Dates: June 5–7, 2025
Location: University of Stuttgart, Germany
## Workshop theme:
Effective and widely available reading assessments are fundamental for
education and instrumental for early diagnosis of reading difficulties,
enabling timely and targeted intervention. **In this workshop, we
explore how eye-tracking combined with machine learning technologies can
enhance reading assessments**. Our goal is to bring together
researchers from various relevant fields, including educational science,
cognitive psychology, psycholinguistics, eye-tracking-based reading
research, and machine learning. The workshop will provide a platform
for exchanging ideas for the next generation of reading assessments
aided by eye-tracking and machine learning technologies, as well as
inspiring cross-disciplinary research collaborations.
## Important dates:
- Abstract submission deadline: March 1, 2025
- Acceptance notifications: March 14, 2025
- Registration period: March 14 – April 14
- Workshop dates: June 5–7, 2025
## Workshop format:
The first two days will feature a structured program, including talks,
poster sessions, and group discussions. On the third day, the focus
shifts to a more relaxed format, providing participants with the
opportunity to connect in an informal setting while enjoying a scenic
hike or unwinding during a leisurely picnic.
## Relevant topics for submission:
- Machine learning approaches to reading assessment
- Eye movements as indicators of reading comprehension
- Methodology and design of reading assessments, including large scale
reading assessments (LSAs)
- Reading assessments for different populations (e.g. children, adults,
elderly, populations with cognitive impairments)
- Reading development
- Cognitive processes underlying reading comprehension
## Invited speaker:
Prof. Dr. Johanna Kaakinen
Dept. of Psychology and Speech-Language Pathology
University of Turku, Finland
## Submissions:
- We invite submissions of short abstracts of up to 350 words.
- To submit your abstract, please fill in the abstract submission form
- Submissions will be reviewed by the workshop organizers primarily with
an eye to relevance.
- We expect to accept 25–35 submissions.
## Venue:
The workshop will take place at the International Meeting Center of the
University of Stuttgart, a modern and welcoming venue designed to foster
collaboration and exchange of ideas. The facility features a lecture
hall for up to 80 participants, as well as two smaller seminar rooms
ideal for focused discussions and breakout sessions. Attendees will
also enjoy the charming amenities of the venue, including a cozy
fireside lounge—perfect for informal networking—and a spacious garden
that provides a serene atmosphere for relaxation between sessions. The
garden is equipped with facilities for barbecues, making it an great
setting for social events and fostering meaningful connections in a
laid-back environment.
Venue description with photos:
## Funding
The workshop is sponsored by the University of Stuttgart and the
MultiplEYE COST Action. The workshop will provide financial support to
cover travel expenses for a limited number of participants. Authors
will be invited to apply for travel funding upon abstract acceptance.
Funding may be partial and priority will be given to junior researchers.
## Workshop organizers
Titus von der Malsburg
Inst. of Linguistics,
University of Stuttgart, Germany
Lena Jäger
Dept. of Computational Linguistics
University of Zurich, Switzerland
Yevgeni Berzak
Faculty of Data and Decision Sciences,
Technion, Israel
Please consider contributing and/or forwarding to appropriate colleagues and groups.
****We apologize for the multiple copies of this e-mail****
Call for Participation
First Call for Participation:
Task: EXIST 2025: sEXism Identification in Social neTworks
EXIST is a series of scientific events and shared tasks on sexism identification in social networks. EXIST aims to foster the automatic detection of sexism in a broad sense, from explicit misogyny to other subtle expressions that involve implicit sexist behaviours (EXIST 2021, EXIST 2022, EXIST 2023, EXIST 2024). The fifth edition of the EXIST shared task will be held as a Lab in CLEF 2025, on September 9-12, 2025, at UNED, Madrid, Spain.
In the 2024 EXIST campaign the datasets contained multimedia content in the format of memes, stepping forward research on more robust techniques to identify sexism in social networks. Following this line, this year the challenge will focus on TikTok videos, so that the dataset includes the three more important multimedia elements used to spread sexism: text, images and videos. Consequently, it is essential to develop automated multimodal tools capable of detecting sexism in text, images, and videos, to raise alarms or automatically remove such content from social networks because platforms’ algorithms often amplify content that perpetuates gender stereotypes and internalized misogyny. This lab will contribute to the creation of applications that identify sexist content in social media across all three formats.
Similar to the approach in the 2023 and 2024 edition, this edition will also embrace the Learning With Disagreement (LeWiDi) paradigm for both the development of the dataset and the evaluation of the systems. The LeWiDi paradigm doesn’t rely on a single “correct” label for each example. Instead, the model is trained to handle and learn from conflicting or diverse annotations. This enables the system to consider various annotators’ perspectives, biases, or interpretations, resulting in a fairer learning process.
Participants will be asked to classify tweets, memes and videos (in English and Spanish) according to the following tasks:
TASK 1: Sexism detection in Tweets:
SUBTASK 1.1 - Sexism Identification in Tweets: The first subtask is a binary classification. The systems have to decide whether or not a given tweet contains sexist expressions or behaviours (i.e., it is sexist itself, describes a sexist situation or criticizes a sexist behaviour), and classify it according to two categories: YES and NO.
SUBTASK 1.2 - Source Intention in Tweets: For the tweets that have been classified as sexist, the second task aims to classify each tweet according to the intention of the person who wrote it. We propose a ternary classification task: (i) DIRECT sexist message, (ii) REPORTED sexist message and (iii) JUDGEMENTAL message.
SUBTASK 1.3 - Sexism Categorization in Tweets: Once a message has been classified as sexist, the third subtask aims to categorize the message in different types of sexism (according to a categorization proposed by experts and that takes into account the different facets of women that are undermined). In particular, each sexist tweet must be categorized in one or more of the following categories: (i) IDEOLOGICAL AND INEQUALITY, (ii) STEREOTYPING AND DOMINANCE, (iii) OBJECTIFICATION, (iv) SEXUAL VIOLENCE and (v) MISOGYNY AND NON-SEXUAL VIOLENCE.
TASK 2: Sexism detection in Memes:
TASK 2.1 - Sexism Identification in Memes: This is a binary classification subtask consisting on determining wheter a meme describes a sexist situation or criticizes a sexist behaviour), and classifying it into two categories: YES and NO.
Task 2.2: Source Intention in Memes: As in subtask 1.2, this subtask aims to categorize the meme according to the intention of the author. Due to the characteristics of the memes, the REPORTED label is virtually null, so in this task systems should only classify memes into the DIRECT or JUDGEMENTAL categories.
Task 2.3: Sexism Categorization in Memes: This task aims to classify sexist memes according to the categorization provided for subtask 1.3: (i) IDEOLOGICAL AND INEQUALITY, (ii) STEREOTYPING AND DOMINANCE, (iii) OBJECTIFICATION, (iv) SEXUAL VIOLENCE and (v) MISOGYNY AND NON-SEXUAL VIOLENCE.
TASK 3: Sexism detection in Videos:
SUBTASK 3.1 - Sexism Identification in Videos: This is a binary classification task as in Subtasks 1.1 and 2.1.
SUBTASK 3.2: Source Intention in Videos: This subtask replicates subtask 2.2 for memes, but it takes as source videos.
SUBTASK 3.3: This subtask aims to classify sexist videos according to the categorization provided for Task 1.3: (i) IDEOLOGICAL AND INEQUALITY, (ii) STEREOTYPING AND DOMINANCE, (iii) OBJECTIFICATION, (iv) SEXUAL VIOLENCE and (v) MISOGYNY AND NON-SEXUAL VIOLENCE.
Although we recommend to participate in all subtasks and in both languages, participants are allowed to participate just in one of them (e.g. subtask 1) and in one language (e.g. English).
During the training phase, the task organizers will provide the participants with the manually-annotated EXIST 2025 dataset. For the evaluation of the systems, the unlabeled test data will be released.
We encourage participation from both academic institutions and industrial organizations. We invite participants to register for the lab at CLEF 2025 Labs Registration site ( You will receive information about how to join the Discord Group for the EXIST 2025 shared task.
Important Dates:
* 18 November 2024: Registration opens.
* 3 February 2025: Training and development sets available.
* 7 April 2025: Test set available.
