(apologies for cross posting)
The HiTZ center (https://hitz.ehu.eus) has received several large multiyear grants to advance research in all aspects of NLP and Language Technologies, with a focus on Large Language Models, common sense, cross-lingual evaluation and low-resource languages, covering all modalities including text, speech, images and videos. The center will be offering a number of PhD, post-doctoral and research engineer positions shortly with relatively flexible starting dates. Please contact us if interested.
HiTZ is a reference research center on Language Technologies. Its aim is to promote research, training, technological transfer and innovation in Artificial Intelligence focused on language and speech. HiTZ is a leader in research in Spain. It holds, among other, two Spanish Research Awards in Computer Science, one of the 15 fellows that the main professional association in the area (Association for Computational Linguistics) has in Europe, and the award for the beTwo fully-funded 4-year PhD positions at the HiTZ center, in the Basque Countryst PhD thesis in Artificial Intelligence in Europe (EurAI 2020). The center is part of the University of the Basque Country (https://ehu.eus), one of the top 400 universities in the world according to the Shanghai ranking. The center has offices in San Sebastian and Bilbao (Basque Country, Spain), two cities which rank at the top of places-to-visit and happiness rankings.
This message is specifically about two fully-funded positions that need to be filled quickly.
The recipients of these PhD positions will be awarded a fully-funded four-year scholarship, as well as additional funding for the payment of doctoral tuition fees and research stays abroad. The PhD theses will be carried out in the framework of the TRAIN (EXTREMELY LOW-RESOURCED MACHINE TRANSLATION) and DeepKnowledge (DEEP LANGUAGE MODELS FOR UNDERSTANDING AND REASONING WITH MULTILINGUAL CONTENT) projects.
The TRAIN project will explore techniques for machine translation between languages with very scarce resources, including multimodal translation from Spanish Sign Language (LSE) to written Spanish.
The main research objective of DeepKnowledge consists in advancing the state-of-the-art towards NLU and NLG by generating and exploiting new language models by taking into account a multitask and multimodal objective during the pre-training, as well as exploring novel ways to exploiting new large language models.
The official deadline for the two FPI pre-doctoral grants is 26 January, but contact us asap if interested (https://www.ehu.eus/es/web/ikerketaren-kudeaketa/-/fpi-2022). If you are interested in these two positions (or any of the future positions), please send your CV and academic transcript to Gorka Labaka (gorka.labaka@ehu.eus).
Dear colleagues,
first of all a happy New Year! And with the New Year there are new opportunities. Please find below a call for applications for a part-time PreDoc or PostDoc position in NLP/DH on historical low-resource languages, especially Old Lithuanian. Note that previous experience with Lithuanian will be considered a plus, but is not a requirement. If you have any questions on scope, technical details and current progress of the project, please feel free to get in touch with me. The application, however, is to be sent to Jürgen Hermes (hermesj@uni-koeln.de) at the University of Cologne.
Research assistant (PreDoc or PostDoc) on Language Technology / Digital Humanities Institute for Digital Humanities, University of Cologne, Germany
The University of Cologne is one of the largest and most research-intensive universities in Germany and covering a diverse range of subjects. With its six faculties and its interfaculty centres, it offers a broad spectrum of scientific disciplines and internationally outstanding profile areas, which the administration supports with its services.
The project "Postil Time Machine" is dedicated to linguistic analysis, digital edition and interlinking of historical texts from Eastern Europe, with a special focus on Lutheran sermon collections from Lithuania and their Latin and German originals. These texts belong to the oldest textual witnesses of the Baltic languages and are therefore of special interest for comparative linguistics. We offer an exciting position in an interdisciplinary and internationally well-connected research group in a crucial growth area of language technology and digital humanities, respectively, focusing on the processing of morphologically rich languages and technical solutions for low-resource languages.
The successful candidate will be responsible for the automatic morphological annotation (especially lemmatization) of Lithuanian texts, as well as the automatic identification of possible translation sources in Latin and German. We expect the ability to work independently on given language technology problems. This includes improving the current system by developing new functional components, participating in the research activities of the project, and publishing relevant language technology papers at national and international conferences of the NLP and DH communities.
Required qualifications: M.Sc. in computational linguistics, digital humanities, computer science, linguistics, or equivalent. Unless specific language technology skills are evident from degree or certificates, a successful candidate should be able to demonstrate skills in both information technology and linguistics/language technology.
• Flexible working time models • Extensive range of further training courses • Offers of the company health management • Allowance for public transportation • Mobile Office
The position is to be filled from February 1, 2023 and limited until April 30, 2025, on a part-time basis with 19.92 hours per week. Provided that the necessary requirements are met, the remuneration is based on pay group 13 TV-L. The University of Cologne promotes equal opportunities and diversity. Women are particularly invited to apply and will be given preferential consideration in accordance with LGG NRW. Applications from people with disabilities also explicitly welcome.
The deadline for applications is January 10, 2023. Please apply with your application documents incl. enclosed proofs for the required qualifications (without photography) by e-mail to hermesj@uni-koeln.de. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Jürgen Hermes hermesj@uni-koeln.de.
This is an informal translation of the official (German) call for applications: https://www.stellenwerk.de/koeln/jobboerse/wissenschaftlicher-mitarbeiterin-...). Please refer to the original call when applying. Note that although the call is in German, German language skills are not a necessary pre-requisite for potential applicants.
Best regards, Christian Chiarcos University of Cologne, Germany