Madrid – 3-year PhD position
The UNED IR & NLP group has an open 3-year PhD position. The successful candidate is expected to work on the CLARA: artifiCial inteLligence observAtory foR spAnish, that has the aim of measuring the gap in Artificial Intelligence between English and Spanish. The project focuses on monitoring the comparative state of the art of Natural Language Processing in English and Spanish, as well as quantifying the comparative adoption and use of Artificial Intelligence solutions in English and Spanish by citizens and organizations.
As part of this team, the candidate will research in evaluation metrics and frameworks. Also, the candidate will collaborate in the design and development of the evaluation framework EvALL 2.0 (see EvALL 1.0 at www.evall.uned.es, an online evaluation service for Artificial Intelligence systems.
* Candidate profiles *
* Academic background (university degree, preferably master) in computer science or related discipline. * Experience developing Python applications. * Excellent programming skills. * Collaborative work skills. * Fluent in English (knowledge of Spanish is a plus).
* Terms and conditions * Location: NLP&IR UNED, Madrid, Spain Duration: 3 years (1+1+1) Salary: 30.000 € Context: CLARA: artifiCial inteLligence observAtory foR spAnish
* Application *
Please send an email to and titled “Programador de Django y Python” and include CV, names of two references and a brief motivation letter stating your interests and past experience
The position is open until filled. More details in the official call:
* More about us * The UNED NLP & IR group is a leading research group (of around 30 members) in the areas of Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval. See for details.
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