
Maite Melero
Barcelona Supercomputing Center

---------- Forwarded message ---------
De: Dave Sayers <>
Date: dv., 10 de maig 2024 a les 15:29
Subject: Call for funding applications: ‘Short-Term Scientific Mission’ (STSM), Language In The Human-Machine Era (rolling deadlines on the website)
To: <>

Language In The Human-Machine Era (LITHME, welcomes applications for the latest round of STSM funding. An STSM is one of COST’s standard networking activities, for an individual to visit a host organization located in a different country than their country of affiliation, to gain and share knowledge.

Eligibility follows the COST Association’s rules: basically anyone in a European country or ‘Near Neighbour’ country - (although please note COST has removed Russia from that list).

We are looking for people with specialisms in either technology or in linguistics (or both), who want to gain and share knowledge across those academic boundaries. Moreover, we want to fund visits that will pursue our goals to produce new insights on the effects of new and emerging human-integrated language technologies. More information about our themes and interests can be found on our Working Groups page ( and in our open access forecast report (, as well our professionally commissioned animations ( Clearly understanding and referring to these resources will increase the quality of any application.

Further information about eligibility, our deadlines, and the online application form can be found at

Please forward this email on to anyone who may be interested, and repost our announcement:

All the best,

Dr. Dave Sayers, ORCID no. 0000-0003-1124-7132
Senior Lecturer & Docent, Dept Language & Communication Studies, U. Jyväskylä, Finland |
Chair, EU COST Action CA19102 'Language in the Human-Machine Era' |
Founder & Moderator, TeachLing | |

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