* 25 April 2025: Registration closes.
* 18 May 2025: Runs submission due to organizers.
* 8 June 2025: Results notification to participants.
* 15 June 2025: Submission of Working Notes by participants.
* 29 June 2025: Notification of acceptance (peer reviews).
* 7 July 2025: Camera-ready participant papers due to organizers.
* 9-12 September 2025: EXIST 2025 at CLEF Conference.
** Note: All deadlines are 11:59PM UTC-12:00 ("anywhere on Earth") **
Laura Plaza, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)
Jorge Carrillo-de-Albornoz, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)
Enrique Amigó, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)
Julio Gonzalo, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)
Roser Morante, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)
Paolo Rosso, Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV)
Iván Arcos, Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV)
Damiano Spina, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT)
Contact the organizers by writing to: jcalbornoz(a)
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Dear colleagues,
We have extended the deadline for the call for papers for our Workshop to 15 February. We look forward to seeing you in Forlì or online!
Date and venue: 8–10 May 2025, Forlì, Italy, and online
Keynote speakers:
* Prof Bart Defrancq, Associate Professor, Ghent University, and President of CIUTI
* Prof Ella Wehrmeyer, Associate Professor and Chair of Language Practice, North-West University
Abstract submission *extended* deadline: 15 February 2025
Best wishes,
Nannan Liu and Mariachiara Russo
Dr Nannan Liu
Marie Curie Fellow
Project FAITH<>
Department of Interpreting and Translation
University of Bologna
2nd Call for Papers: ACL 2025 Industry Track
ACL 2025 Industry Track in Vienna, Austria
Conference: 27 July to 1 August 2025
Paper submission deadline: 21 March 2025
Language technologies and their applications are an integral and
critical part of our daily lives. Many of these technologies have their
roots in academic and industrial research laboratories where researchers
invented a plethora of algorithms, benchmarked them against shared
datasets and perfected their performance to provide plausible solutions
to real-world applications. While a controlled laboratory setting is
vital for a deeper scientific understanding of the problems underlying
language technologies and the impact of algorithmic design choices on
their performance, transitioning the technology to real-world industrial
strength applications raises a different, yet challenging, set of
technical issues.
We acknowledge the challenges when adapting language technologies for
building novel and robust real-world applications as the journey from
theoretical research to practical deployment can be difficult.
Challenges can include technical aspects of system deployment and
optimizing for efficiency, making informed design choices or
methodological considerations of incorporating human feedback and
oversight. To provide a forum to address these multifaceted issues, we
are seeking submissions that not only delve into research but also
demonstrate the application of systems in real-world scenarios,
irrespective of whether they involve proprietary data.
We invite submissions describing innovations and implementations in all
areas of speech and natural language processing (NLP) technologies and
systems that are relevant to real-word applications. The primary focus
of this track is on papers that advance the understanding of, and
demonstrate the effective handling of, practical issues related to the
deployment of language processing or language generation technologies,
including those of large language models, in non-trivial real-world
systems. By "non-trivial real-world system" we mean an application
deployed for real-world use, i.e., outside controlled environments such
as laboratories, classrooms or experimental crowd-sourced setups, and
that uses NLP and/or speech technology, even if not state of the art in
terms of research. There is no requirement that the system be made by a
for-profit company, but the users of the system are most likely outside
the NLP research community.
This track provides an opportunity to highlight the key insights and new
research challenges that arise from real world implementations.
Relevant areas include system design, efficiency, maintainability and
scalability of real-world applications, with topics in alphabetical
order including, but not limited to:
- Benchmarks and methods for improving the latency and efficiency of
- Continuous maintenance and improvement of deployed systems
- Efficient methods for training and inference
- Enabling infrastructure for large-scale deployment
- Handling unexpected user behaviour
- Human-in-the-Loop approaches to application development
- Implementation at speed, scale and low-cost
- Negative results related to real-world applications
- System combination
Novel applications and use cases, with topics in alphabetical order
including, but not limited to:
- Best practices and lessons learned
- Case studies, from design to deployment
- Description of an application or system
- Design of application-relevant datasets
- Development of methods under system constraints (model or data size)
- Novel, previously unsolved NLP problems and novel NLP applications
Methods for deployed systems, with topics in alphabetical order
including, but not limited to:
- Ethics, bias, fairness, harmlessness and trustworthiness in deployed
- Interpretability
- Interactive systems
- Offline and online system evaluation methodologies
- Online learning
- Robustness
In addition, opinion/vision papers related to real-world applications
are also welcome.
Submissions must clearly identify one of the following three areas they
fall into:
- _Deployed_: Must describe a system that solves a non-trivial
real-world problem. The focus may include describing the problem related
to actual use cases, its significance (against opportunity size, value
proposition, and ideal end state), design/formulation of methods,
tradeoff design decision for solutions, deployment challenges, and
lessons learned.
- _Emerging_: Must describe the development of a system that solves a
non-trivial real-world problem (it need not be deployed or even close,
but there needs to be evidence that this development is intended for
real-world deployment). Papers that describe enabling infrastructure for
large-scale deployment of NLP techniques also fall in this category.
- _Discovery_: Must include results obtained from NLP applications in
real-world scenarios that result in actionable insights. These
discoveries should reveal promising directions in their application
areas, leading to further system or societal enhancements. For example,
an actionable discovery from an analysis of call center transcripts may
reveal that certain language choices negatively impact customer
experience, leading to better training of service representatives and
improved customer experience.
Paper submission deadline: 21 March 2025
Notification of acceptance: 07 May 2025
Camera-ready version of papers due: 23 May 2025
Main conference: 28-30 July 2025
Note: All deadlines are 11:59PM UTC-12:00 (anywhere on Earth).
Following the ACL and ARR Policies for Review and Citation [1], updated
in early 2024, there is no anonymity period requirement, e.g., one may
upload the paper to arXiv at any time.
However, please note that the ACL 2025 Industry Track does not use ARR!
Submissions will be reviewed in a double-blind manner and assessed based
on their novelty, technical quality, potential impact, and clarity.
Submissions to the industry track should emphasize real-world
implementations of NLP systems, the development of such systems, or
provide insights based on real-world datasets with obvious industry
impact. For papers that rely heavily on empirical evaluations, the
experimental methods and results should be clear, well executed, and
reproducible (though the data may be proprietary).
Authors are invited to submit original, full-length (6 pages) industry
track papers that are not previously published, accepted to be
published, or under consideration for publication in any other forum.
Manuscripts should be submitted digitally, in PDF format and formatted
using the ACL 2025 formatting requirements. Please do not modify these
style files, nor should you use templates designed for other
conferences. Submissions that do not conform to the required styles,
including paper size, margin width, and font size restrictions, will be
Length and appendices: Industry Track papers cannot exceed 6 pages in
length (excluding ethical considerations and references). After the
bibliography, papers can have an optional appendix with, e.g., examples
or sample inputs/outputs, pre-processing decisions, model parameters,
feature templates, pseudocode, information about user studies,
additional errors analysis or other details that are necessary for the
replication of the work described in the paper. Note, however, that
paper submissions must be fully self-contained, i.e., supplementary
materials, as provided in the appendix, are completely optional, and
reviewers are not even asked to review them. Note that it will not be
possible to submit additional separate files as supplementary materials.
Double-blind review: Industry Track submissions must not include the
authors' names and affiliations. Self-references that reveal the
authors' identities must be avoided. For example, instead of "We
previously showed (Smith, 1991) …" or even "We previously showed
(Anonymous, 1991) …", please use "Smith previously showed (Smith, 1991)
…". Authors should also be careful not to reveal their affiliation
indirectly, for example through screenshots or trade names. Submissions
should avoid links to non-anonymized repositories: code should be
submitted as a link to an anonymized repository (e.g., Anonymous GitHub
or Anonym Share). Please avoid links to storage services like Dropbox
(which may track the reviewers downloading the resources). Papers that
do not conform to these requirements will be desk-rejected.
Citation and comparison: Authors are expected to cite all refereed
publications relevant to their submission but may be excused for not
knowing about all unpublished work (especially work that has been
recently posted and/or is not widely cited). In cases where a preprint
has been superseded by a refereed publication, the refereed publication
should be cited in addition to or instead of the preprint version.
