We(*) hope to better understand what barriers exist in NLP, who is being affected, and ultimately what can be done to improve the situation.
The following survey is a starting point to try and address some of these questions. It is available in Bangla, Chinese, English, and Spanish, and we are certainly open to additional languages (so please be in touch).
Feel free to forward this as you think appropriate, and we hope you will take a few minutes to fill out the survey.
Thank you!
* We are :
- Diyi Yang https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=j9jhYqQAAAAJ&hl=en - Manuel Montes https://ccc.inaoep.mx/~mmontesg/ - Ted Pedersen https://www.d.umn.edu/~tpederse/ - Thamar Solorio https://github.com/thamar-solorio/barriers_in_nlp/blob/main/tsolorio.uh.edu
You are most welcome to contact any of us should you need additional information or have suggestions. --- Dr. Ted Pedersen (he/him) http://www.d.umn.edu/~tpederse UEA-A Member : https://sites.google.com/d.umn.edu/ueaumd