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📣 📣 The European Commission’s Joint Research Centre is looking for an AI Research Engineer ! 📣 📣
The European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC), is looking for a Research Engineer to reinforce its GENESIS project, which is an enabler for research on AI and with AI, and an incubator for innovative Generative AI systems. GENESIS is an exciting project for anyone willing to be part of the “AI Revolution” and deliver tangible impact.
The job is based in Ispra, Italy.
An ideal candidate will have a minimum of 5 years of professional experience after Master degree, with a good mix skills: technical (in the field of AI and Software Engineering), organisational (e.g. project coordination) and academic (peer-reviewed papers and/or PhD are an asset).
Contract duration: 36 months initial contract with possible renewals up to maximum 6 years.
The basic monthly salary for Function Group IV (depending on years of experience): 3 555,98 - 6 593,66€. In addition to the basic salary, the candidate may be eligible for various allowances (including expatriation and household allowances). For further information, see:
The JRC has short-term accommodation facilities for newcomers.
The JRC has childcare facilities for children under 4 years old. Children above 4 years can attend the European School of Varese (European School of Varese – Eurscva.eu, for which transport is organised from the surrounding areas. Also, JRC allows telework from the area around Ispra/Milan for 2 or 3 days per week, and even telework from more remote locations in the EU up to 10 days per year, which allows for a better work-life balance.
To apply: 1. Create a profile on one of these two application portals: a. JRC specialised call for researchers OR b. EPSO Permanent CAST (less adequate for researcher profiles, but should be considered if you are familiar/have succeeded in such competitions) 2. Once you have created your profile via one of the above portals, create your application via:
!! Deadline: 13/01/2025 !!
📣 📣 Please Share widely with your network, thank you! 📣 📣
Bertrand DE LONGUEVILLE, PhD Head of the Text Mining and Analysis Competence Centre
[cid:image001.png@01DB602E.6A1A4430] European Commission DG JRC – Joint Research Centre Directorate T – Digital Transformation & Data Unit T.5 – Text and Data Mining
CDMA 04/171 B-1049 Brussels/Belgium
+32 2 29 52555