This full-day "Communication in Human-AI Interaction" (CHAI) workshop welcomes submissions of position papers (8 pages maximum in Springer LNCS format).
The workshop will be held as part of the *INTERACT 23 conference* (Aug 28 - Sep 1, York, UK and online,
It will be organized as an interactive work group event, including a design activity and group discussions.
Important dates and links
* Paper deadline: April 28, 2023 AoE
* Notification: May 19, 2023
* Workshop date: between August 28 and September 1, 2023 (TBD)
* Workshop website:
* Submission website:
*Goal and topics:*
Human interactions with AI systems are becoming part of our everyday life. If designed and developed efficiently, these interactions have great potential to enhance human work, abilities, and well-being. Communication, here is the iterative process of establishing shared meaning, is a crucial aspect of successful interaction and has been studied for years, from HCI, AI, and cognitive sciences points of view, among others. The goal of this workshop is to bring together experts from HCI, AI, and Cognitive Sciences to explore and understand the specificities and characteristics of communication in human-AI interactions, as well as the salient principles, methods, and theories one has to consider to build meaningful human-AI communication systems.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
* Blended social contexts, comprising both human and technological communication
* Communication in multi-user interaction with intelligent agents
* Verbal and non-verbal human-AI communication
* Explicit and implicit human-AI communication
* Rules of etiquette and social norms in human-AI communication
* Communication in human-AI collaboration
* Human-AI communication design
* Language and communication
* Theory of Mind
* Common ground
* Inclusion and Diversity in Human-AI Communication
* Embodied multi-modal communication between humans and physical robots
The workshop will be a one-day event, envisioned as a collaborative thinking group activity focusing on the challenges surrounding Communication in Human-AI Interaction. The workshop aims at being interactive and will consist of two main parts.
First, participants will be invited to collaborate on a design activity. For this activity, participants will be grouped as best as possible by topics and each group will be given the same challenge: analyzing and suggesting a solution to an HAI communication problem. At the end of the activity, each group will report on their solution.
Second, we will have group discussions in two phases, for which groups will be shuffled to be cross-disciplinary. Each group will be given a separate topic. The goal of each group will be to identify common interests, open questions, and challenges related to this topic. The groups are shuffled between phases, and participants are encouraged to build on top of the previous groups’ discussion. Each discussion phase will be followed by a quick report of each group. The day will end by a longer plenary discussion during which we will also outline the after-workshop steps.
The design activity problem and the discussion topics will be chosen following participants submissions so that they align with the expertise and interest of the workshop participants.
By the end of the workshop, we expect to be as close as possible to a common agreement about an outline for the coordinated research agenda, including key points to explore further.
Post-workshop, the results will be communicated to a larger audience through various activities, to be synchronized with the participants.
*Submission Requirements:*
We welcome interested participants to submit position papers stating existing work, conceptual design, or their position with respect to the workshop topics. The submission should also include one or two points of discussion that the participant would like to address during the workshop.
Submissions should be made through EasyChair ( and be formatted according to the Springer LNCS format, templates available for LaTeX and Word, maximum 8 pages. We strongly encourage authors of position papers to follow the SIGCHI accessibility guidelines.
Workshop organizers
Jennifer Renoux, Örebro University, Sweden
Jasmin Grosinger, Örebro University, Sweden
Marta Romeo, Heriot-Watt University, UK
Victor Kaptelinin, Umeå University, Sweden
Antti Oulasvirta, Aalto University, Finland
Contact information
Workshop website:
For inquiries about the workshop, please contact: