We are pleased to announce the release of the French derivational morphology database Démonette-2, produced in the framework of the Demonext project (ANR-17-CE23-0005). Démonette is composed of descriptions of 222,118 lexeme pairs and their relations. The database contains three tables, one for the lexemes (table of lexemes), one for the morphologically related pairs of lexemes (table of relations) and one for the word families (table of families). Démonette provides the written form of the lexemes, their pronunciation, their grammatical category, their inflectional paradigm, their possible variants and for the nouns their masculine or feminine equivalents. For pairs of lexemes, the database provides the affixes of the two lexemes, the type of word formation, the complexity of the relation and its orientation. This information is derived from existing academic work. The origin of all the information in the database is explicitly mentioned.
Démonette is a general-purpose database that can be used for teaching vocabulary and grammar, speech therapy and remediation, experimental linguistics, NLP, etc. Démonette-2 is distributed under a CC-Attribution-4.0 license.
DOI : 10.17605/OSF.IO/DB2W8
Démonette can be accessed online at: https://www.demonette.fr/
It can be downloaded from the following sites and platforms: Démonette : https://www.demonette.fr/ Demonext : https://www.demonext.xyz/ OSF : https://osf.io/db2w8/
It will also be soon available on: Ortolang : https://www.ortolang.fr/fr/accueil/ REDAC : http://redac.univ-tlse2.fr/lexique/demonette
For more information, please visit the Demonext website: https://www.demonext.xyz/
Fiammetta Namer and Nabil Hathout