Varna, Bulgaria
Summer School on Deep Learning and LLMs for NLP: 3-5 September 2025 (Wednesday-Friday)
Tutorials: 6-7 September 2025 (Saturday-Sunday)
Main Conference: 8-10 September 2025 (Monday-Wednesday)
Workshops and shared tasks: 11-13 September 2025 (Thursday-Saturday)
The biennial RANLP (Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing) conference is one of the most competitive and influential NLP conferences. The event grew out of the International Summer schools "Contemporary topics in Computational Linguistics" which were organised for many years as international training events. Previous RANLP conferences (1995, 1997, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019, 2021 and 2023) featured keynote talks by leading experts in NLP as well as presentations/papers of high quality, rigorously reviewed by Programme Committee experts. Since 2009, the papers accepted at RANLP and the associated workshops are included in the ACL Anthology. The RANLP proceedings are indexed by SCOPUS and DBLP. The Proceedings has its own Scopus SJR, in 2023 it is 0,299. The conference will be preceded by a Summer School on Deep Learning and Large Language Models (LLMs) for Natural Language Processing (NLP) as well as tutorials on current topics of particular interest and cutting edge technologies. RANLP-2025 will be followed by specialised workshops as well as shared tasks covering timely NLP topics. A Student Research Workshop will be held in parallel with the main conference. The Student Research Workshops (now the 9th edition) have become active discussion fora for young researchers.
We invite papers reporting recent advances in all aspects of Natural Language Processing and particularly encourage submissions related to (and the employment of) the latest NLP methods including Large Language Models/Generative AI. Contributions from a broad range of areas will be welcome including, but not limited to, the following topics: phonetics, phonology, morphology; syntax, semantics, discourse, pragmatics, dialogue, lexicon; complexity; mathematical, statistical, machine learning and deep learning models; language resources and corpora; crowdsourcing for creation of linguistic resources; electronic dictionaries, terminologies and ontologies; sublanguages and controlled languages; linked data; POS tagging; parsing; semantic role labelling; word-sense disambiguation; multiword expressions and computational phraseology; textual entailment; anaphora resolution; temporal processing; language generation; speech recognition; text-to-speech synthesis; multilingual NLP; machine translation, translation memory systems and computer-aided translation tools, text simplification and readability estimation; knowledge acquisition; information retrieval; text categorisation; information extraction; text summarisation; terminology extraction; question answering; opinion mining and sentiment analysis; fact checking and fake news; stance recognition; hate speech and aggression detection; author profiling; dialogue systems; chatbots and conversational agents; irony and sarcasm detection; negation and speculation detection; computer-aided language learning; multimodal systems; language and vision; NLP for biomedical texts; NLP for educational applications; NLP for healthcare; NLP for financial purposes; NLP for legal texts; for the Semantic web; theoretical and application-orientated papers related to NLP.
Ruslan Mitkov (University of Lancaster)
Galia Angelova (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)
The Programme Committee (PC) members are distinguished NLP experts from all over the world. The list of PC members will be announced at the conference website in due time.
Keynote speakers, tutorial presenters, and summer school lecturers and tutors will be announced in the upcoming calls for papers.
The RANLP 2025 workshops and shared tasks will be held on 11-13 September 2025. Calls for Proposals of Workshop and Shared Tasks have been already published.
The submissions will be maintained by the conference management software START. For further instructions, please follow the submission information at the conference website at The reviewing process will be anonymous. Double submission is acceptable, but authors will be asked to declare it at the time of submission. Submissions will be reviewed by at least three members of the Programme Committee. Authors of accepted papers will receive guidelines regarding how to produce camera-ready versions of their papers for inclusion in the proceedings. All RANLP papers have DOI numbers assigned. The full conference proceedings will be uploaded on the ACL Anthology.
RANLP-2025 aims to provide early notification of acceptance to authors and presenters who need visa to enter Bulgaria. We invite early submissions of authors’ names and paper abstracts, in order to plan quick reviewing. Access to the conference management software will be available as from 1 April 2025.
Call for Shared Tasks proposals: September 2024
Shared Tasks selection notification: 4 November 2024
Shared Tasks sample data and task website ready: 15 November 2024
Shared Tasks training data ready: 15 December 2024
Call for workshop proposals: 24 December 2024
Deadline for submission of workshop proposals: 15 March 2025
Workshop selection: 22 March 2025
Conference abstracts submission: April 2025
Conference papers submission: early/mid May 2025 (please check exact dates on RANLP 2025 website)
Conference papers acceptance notification: 28 June 2025
Camera-ready versions of the conference papers: 31 July 2025
Workshop paper submission deadline (suggested): 30 June 2025
Workshop paper acceptance notification (suggested): 28 July 2025
Workshop paper camera-ready versions (suggested): 20 August 2025
Workshop camera-ready proceedings ready (suggested): 31 August 2025
RANLP Summer School on Deep Learning in NLP: 3-5 September 2025
RANLP tutorials: 6-7 September 2025 (Saturday-Sunday)
RANLP conference: 8-10 September 2025 (Monday-Wednesday)
RANLP workshops and Shared Tasks presentations: 11-13 September 2025 (Thursday-Saturday)
RANLP 2025 will be held at the conference facilities of Hotel “Cherno More” ( ) in Varna, the largest city on the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast. The event venue is centrally located at the entrance of the Sea Garden and offers excellent conference facilities. The city is a major tourist destination with flights to/from the Varna International Airport. It is also known for its Archaeological Museum, which features the oldest gold treasure in the world ( The conference organisers plan to organise an excursion to Provadia, the oldest salt-production and urban centre in Europe (5600 - 4350 BC, ) which is located 50 km from Varna.
Galia Angelova, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria (Chair Organising Committee)
Ruslan Mitkov, University of Lancaster, UK (Chair Programme Commitee)
Nikolai Nikolov, Bulgarian Association for Computational Linguistics, Bulgaria
Tharindu Ranasinghe, Lancaster University, UK (Workshops Chair and Shared tasks Co-Chair)
Saad Ezzini, Lancaster University, UK (Sponsorship Chair and Shared tasks Co-Chair)
Maria Kunilovskaya, Saarland University, Germany (Publication Chair)
Preslav Nakov, MBZUAI, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Ivelina Nikolova, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria
Kiril Simov, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria (Workshops Co-Chair)
Petya Osenova, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria (Workshops Co-Chair)