Papers (whether refereed or not) appearing less than 3 months before the
submission deadline are considered contemporaneous to a submission, and
authors are therefore not obliged to make detailed comparisons that
require additional experimentation and/or in-depth analysis. For more
information, see the ACL Policies for Review and Citation [2].
Writing assistance: The ACL 2025 Industry Track adheres to the ACL
policy on using writing assistants available here [3].
Submission system: Papers have to be submitted through the ACL 2025
Industry Track online submission system.
Final version: Accepted papers will be given one additional page of
content (up to 7 pages; ethical considerations, acknowledgements and
references do not count against this limit) so that reviewers' comments
can be taken into account. Previous presentations of the work (e.g.,
preprints on should be indicated in a footnote that should be
excluded from the review submission, but included in the final version
of papers appearing in the ACL 2025 proceedings.
The final version should remove anonymization in text, citation, and
figures. For example, the final version may include the name of the
authors' institutions, trade names, and screenshots of identifiable
products. Please notice that once the paper has been submitted, no
changes to the list of authors are allowed.
Presentation requirement for accepted papers: Industry Track papers will
be presented orally or as posters to be determined by the program
committee. All accepted papers must be presented at the conference
(either via online or onsite presence). At least one author of each
accepted paper must register for ACL 2025 by the early registration
deadline. The ACL 2025 Industry Track will run in parallel with the
Research Track.
ACL 2025 will not consider any paper that is under review in a journal
or another conference at the time of submission, and submitted papers
must not be submitted elsewhere during the ACL 2025 review period. This
policy covers all refereed and archival conferences and workshops (e.g.,
NeurIPS, ACL workshops), as well as ARR. In addition, we will not
consider any paper that overlaps significantly in content or results
with papers that have been (or will be) published elsewhere. Authors
submitting more than one paper to ACL 2025 must ensure that their
submissions do not overlap significantly (>25%) with each other in
content or results.
Submissions of identical or closely related work to multiple ACL 2025
tracks (e.g., to the research track and industry track) will be treated
as duplicate submissions. Such submissions violate our multiple
submission policy and will be rejected without review. The authors
should also include the papers that their paper overlaps with or extends
in the references section as follows: _Anonymous Authors_, "_Title of
the paper_", _Under submission at ACL 2025 (TRACK NAME)_.
Authors are required to honor the ethical code set out in the ACL Code
of Ethics [4]. The consideration of the ethical impact of our research,
use of data, and potential applications of our work has always been an
important consideration, and as artificial intelligence is becoming more
mainstream, these issues are increasingly pertinent. We ask that all
authors read the code, and ensure that their work is conformant to this
code. Where a paper may raise ethical issues, we ask that you include in
the paper an explicit discussion of these issues, which will be taken
into account in the review process. We reserve the right to reject
papers on ethical grounds, where the authors are judged to have operated
counter to the code of ethics, or have inadequately addressed legitimate
ethical concerns with their work.
Authors will be allowed extra space after the 6th page for an optional
broader impact statement or other discussion of ethics. The ACL review
form will include a section addressing these issues and papers flagged
for ethical concerns by reviewers or ACs will be further reviewed by an
ethics committee. Note that an ethical considerations section is not
required, but papers working with sensitive data or on sensitive tasks
that do not discuss these issues will not be accepted. Conversely, the
mere inclusion of an ethical considerations section does not guarantee
acceptance. In addition to acceptance or rejection, papers may receive a
conditional acceptance recommendation. Camera-ready versions of papers
designated as conditional accept will be re-reviewed by the ethics
committee to determine whether the concerns have been adequately
addressed. Please read the ethics FAQ [5] for more guidance on some
problems to look out for and key concerns to consider relative to the
code of ethics.
Industry Track Co-Chairs:
- Yunyao Li [6] (Adobe)
- Georg Rehm [7] (DFKI GmbH)
Email: acl-2025-industry-track(a) [8]
General Chair: Roberto Navigli [9] (Sapienza University of Rome)
Is the Industry Track only for participants from industry? No, the
Industry Track welcomes participants from the entire ACL community.
Researchers working on real-world applications that match the Industry
Track call for papers are invited to submit papers. Everyone is welcome
to attend Industry Track sessions.
