Dear All,
We would like to invite you to participate in ValueEval, the shared task on Human Value Detection, organized as part of SemEval'23 and Touche'23.
Human values have been studied in the social sciences (Schwartz, 1994) and in formal argumentation (Bench-Capon, 2003) for decades. Within computational linguistics, not much research exists, though human values can provide context for categorizing, comparing, and evaluating argumentative statements. Use cases of automated value detection systems are, e.g.: argument strength assessment, audience-based argument generation and selection, ethical discussion overview, large- scale social science research.
The ValueEval task is: "Given a textual argument and a human value category, classify whether or not the argument draws on that category." See our ACL paper [1] and the task website (with 4 minute explanation video) for the details.
Important Dates: - In November, 2022: Run submission opens. - December 9, 2022: Early-bird run submission closes. - January 24, 2023: Run submission closes. - January 31, 2023: Run evaluation results out. - In February 2023: Paper submission deadline. - In March 2023: Paper notification. - In April 2023: Camera-ready paper submission deadline. - In Summer 2023: SemEval Workshop (co-located with a major NLP conference).
Helpful links: - Register here: - Mailing list: - Task website: - Twitter: - Video Explanation:
Task organizers:
Johannes Kiesel, Milad Alshomary, Henning Wachsmuth, Benno Stein
Kind Regards, Milad Alshomary