Event Notification Type: Test set and submission instructions released. Website: https://pan.webis.de/clef24/pan24-web/oppositional-thinking-analysis.html#su...
*TEST SET AND INSTRUCTIONS RELEASED* *Oppositional Thinking Analysis PAN@CLEF* Dear all,
As announced, we are excited to communicate that the test set for the evaluation phase together with the instructions on how to participate are released and can be consulted on the shared task website:
Please, find below some important dates to keep in mind:
- February 23rd, 2024: Training Set Release - May 15th, 2024: Test Set Release - May 30th, 2024: Submission Deadline - June 15th, 2024: Participant paper submission Midnight CEST - July 1st, 2024: Peer review notification - July 7th, 2024: Camera-ready participant papers submission Midnight CEST
Once again, thank you for your interest and support. If you have any questions or need assistance at any point during the campaign, please feel free to reach out to us.
Warm regards, Francisco Rangel on behalf of the Oppositional Thinking Analysis Task Committee