What do you mean by real-world applications? We are looking for
applications that are deployed (or expected to be deployed) for
real-world use, i.e., outside controlled environments such as
laboratories, classrooms or experimental crowd-sourced setups.
Can students also submit papers to the Industry Track? Yes! If your work
matches the Industry Track call for papers, consider submitting a paper
to the Industry Track.
I work in industry. Can I still submit my paper to the research track?
Absolutely! There are no changes to the main conference submissions. The
Industry Track offers a forum to submit papers describing aspects of
real-world applications that may differ in focus from the research track
reviewing criteria.
Will the papers in the Industry Track be published in the proceedings?
Yes, Industry Track papers will be published as a separate volume of the
proceedings. For example, see the ACL 2025 proceedings.
How do I decide whether to submit to the research track or the Industry
Track? Papers describing key lessons learned and challenges pertaining
to real-world deployment of NLP and speech technologies are best suited
for Industry Track. Authors are advised to review the call for papers
for both tracks and submit to the track that best matches your work. The
list of topics and reviewing criteria may be helpful. You can also reach
out to the track chairs if you need help deciding.
ISWC 2025 Call for Submissions - Various Tracks
24th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2025)
Nara, Japan
November 2-6, 2025
Follow us:
Twitter/X: @iswc_conf #iswc_conf ( )
Mastodon Social:
ISWC 2025 features multiple tracks, i.e., research, resource, in-use, industry, poster & demos, doctoral consortium, workshops, dagstuhl-style workshops, challenges, and tutorials, Hence, authors are kindly asked to check out the calls of each track to choose the one that best fits their contribution.
Call for Research Track Papers
The research track of ISWC 2025 solicits novel and significant research contributions addressing theoretical, analytical, and empirical aspects of the Semantic Web. We welcome work describing original and replicable research showing evidence of significant contribution to the Semantic Web.
Important Dates:
Abstract submission due May 6th, 2025
Full paper submission due May 13th, 2025
Rebuttal June 17th - 20th, 2025
Notifications July 17th, 2025
Camera ready papers due July 31st, 2025
Research Track Chairs:
Contact: iswc2025-research(a)
Daniel Garijo, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
Sabrina Kirrane, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria
Call for Resource Track Papers
The ISWC 2025 Resources Track aims to promote the sharing of resources that support, enable, or utilize semantic web research. We welcome descriptions of resources that leverage knowledge representation based on Semantic Web standards or other graph data models to improve the acquisition, processing, and sharing of data on the web.
Important Dates:
Abstract submission due May 6th, 2025
Full paper submission due May 13th, 2025
Rebuttal June 17th - 20th, 2025
Notifications July 17th, 2025
Camera ready papers due July 31st, 2025
Resource Track Chairs:
Contact: iswc2025-resource(a)
Cogan Shimizu, Wright State University, US
Angelo Salatino, KMi,The Open University, UK
Call for In-use Track Papers
The In-Use track seeks submissions describing applied research as well as software tools, systems, or architectures that benefit from the use of Semantic Web and Knowledge Graph technologies (including, but not limited to, technologies based on the Semantic Web standards). Importantly, submitted papers should provide convincing evidence of the use of the proposed application or tool by the target user group, preferably outside the group that conducted the development and, more broadly, outside the Semantic Web and Knowledge Graph research communities.
Important Dates:
Abstract submission due May 6th, 2025
Full paper submission due May 13th, 2025
Rebuttal June 17th - 20th, 2025
Notifications July 17th, 2025
Camera ready papers due July 31st, 2025
In-Use Track Chairs:
Contact: iswc2025-in-use(a)
Maribel Acosta
Technical University of Munich, Germany
Andrea Giovanni Nuzzolese
CNR - Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies, Italy
Call for Posters and Demos Track Papers
The ISWC 2025 Posters and Demos Track offers an opportunity to showcase late-breaking research results, ongoing research or resource projects, speculative or innovative ideas, and interactive demonstrations. This track is designed to encourage dynamic discussions between presenters and participants, fostering feedback that can shape future research directions. These discussions will offer participants an effective way to broaden their knowledge of emerging research trends and to network with other researchers.
