*Apologies for the multiple postings*
I am looking for a PhD student in e-Health and/or Sign Language Translation at the School of School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Queen's University in Belfast, UK. The details of the project can be found below:
Requirements: The successful candidate is expected to have a solid background in Machine Learning, Statistics, computer science or related discipline. The minimum academic requirement for admission to a research degree programme is normally an Upper Second Class Honours degree from a UK or ROI HE provider, or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the University. Refer to the official application process for details.
Application Process: For enquiries, please send an email to Dr. Mohammed Hasanuzzaman at m.hasanuzzaman@qub.ac.uk with your CV and transcript as well as a brief description of your research interests. Unfortunately, due to a high volume of inquiries, I may not be able to respond to all emails.
Submit your formal application through the following link. https://dap.qub.ac.uk/portal/user/u_login.php
Your application should be clearly marked as EEECS/2024/MH1 and/or EEECS/2024/MH2 to ensure consideration for funding
Application Deadline: 29 February, 2024
About Queen's: The Queen's University Belfast, founded almost two centuries ago, is one of the oldest universities in the United Kingdom. As a member of the prestigious Russell Group, Queen’s is one of the UK’s 24 leading research-intensive universities (ranked 13th in the UK for research intensity). Queen's has 15 subjects in the top 200 in the world (QS World University Rankings 2023). Five of those subjects are in the World Top 100 (QS World Rankings by subject 2023). For more details: https://www.qub.ac.uk/Study/Why-Study-at-Queens/rankings-and-reputation/
*International students are welcome to apply, but additional funding ( https://www.qub.ac.uk/Study/international-students/international-scholarship...) or personal finances will be required to cover the difference between home (UK) and overseas fees.
Best regards,
Mohammed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*Dr. Mohammed HasanuzzamanLecturer/Assistant Professor**Queen's University Belfast https://www.qub.ac.uk/, UK *
*&Munster Technological University https://www.mtu.ie/, Ireland* *Funded Investigator, ADAPT Centre- https://www.adaptcentre.ie/ A https://www.adaptcentre.ie/* World-Leading SFI Research Centre https://www.adaptcentre.ie/ *C**hercheur Associé*, GREYC UMR CNRS 6072 Research Centre, France https://www.greyc.fr/en/home/ *Associate Editor:* * IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, Nature Scientific Reports, IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, ACM TALLIP, PLOS One, Computer Speech and Language**Website: **https://mohammedhasanuzzaman.github.io/ https://mohammedhasanuzzaman.github.io/*
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