Apologies for multiple posting
The Speech Technology group (SpeechTek) at Fondazione Bruno Kessler https://www.fbk.eu/en/ (Trento, Italy) in conjunction with the ICT International Doctorate School of the University of Trento https://iecs.unitn.it/ is pleased to announce the availability of the following fully-funded PhD position:
*TITLE*: Efficient E2E models for automatic speech recognition in multi-speaker scenarios
*DESCRIPTION*: In spite of the recent progress in speech technologies, processing and understanding conversational spontaneous speech is still an open issue, in particular in presence of challenging acoustic conditions as those posed by dinner party scenarios. Although enormous progresses have been made recently in a variety of speech processing tasks (such as speech enhancement, speech separation, speech recognition, spoken language understanding), targeting also multi-speaker speech recognition, a unified established solution is still far from being available. Moreover, the computational complexity of current approaches is extremely high, making an actual deployment in low-end or IoT devices not feasible in practice. The candidate will advance the current state-of-the-art in speech processing (in particular for separation, enhancement and recognition) towards developing a unified solution, possibly based on self-supervised or unsupervised approaches, for automatic speech recognition in dinner party scenarios, as those considered in the CHiME challenges ( https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.13734).
*CONTACTS*: brutti@fbk.eu guerini@fbk.eu
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Giuseppe Daniele Falavigna
Fondazione Bruno Kessler Via Sommarive 18 - 38123 Povo - Trento, Italy
mail:falavi@fbk.eu - tel:+39(0)461314562 - fax:+39(0)461314591
HomePage: https://speechtek.fbk.eu/people/profile/falavi -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------