*********** DEADLINE EXTENSION **************

The submission deadline has been extended! The new deadline is October 27, 2024 (23:59 anywhere on earth)


The two major conferences in the Baltic and Nordic regions, NoDaLiDa, organized by The Northern European Association for Language Technology (NEALT) and Baltic HLT are joining forces to organize NoDaLiDa/Baltic-HLT 2025 – The Joint 25th Nordic Conference on Computational Linguistics and 11th Baltic Conference on Human Language Technologies, to be held in Tallinn, Estonia, on March 2–5, 2025 as an in-person conference.


Dirk Hovy, Bocconi University, Milan
Arianna Bisazza, University of Groningen

NoDaLiDa/Baltic-HLT 2025 addresses all aspects of natural language processing, speech recognition and synthesis, and computational linguistics, including work in closely related neighboring disciplines (such as, for example, machine learning, linguistics, digital humanities, or psychology) that is sufficiently formalized or applied to bear relevance to speech and language technologies. 

We invite paper submissions of three types:
* regular papers on substantial, original, and unpublished research, including empirical evaluation results, where appropriate;
* short papers on smaller, focused contributions, work in progress, negative results, surveys, or opinion pieces; and
* demonstration papers on software or resource demonstrations, e.g. of systems, interfaces, infrastructures, data collections, or annotations.  Demonstration papers do not need to be anonymous.

We particularly encourage submission of papers on completed or ongoing work, where the first author is a Master's or PhD student. This should be indicated at submission time.

Papers accepted for presentation at the conference will be included in the NoDaLiDa/Baltic-HLT 2025 proceedings, which are published in the ACL Anthology and the NEALT Proceedings Series at DSpace at Tartu University Library (negotiations for indexation are ongoing and expected to be in place at publication time)

* Monday, October 21 October 27, 2024: Submission of Papers
* Monday, December 9, 2024: Notification of Acceptance
* Monday, January 13, 2025: Camera-Ready Manuscripts
* Monday and Tuesday, March 3–4, 2025: Main Conference

The main conference will be held on-site only, without an online option, in order to facilitate networking.

All submissions must follow the NoDaLiDa 2025 style files, which will be available for LaTeX (preferred) and MS Word.

Submissions must be anonymous, i.e. not reveal author(s) on the title page or through self-references. Papers must be submitted digitally, in PDF, and uploaded through the online conference system. Paper submissions that violate either of these requirements will be returned without review.

The page limits for submissions are: up to eight pages for regular papers and up to four pages for short papers and demo papers. For all three submission types, these page limits do not include additional pages with bibliographic references. We do not allow any extra pages for appendices.

Papers that have been or will be submitted to other venues must indicate this at submission time and must be withdrawn from the other venues if accepted to NoDALiDa/Baltic-HLT 2025. Authors of papers accepted for presentation at NoDALiDa/Baltic_HLT must notify the program chairs by the camera-ready deadline as to whether the paper will be presented. We will not accept for publication or presentation papers that overlap significantly in content or results with papers that will be (or have been) published elsewhere.

We follow the ACL Anonymity Policy, which means that we have no anonymity period. Authors are still cautioned against extensive advertising. 

Submissions to the conference must be uploaded electronically, obeying the above requirements, and no later than (23:59, anywhere on earth): Sunday, October 27, 2024.
Submission is done through OpenReview: https://openreview.net/group?id=NoDaLiDa/Baltic-HLT/2025/Conference

Please note: To submit a paper, you need an account on OpenReview. For persons without an institutional email, it can take up to two weeks to have an account verified. Thus, please create an account early if you don’t have one already!

General Chair
* Sara Stymne, Uppsala University, Sweden

Program Chairs
* Mark Fišel, University of Tartu, Estonia 
* Daniel Hershcovich, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 
* Jenna Kanerva, University of Turku, Finland 
* Pierre Lison, Norwegian Computing Centre, Norway 
* Inguna Skadiņa, University of Latvia, Lativa 
* Andrius Utka, Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania 

Workshop chairs
* Normunds Grūzītis, University of Latvia, Latvia 
* Samia Touileb, University of Bergen, Norway 

Publication chair
* Richard Johansson, Chalmers Technical University, Sweden 

Social media chair
* Mike Zhang, Aalborg University, Denmark 

To inquire about the submission and reviewing process or the scientific program of the conference, please email ‘nodalida_baltichlt_2025-pc@googlegroups.com’.

Local Chairs
* Helen Kaljumäe, Institute of the Estonian Language, Estonia 
* Kadri Vare, Institute of the Estonian Language, Estonia 
* Merily Remma, Institute of the Estonian Language, Estonia 

For all practical inquiries, please email ‘nodalida_baltichlt_2025-loc@eki.ee’.

Follow us on X: https://twitter.com/NoDaLiDa

Web page: https://www.nodalida-bhlt2025.eu/conference
Page Title

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