Dear All,

The joint ISCA-ELRA Special Interest Group on Under-resourced Languages (SIGUL) has been created earlier in 2017.
SIGUL intends to bring together a number of professionals involved in the development of language resources and technologies for under-resourced languages (see more on

You are receiving this e-mail because you have been involved in pre-SIGUL events (SLTU, CCURL, others) and your email address has been put on the mailing-list, which contains approximately 300 members. This newly created mailing-list will work as a newsletter service, which means only moderators can post to it. Subscriptions are subject to prior approval, and the subscribers list is private (the archives will be public).

This email is the first sent to the mailing list. Another one about SIGUL board elections will follow soon.


Laurent Besacier

Laurent Besacier
Professeur à l'Univ. Grenoble Alpes (UGA)
Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble (LIG)
Membre Junior de l'Institut Universitaire de France (IUF 2012-2017)
Responsable équipe GETALP du LIG
Directeur de l'école doctorale (ED) MSTII
!! Nouvelles coordonnées !!: LIG 
Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble
Bâtiment IMAG
700 avenue Centrale
Domaine Universitaire - 38401 St Martin d'Hères
Pour tout contact concernant ED MSTII: passer par
Nouveau tel: 0457421454