First CfP: The 5th Workshop on *C*omputational Linguistics for the *P*olitical and *S*ocial *S*ciences (CPSS-2025)
CPSS-2025 will be held in September 2025, co-located with KONVENS in Hildesheim, Germany.
The workshop will provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of innovative research on all aspects of using CL/NLP techniques for the political and social sciences, including:
* Modeling political communication with NLP (e.g. topic classification, position measurement) * Mining policy debates from heterogeneous textual sources * Modeling complex social constructs (e.g. populism, polarization, identity) with NLP methods * Political and social bias in language models * Methodological insights in interdisciplinary collaboration: workflows, challenges, best practices * NLP support to understand and support democratic decision making * Resources and tools for Political/Social Science research * and many more...
CPSS-2025 will be held in person.
Special Theme
The special theme of CPSS-2025 is * Validation and best practices for using NLP in political and social science research*.
In addition to CPSS's general topics, we specifically invite submissions on this year's special theme, focussing on validation and best practices for applying NLP techniques for research in the political and social sciences. We are especially interested in papers addressing issues related to:
* Data quality in human and synthetic data * Data leakage and contamination, especially in LLMs * New ways to collect data such as dataset donation * Validation of results beyond the train-dev-test paradigm of NLP and data science. * Any other topics related to the special theme.
Important Dates
All submission deadlines are 11:59 p.m. UTC-12:00 “anywhere on Earth.”
Workshop papers due June 13, 2025 Notification of acceptance Aug 1, 2025 Camera-ready papers due Aug 10, 2025 Workshop date Sep 2025
We solicit two types of submissions:
* *archival papers* describing original and unpublished work (long papers: max. 8 pages, references/appendix excluded; short papers: max 4 pages, references/appendix excluded). Accepted papers will be published on the ACL anthology. For the submission format, refer to the KONVENS guidelines. * *non-archival papers* (1-page abstracts, references excluded) describing ongoing work, PhD projects, or already published research.
For more details, please refer to the CPSS-2025 website:
CPSS 2025 organising committee
Dennis Assenmacher (GESIS), Christopher Klamm (U-Mannheim), Gabriella Lapesa (GESIS/U-Düsseldorf), Simone Ponzetto (U-Mannheim), Ines Rehbein (U-Mannheim), Indira Sen (U-Mannheim)