TL;DR: Help to shape research agenda for IR for climate impact: * 2-4 pages * One week until deadline: April 25, 2024 (AOE) * Workshop: * Submission:
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Call for Submissions — SIGIR 2024 Workshop on Information Retrieval for Climate Impact
Climate change is a far-reaching, global phenomenon that will impact many aspects of our society. The evidence base for observed climate impacts is expanding, and the wider climate literature is growing exponentially. How can effective access be provided to the growing body of peer-reviewed literature on climate change impact?
The emphasis will be on discussion, not a mini-conference but a dynamic sharing of ideas. The workshop will be organized along four areas of interest: (i) Information needs in climate impact; (ii) Search and analysis of formal literature for climate impact; (iii) Search and analysis of informal publications for climate impact; and (iv) Resources to support IR for climate impact. During the workshop, we will work towards creating actionable technical research agendas for each of them.
Call for contributions
To help shape a research agenda for information retrieval for climate impact, we welcome technical contributions and position papers as extended abstracts (2-4 pages) on a wide range of topics related to information retrieval for climate impact, including but not limited to very large-scale systematic reviews, climate language models, geolocated literature with climate information, evidence synthesis. Be sure to emphasize how your ideas connect to IR for climate impact and the ambition to create an agenda on the topic.
Important dates
- April 25, 2024: Extended abstracts due (AOE) - May 23, 2024: Notifications - July 18, 2024: Workshop at SIGIR 2024 - December 1, 2024: Submission of the Information Retrieval for Climate Impact Agenda for publication in SIGIR Forum
How to submit
Extended abstracts submitted to the workshop should be in English, in PDF, and formatted using the standard ACM sigconf format (using \documentclass[sigconf, natbib=true, anonymous=false]{acmart}). The review process is single-blind. The workshop uses EasyChair to handle submissions: No official proceedings will be published.
Bart van den Hurk (IPCC), Maarten de Rijke (U. Amsterdam), Flora Salim (UNSW, Sydney)
Workshop site
-- Maarten de Rijke Distinguished University Professor AI & IR University of Amsterdam