Dear colleagues,
We have a couple of updates regarding the ongoing GEM shared task
*Event*: We are delighted to announce that the GEM shared task is endorsed by SIGGEN, and will be part of the Generation Challenges (GenChal) at INLG’24. Participants will have the possibility to (i) publish a system description in the GenChal proceedings (available on the ACL anthology, see GenChal’23 Proceedings, and (ii) present their results during the GenChal session at the INLG conference in Tokyo in September 2024.
*Pre-registration*: The deadline for pre-registering your system submissions is approaching (March 8th 23.59 AoE)! Note that it will be possible for participants to pre-register after March 8th, but that doing so does not guarantee a participation in the human evaluation. Pre-registration link
*Important dates* March 8: Deadline for pre-registering systems (ensuring human evaluation in languages selected by the organisers). April 5: Deadline for output submission (all subtasks). April 6: Human evaluation starts. TBD: System descriptions due. Late September: GenChal@INLG’24.
best, simon, on behalf of the GEM Human Evaluation Team
*ADAPT Research Centre / Ionaid Taighde ADAPT* *School of Computing, Dublin City University, Glasnevin Campus / Scoil na Ríomhaireachta, Campas Ghlas Naíon, Ollscoil Chathair Bhaile Átha Cliath*