkaitz Zubiaga, Queen Mary University of London
All questions about submissions should be emailed to t.tseriotou(a)qmul.ac.uk<mailto:t.tseriotou@qmul.ac.uk>,
d.pisarevskaya(a)qmul.ac.uk<mailto:d.pisarevskaya@qmul.ac.uk> and mbazzi(a)turing.ac.uk<mailto:mbazzi@turing.ac.uk>
Edge Hill Corpus Research Group
Next meeting: Thursday 30 March 2023, 2-4 pm (UK time)
Topic: Corpus Tools and Corpus Processing
Speaker: Mike Scott (Lexical Analysis Software & Aston University)
Title: News Downloads and Text Coverage: Case Studies in Relevance
Details: https://sites.edgehill.ac.uk/crg/next
Registration closes tomorrow: https://store.edgehill.ac.uk/conferences-and-events/conferences/events/edge…
If you have any questions, contact Costas Gabrielatos (gabrielc(a)edgehill.ac.uk<mailto:gabrielc@edgehill.ac.uk>)
Edge Hill University<http://ehu.ac.uk/home/emailfooter>
Modern University of the Year, The Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2022<http://ehu.ac.uk/tef/emailfooter>
University of the Year, Educate North 2021/21
This message is private and confidential. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender and remove it from your system. Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Edge Hill or associated companies. Edge Hill University may monitor email traffic data and also the content of email for the purposes of security and business communications during staff absence.<http://ehu.ac.uk/itspolicies/emailfooter>
(Apologies for cross-posting!)
1st CFP MEDDOPLACE Shared Task @ IberLEF/SEPLN2023 [Medical Documents
PLAce-related Content Extraction]
Web: https://temu.bsc.es/meddoplace/
Registration: https://temu.bsc.es/meddoplace/registration
Data: https://zenodo.org/record/7707567
Guidelines: https://zenodo.org/record/7775235
Location information represents one of the most relevant types of entities
for high impact practical NLP solutions, resulting in a variety of
applications adapted to different languages, content types and text genres.
Despite these previous efforts, the use, application, and exploitation of
location-related entity detection (including sociodemographic information
as well as more domain-specific things like clinical departments) from
medical content was not sufficiently addressed. The performance of general
purpose location NER systems applied on clinical texts is still poor,
usually covering only general geolocation mentions, lacking sufficient
granularity and not taking into account appropriate normalization or
linking of the extracted locations to widely used geocoding resources,
terminologies or vocabularies (like PlusCodes, GeoNames, or SNOMED CT
concepts), thus hindering the practical exploitation of the generated
To address these issues we organize the MEDDOPLACE shared task (part of the
IberLEF/SEPLN2023 initiative) devoted to the recognition, normalization and
classification of location and location-related concept mentions for high
impact healthcare data mining scenarios.
For this task we will release the MEDDOPLACE corpus, a large collection of
clinical case reports written in Spanish that were exhaustively annotated
manually by linguists and medical experts to label location-relevant entity
mentions, following detailed annotation guidelines and entity linking
The practical implications of this task include:
Patient management: The detection of locations, origin of patients,
their language is relevant for healthcare safety, management, patient
communication and appropriate treatment options.
Diagnosis & prognosis: Location information is important for the
diagnosis or prognosis of some diseases that are more endemic to certain
regions or particular geographical environments.
Health risk factors: Geolocation information can be a risk factor in
case of exposure to radiation, work-related or environmental contaminants
affecting patients health.
Mobility: Due to the increasing mobility of populations, detection of
patients' travels and movements can improve early detection and tracing of
infectious disease outbreaks, and thus enable taking preventive
Traceability: the detection of medical departments, facilities and
services is critical to support the traceability of the patient’s route
through the health services.
The expected results as well as provided resources for this task show a
clear multilingual adaptation potential and could have an impact beyond
healthcare documents, being relevant for processing tourism-related content
(traveling) or even legal texts.
The MEDDOPLACE task is structured into three subtracks:
MEDDOPLACE-NER: Given a collection of plain text documents, systems have
to return the exact character offsets of all location and location-related
MEDDOPLACE-NORM: Given a collection of entities and their origin in
text, systems have to normalize them to their corresponding GeoNames
(Toponym Resolution), PlusCodes (POIs Toponym Resolution) and SNOMED CT
(Entity Linking) concept, depending on entity type.
MEDDOPLACE-CLASS: Classification of detected location entities into four
subcategories of clinical relevance (patient’s origin place; residence’s
location; place where the patient has traveled to/from; place where the
patient has received medical attention)
Publications and IBERLEF/SEPLN2023 workshop
Teams participating in MEDDOPLACE will be invited to contribute a systems
description paper for the IberLEF (SEPLN 2023) Working Notes proceedings,
and a short presentation of their approach at the IberLEF 2023 workshop.
Tentative Schedule:
Train set: March 27th, 2023
Test set release (start of evaluation period): April 3rd, 2023
End of evaluation period (system submissions): May 10th, 2023
Working papers submission: June 5th, 2023
Notification of acceptance (peer-reviews): June 23rd, 2023
Camera-ready system descriptions: July 6th, 2023
IberLEF @ SEPLN 2023: September 27th-29th, 2023
MEDDOPLACE is organized by the Barcelona Supercomputing Center’s NLP for
Biomedical Information Analysis, as well as some external collaborators:
Martin Krallinger, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain
Salvador Lima, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain
Eulàlia Farré, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain
Luis Gascó, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain
Vicent Briva-Iglesias, D-REAL, Dublin City University, Ireland
Salvador Lima Lopez
Life Sciences - NLP for Biomedical Information Analysis, BSC-CNS
Barcelona, Spain