First “Mind the AI-GAP 2025: Co-Designing Socio-Technical Systems” International Workshop at HHAI 2025 9/10 June 2025, Pisa, Italy https://aigap2025.isti.cnr.it/
**Important Dates** (Time zone: Anywhere on Earth)
Submission deadline: 7 April, 2025 Notification of acceptance: 2 May, 2025 Camera Ready due: 12 May, 2025
**Aim and scope**
The Mind the AI-GAP 2025 workshop aims to critically address unwanted bias and discrimination in AI technologies by proactively integrating fairness and inclusivity within the design process, fostering social and structural change. The workshop explores how Participatory AI can shape solutions that better reflect community values, needs, and preferences and aims to bring together diverse stakeholders, including researchers, practitioners, NGOs, civil society, and designers. Through a combination of talks, roundtables, and hands-on activities, participants will collectively discuss participatory approaches and develop actionable outputs, such as guidelines or a white paper, to advance Participatory AI as a tool for equitable, transparent, and impactful systems.
We welcome technical and non-technical submissions with experimental, theoretical, or methodological contributions. We explicitly encourage interdisciplinary submissions focusing on participatory approaches to AI development. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Methods and frameworks for participatory AI design Case studies of co-design processes in AI development Approaches to stakeholder engagement and community value integration Analyses of power dynamics in participatory AI design Strategies for balancing individual and collective needs in AI design Methods and evaluation frameworks for participatory AI processes Tools and techniques for enhancing AI transparency for diverse stakeholders Experiences and lessons learned from co-design and stakeholder engagement Ethical considerations in participatory AI development Citizen science and democratizing AI design and deployment Real-world impacts and challenges of participatory AI design in practice
The workshop is also open to other non-listed topics aligned with the scope of the venue.
We welcome the following types of submissions:
- Full original research paper that presents original, impactful work (from 5 up to 9 pages); - Blue sky papers present visionary ideas to stimulate the research community (from 5 up to 9 pages);
Both types of papers will be published in the conference proceedings.
- Extended abstracts describing ongoing research, personal experiences with the topic, proof of concept, etc.. Authors can opt for having their paper included in the proceedings (5 pages required) or for non-archival presentations (from 2 up to 5 pages);
- Research communication of already published papers that serve to promote the dissemination of contributions aligned with the scope of the workshop (up to 2 pages).
They will not be published in the conference proceedings.
All paper lengths exclude references, which are unlimited. All submissions should adhere to the CEUR-WS guidelines and style templates (PDF, LaTeX, Word available at https://ceur-ws.org/HOWTOSUBMIT.html) with single column format. Submissions are to be uploaded on Easychair at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=aigap2025. Accepted submissions shall be submitted to CEUR-WS.org for online publication in a dedicated free, open-access volume in CEUR Workshop Proceedings. Since CEUR partners with Scopus, these proposals will also be indexed in it. Contributions will be presented either as oral presentations (lightning talks) or posters. All presentations are expected to be in person, except in exceptional cases (e.g., a speaker encounters a last-minute issue and cannot attend the conference).
**Workshop organizers**
Costanza Alfieri, Università dell’Aquila Eleonora Cappuccio, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Donatella Donati, Università dell’Aquila Miriam Felici, Independent Researcher Marta Marchiori Manerba, Università di Pisa Benedetta Muscato, Scuola Normale Superiore Clara Punzi, Scuola Normale Superiore Beatrice Savoldi, Fondazione Bruno Kessler
For more information: Website: https://aigap2025.isti.cnr.it/ Contact: mind-the-ai-gap@googlegroups.com