Important Dates:
Posters & demos submissions due - July 31st, 2025
Author notifications - August 28th, 2025
Camera-ready submissions due - September 11th, 2025
Posters and Demos Chairs:
Contact email: iswc2025-pd(a)
Gong Cheng
Nanjing University, China
Shenghui Wang
University of Twente, The Netherlands
Call for Challenges Proposals
A great way to advance the state of the art in a given domain is to create competition. We invite you to propose an ISWC 2025 Challenge, in which you define an open competition on a problem of your choice within the Semantic Web domain.
Important Dates:
Challenge proposal submission due Feb 18th, 2025
Notification of challenge acceptance Mar 2nd, 2025
Semantic Web Challenge Chairs:
Contact: iswc2025-challenge(a)
Mayank Kejriwal
University of Southern California, United States
Pablo Mendes
Upwork, United States
Call for Workshops
Workshops at ISWC play a critical role in fostering focused, intensive scientific exchange on specific topics aligned with the conference’s overarching themes. They provide a unique venue for exploring emerging ideas, discussing novel perspectives on established research, and engaging with related research communities. We encourage proposals for workshops that will inspire meaningful dialogue and collaboration among ISWC attendees, providing a platform to advance research and innovation in this dynamic field.
Important dates:
Submission deadline - February 18, 2025
Notification to proposers - March 11, 2025
Workshop website and CfP available online - April 8, 2025
Workshop program with list of accepted papers available online - July 29, 2025
Workshop days - November 2-3, 2025
Workshop Chairs:
Blerina Spahiu - University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy
Juan Sequeda -, USA
Contact: iswc2025-ws(a)
Call for Dagstuhl Style Workshops
Inspired by the Special Session at ISWC 2024 and the Dagstuhl Seminar model, these workshops are designed to encourage in-depth discussions on challenges or emerging topics within a half-day or full-day event format. The goal is to create a collaborative and open environment for brainstorming and exploring new directions, similar to the spirit of Dagstuhl Seminars. These workshops will prioritize dynamic discussions and the presentation of fresh ideas and ongoing research, rather than requiring participants to submit papers or give formal presentations.
Important dates:
Submission deadline - July 1, 2025
Notification to proposers - July 11, 2025
Workshop website online - July 25, 2025
Workshop days - November 2-3, 2025
Workshop Chairs
Blerina Spahiu - University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy
Juan Sequeda -, USA
Contact: iswc2025-ws(a)
Call for Tutorials
The International Semantic Web Conference 2025 is pleased to announce the Call for Tutorials. Continuing the tradition of excellence, the 2025 edition will feature a comprehensive tutorial program serving the diverse interests and expertise of our audience. These tutorials aim to provide attendees with insights into foundational and cutting-edge topics, practical applications, and the latest advancements in Semantic Web, Knowledge Graphs, and Linked Data technologies.
Important dates:
Submission deadline - May 20, 2025
Notification to proposers - June 10, 2025
Tutorial website online - July 8, 2025
Materials available on the website (if any) - August 8, 2025
Tutorial days - November 2-3, 2025
Tutorial chairs:
Blerina Spahiu - University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy
Juan Sequeda -, USA
Contact: iswc2025-ws(a)
Call for Industry Track Papers
The Industry Track at ISWC 2025 welcomes extended abstracts about the application of knowledge graphs and semantic technologies in various industrial sectors, aiming to showcase the state of their adoption and the latest trends. It provides an opportunity for industry adopters to highlight and share the key learnings and new research challenges posed by real-world implementations.
Important dates:
Submissions Due - 1st July 2025
Notifications Due - 29th July 2025
Camera-Ready Papers Due - 11th September 2025
Industry Track Chairs:
Contact email: iswc2025-industry(a)
Oktie Hassanzadeh
IBM Research, US
Irene Celino
Cefriel, Italy
Call for Doctoral Consortium Submissions
The DC event is intended for students who have articulated a reasonably detailed research proposal, preferably supported by some preliminary results, but are not yet on the final stretch of their thesis, such that the feedback gathered at the DC will have a maximal impact. The aim is to support the students in refining their proposal and to suggest possible ways to improve their research plan and to achieve results with prospective greater impact.
