Call for Papers: The 19th Linguistic Annotation Workshop (LAW-XIX)
We invite submissions for LAW-XIX, co-located with ACL 2025 in Vienna, Austria, in July/Aug 2025.
The LAW-XIX will provide a forum for presentation and discussion of innovative research on all aspects of linguistic annotation, including creation/evaluation of annotation schemes, methods for automatic and manual annotation, use and evaluation of annotation software and frameworks, representation of linguistic data and annotations, semi-supervised “human in the loop” methods of annotation, crowd-sourcing approaches, and more.
Special Theme
The special theme of LAW-XIX is "*Subjectivity and variation in linguistic annotations*". In addition to LAW's general topics, we specifically invite submissions on:
* Subjectivity and human label variation in linguistic annotations * Learning from annotation disagreements * Detecting annotation noise in human label variation * Accounting for subjectivity in label aggregation * Ways to aggregate multiple annotators' labels beyond majority vote * Any other topics related to the special theme.
Regarding subjectivity, we are particularly interested in work addressing the*annotation of multidimensional constructs from the political and social sciences* and encourage submissions on the following topics:
* Theory-driven operationalization of complex political or socio-psychological constructs, * such as populism, moral values, or stereotypes Creation of linguistically annotated datasets that capture such constructs * Relation between theories and textual annotations * Challenges for the measurement of multidimensional constructs from text * Challenges for validating (a) theories, (b) annotations * Implications and risks for manual annotation and automatic prediction of socio-psychological constructs from text.
Important Dates
All submission deadlines are 11:59 p.m. UTC-12:00 “anywhere on Earth.”
Workshop papers due (ARR Commitment) Mar 25, 2025 Workshop papers due (Direct Submission) April 04, 2025 Notification of acceptance May 16, 2025 Camera-ready papers due May 30, 2025 Workshop date July/Aug, 2025
Please submit your paper here:
For more information on the workshop and submission formats, please refer to the workshop homepage:
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the program co-chairs at
Workshop Organizers
Siyao (Logan) Peng (Program Co-Chair) Ines Rehbein (Program Co-Chair) Amir Zeldes (ACL SIGANN President)