Please excuse any cross-posting issues. We are happy to announce the following workshop at NAACL this year!
-- Fifth Workshop on NLP for Indigenous Languages of the Americas -- AmericasNLP 2025 will be co-located with NAACL2025 in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA!
-- Call for Papers -- The goal of AmericasNLP is to encourage and increase the visibility of work on the Indigenous languages of the Americas. It aims to encourage research on NLP, computational linguistics, corpus linguistics and speech for Indigenous languages, to connect researchers and professionals from underrepresented communities and native speakers of endangered languages with the ACL community, and, more generally, to promote machine learning approaches suitable for low-resource languages. We invite the submission of:
Long papers (8 pages) and short papers (4 pages) on substantial, original, and unpublished research
Non-archival extended abstracts (2 pages), technical reports (8 pages), and work which has been presented at other venues (in the format of the original publication).
Submissions do not need to describe work on native languages directly, as long as it is clear why those can benefit from the described approaches. Areas of interest include but are not limited to:
creation of datasets for NLP applications;
incorporation of external knowledge into neural systems;
linguistic typology and the use of typological features for NLP;
transfer learning, meta-learning, and active learning;
weakly supervised, semi-supervised, and unsupervised learning;
machine translation of low-resource languages;
applications of, and innovation with LLMs for indigenous languages of the Americas;
morphology and phonology of low-resource languages;
NLP applications for Indigenous languages of the Americas;
ethical considerations for research on languages spoken by Indigenous communities;
language activism, revitalization, and sovereignty, in the context of NLP models and research.
Submissions will be accepted until March 7th, 2025 via softconf: https://softconf.com/naacl2025/americasnlp
Note: Limitation section and ethics statement are not mandatory, but strongly encouraged. If they are part of your submission, they do not count towards the page limit.
-- Shared Tasks -- To motivate the NLP community to increase research efforts on Indigenous and endangered languages, AmericasNLP 2025 features three shared tasks:
machine translation of truly low-resource languages;
creation of educational resources for indigenous languages;
and our new shared task of developing metrics for MT in indigenous languages.
The results of the shared task will be presented during the in-person workshop in Albuquerque. More information can be found at https://turing.iimas.unam.mx/americasnlp/2025_st.html.
-- Important Dates -- Submission deadline: March 7th, 2025
Notification of acceptance: March 31th, 2025
Camera ready papers due: April 11th, 2025
Workshop: May 4th, 2025
All deadlines are 11:59pm anywhere on Earth (AoE).
-- Organizing Committee -- Manuel Mager, AWS AI Labs, pywirrarika@gmail.com
Arturo Oncevay, University of Edinburgh, a.oncevay@ed.ac.uk
Abteen Ebrahimi, University of Colorado Boulder, abteen.ebrahimi@colorado.edu
Shruti Rijhwani, Google Research, rijhwani@google.com
Luis Chiruzzo, Universidad de la República, Uruguay, luischir@fing.edu.uy
Robert Pugh, University of Indiana, pughrob@iu.edu
Rolando Coto-Solano, Dartmouth College, rolando.a.coto.solano@dartmouth.edu
John E. Ortega, Northeastern University, j.ortega@northeastern.edu
Katharina von der Wense, University of Colorado Boulder and Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, katharina.kann@colorado.edu
-- Contact -- Contact: americas.nlp.workshop@gmail.com Website: https://turing.iimas.unam.mx/americasnlp/