Submissions Due - 3 June 2025
Notifications - 8 July 2025
Camera-ready Submissions Due - 31 July 2025
Doctoral Consortium - 3 November 2025
Doctoral Consortium Track Chairs:
Contact: iswc2025-doctoral-consortium(a)
Abraham Bernstein
University of Zurich, Switzerland
Natasha Noy
Google Research, US
All deadlines are 23:59 AoE (anywhere on Earth)
For more details check out the conference website:
Following a number of requests, we have opted to briefly extend the
deadline for this call. And please note the explicitly interdisciplinary
scope of the conference. I'm purposefully sending this to a broad spread
of mailing lists, as we aim to draw in a breadth of specialisms.
Venue & date: University of Granada, Spain, 24-25 June 2025
Plenary speakers: Dr. Loredana Cerrato [1] Senior Consultant, Microsoft
Sweden; and EM Lewis-Jong, Director for Mozilla Common Voice [2]
Abstract submission *extended* deadline: Friday 7 February 2025
'Humans, Machines, Language' (HuMaLa - [4]) is a
cross-disciplinary network for a wide range of linguists, developers,
and humanists with different interests in the impact of language
technologies that integrate with human senses.
Whether you are a tech developer who wants to learn more about
linguistics, or a linguist who wants to know more about tech, we want to
hear from you! Our inaugural conference theme is: 'Humanistic insights
for human-machine language technologies: privacy, security, and
In addition to technical work (e.g., model description or datasets), we
warmly encourage theoretical and empirical studies on the
sociolinguistic, ethical, legal, cultural and social implications of
language technology adoption.
The full call with further background details is on our website (linked
above). Please forward this message to anyone who may be interested, and
please repost the social media announcement here: [5]
We hope to see you at the conference!
All the best,
Amal Haddad (on behalf of the committee)
Amal Haddad Haddad (She/her)
Facultad de Traducción e Interpretación
Universidad de Granada |
Lexicon Research Group |
Co-Convenor, BAAL SIG 'Humans, Machines,
Event Coordinator, BAAL SIG 'Language, Learning and Teaching'
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Dear mailing list members,
We are pleased to announce the Call for Papers for the Queer in AI
Workshop, which will be held as an official workshop at NAACL 2025 in New
Mexico, USA (April 29-May 4, 2025).
Over the years, Queer in AI has grown so much that it has spawned its own
research subfield. This called for us to convert our workshop into an
official workshop at NAACL 2025, which means your work can now be published
in the ACL Anthology.
The workshop will be held in a hybrid format, allowing both in-person and
virtual participation.
The workshop aims to bring together researchers and practitioners working
at the intersection of linguistics, queerness, and natural language
processing. We provide a safe and inclusive space for presenting work,
networking, and discussing critical issues in the field.
We welcome submissions in three tracks:
- Queer linguistics - Exploring language around gender and sexuality,
including applications of queer theory to language research.
- Queerness and NLP - Examining the intersection of NLP and queerness,
from analyzing queer language patterns to investigating potential biases in
NLP systems.
- Queer activism and D&I - Addressing inclusivity challenges in NLP
events and sharing strategies for queer advocacy in tech and academia.
We provide two submission options: archival (if you want your papers
published) and non-archival (if you just want to share or present your
*Archival track*: Papers should be 4 pages (short) or 8 pages (long) in ACL
format, with unlimited pages for references. All papers must use the
official ACL style templates. Accepted papers will be published in the ACL
*Non-archival track*: In this track, you can submit creative work in the
form of art, poetry, music, microblogs, TikToks, or videos; or you can
submit your work-in-progress papers or abstracts. For this submit a PDF
containing a summary/abstract of your work and a link to the actual
content. Submissions in any language are welcome.
Archival submission deadline: January 30, 2025 *February 20, 2025
Non-archival submission / Findings / ARR commitment deadline: February 20,
Notification of acceptance: March 1, 2025
Camera-ready due: March 10, 2025
Mentorship is available for first-time authors. For more information or
assistance, please contact: queer-in-nlp(a)
Best regards,
Queer in AI Workshop Organizers