
Some colleagues organizing this hackton asked if I could help to boradcast it. Hence this message !


Laurent Besacier

SLT-CODE Hackathon Announcement

Have you ever asked yourself how your smartphone recognizes what you say and who you are?

Have you ever thought about how machines recognize different languages?

If that is your case, join us for a two-day speech and language technology hackathon. We will answer these questions and build fantastic systems with the guidance of top language and speech scientists in a collaborative environment.

The two-day speech and language technology hackathon will take place during the IEEE Spoken Language Technology (SLT) Workshop in Doha, Qatar, on January 7th and 8th, 2023. This year's Hackathon will be inspiring, momentous, and fun. The goal is to build a diverse community of people who want to explore and envision how machines understand the world's spoken languages.

During the Hackathon, you will be exposed (but not limited) to speech and language toolkits like ESPNet, SpeechBrain, K2/Kaldi, Huggingface, TorchAudio, or commercial APIs like Amazon Lex, etc., and you will be hands-on using this technology.

At the end of the Hackathon, every team will share their findings with the rest of the participants. Selected projects will have the opportunity to be presented at the SLT workshop.

The Hackathon will be at the Qatar Computing Research Institute (QCRI) in Doha, Qatar (GMT+3). In-person participation is preferred; however, remote participation is possible by joining a team with at least one person being local.

More information on how to apply and important dates are available at our website https://slt2022.org/hackathon.php

Interested? Apply here: https://forms.gle/a2droYbD4qset8ii9 The ​​deadline for registration is September 30th, 2022.

If you have immediate questions, don't hesitate to contact our hackathon chairs directly at hackathon.slt2022@gmail.com.