Last Days - SemEval 2025 Task 8: Question Answering on Tabular Data
The TabularQA task of SemEval 2025 (task 8) is entering in ist final
stretch, there are only *seven days left* for the development stage of the
task ends. So, if you are interested in exploring the emergent capability
of LLMs of answering questions from tabular data, we encourage you to use
these *seven days* to prepare your set-up and participate in the shared
We remind that we propose the following two subtasks:
*Subtask I : DataBench QA*
Participants will be provided with a dataset (of any size) and a question
over it. The question should be answered using the data from the dataset
*Subtask II: DataBench Lite QA*
The task is essentially the same as the previous subtask, but involves
using the sampled version of each dataset with a maximum of 20 rows per
dataset (see explanation on DataBench Lite). The question should be
answered using the data from the sampled dataset only. For the test set, we
will similarly provide a reduced version of each dataset for this subtask.
This task is especially relevant when testing for models with a smaller
window size.
Important Dates
Official Competition start 10 January 2025
Competition end 31 January 2025
Task Organizers
Jorge Osés Grijalba - Graphext
L. Alfonso Ureña-López and Eugenio Martínez Cámara - University of Jaén
Jose Camacho-Collados - Cardiff University
Competition website:
Google Group:
Official Competition start 10 January 2025
Competition end 31 January 2025
*Task Organizers*
Jorge Osés Grijalba - Graphext
L. Alfonso Ureña-López - Universidad de Jaén
Eugenio Martínez Cámara - Universidad de Jaén
Jose Camacho-Collados - Cardiff University
*Competition website*:
*Google Group*:
Kind regards,
The organisers.
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[image: Universidad de Jaén] Eugenio Martínez Cámara
Vicepresidente de la SEPLN | Vice President of the
Profesor Titular de Universidad | Associate Professor.
Investigador en Proc. del Lenguaje Natural | Postdoctoral Researcher in
Natural Language Proc.
Grupo de Investigación SINAI | SINAI Research Group.
Código ORCID:0000-0002-5279-8355
Universidad de Jaén
Dpto. de Informática | Computer Science Department.
Edificio A3, despacho 145
| +34 953212883
[image: Universidad de Jaén]
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