Dear all,The 6th international workshop on spoken language technologies for under-resourced languages (SLTU'18) will be held in Gurugram, India on 29-31 August 2018The workshop on spoken language technologies for under- resourced languages is the sixth in a series of even-year SLTU workshops. Five previous workshops were successfully organized: SLTU'16 in Yogyakarta (Indonesia), SLTU'14 in St. Petersburg (Russia), SLTU'12 in Cape Town (South Africa), SLTU'10 in Penang (Malaysia) and SLTU'08 in Hanoi (Vietnam).There are more than 6000 languages in the world and only few are well represented digitally. India alone, with a country of 780 spoken languages and 86 different scripts that reflect its incredible diversity, has lost around 250 languages in the last 50 years and many more are at the verge of getting extinct. A major focus of this workshop is on Indo-European and Sino-Tibetan languages, but study on other under resourced languages are also encouraged. The workshop is being planned as a satellite workshop to INTERSPEECH 2018.Contact: Website: authors are invited to submit full-length papers up to 4 pages for technical content (including figures, tables, etc) plus one additional page containing only references.Tutorials on NMT, ASR and TTS, as well as a new TTS challenge will be announced soon….Areas/Topicsq Language resource development, acquisition and representationq Linguistic theories, Corpus Development and Resourcesq Linguistic and cognitive studiesq Unsupervised discovery of linguistic unitsq Code switched lexical modellingq Multi-lingual and cross-lingual spoken language processingq Speech-to-text, text-to-speech and speech-to-speech processingq Machine translation and dialogue systemsq Application of spoken language technologies for under-resourced languages.Important Datesq Full Paper Submission: 15th June, 2018q Acceptance Notification: 10th July, 2018q Camera Ready Papers: 17th July, 2018q Early Registration: 24th July, 2018q Workshop Dates: 29-31st August, 2018