The 23rd International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories (TLT 2025) will bring together developers and users of linguistically annotated natural language corpora. The workshop is part of SyntaxFest 2025 and will be hosted by University of Ljubljana in Slovenia on August 26-29, 2025.
Link to TLT 2025: Link to SyntaxFest 2025:
----------------------------- INVITED TALK ----------------------------- Amir Zeldes (Georgetown University)
----------------------------- SUBMISSION INFORMATION ----------------------------- TLT addresses all aspects of treebank design, development, and use. As ‘treebanks’ we consider any pairing of natural language data (spoken, signed, or written) with annotations of linguistic structure at various levels of analysis, including, e.g., morpho-phonology, syntax, semantics, and discourse. Annotations can take any form (including trees or general graphs), but they should be encoded in a way that enables computational processing. Reflections on the design of linguistic annotations, methodology studies, resource announcements or updates, annotation or conversion tool development, or reports on treebank usage including probing the leakage of treebanks into large language models are but some examples of the types of papers we anticipate for TLT.
SyntaxFest joint submission link:
----------------------------- IMPORTANT DATES ----------------------------- * April 15, 2025: Paper submission deadline * June 2, 2025: Notification of acceptance * June 16, 2025: Camera-ready papers due * August 26-29, 2025: SyntaxFest conference (about two workshop days for TLT; attendants are encouraged but not obliged to participate in the whole SyntaxFest.)
All deadlines are 11.59 pm UTC -12h (“anywhere on Earth”).
----------------------------- TLT2025 WORKSHOP CHAIRS ----------------------------- * Sarah Jablotschkin, University of Hamburg * Sandra Kübler, Indiana University * Heike Zinsmeister, University of Hamburg
Contact: Website: