KONVENS 2023: Second Call for Papers
We cordially invite submissions of papers and abstracts to KONVENS 2023, which takes place from September 18-22, 2023 at the Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (Bavaria, Germany). Next to its technical program, KONVENS will feature a lively exchange between academic researchers and colleagues from industry, as well as workshops, tutorials, shared tasks, and networking events.
* We are very happy to announce that the following speakers have accepted our invitations to give keynotes at KONVENS 2023: Hinrich Schütze (Professor, LMU München), Ivana Kruijff-Korbayová (Head of Research, Development and Transfer at the German Rescue Robotics Center), and Marc Schulder (PostDoc, University of Hamburg).
* In addition to full-length papers, we invite the submission of abstracts for our poster sessions: Bachelor, Master, PhD Students: consider submitting your project or thesis work as a short abstract and present it at our poster sessions in order to get feedback and network! We also accept abstracts describing ongoing projects, software toolkits, the use of NLP technology in industrial products,…
* We are looking for sponsors supporting our event, if you are interested, please contact us! KONVENS is a great event to network with NLP talent.
* Submission is open!
* GSCL is accepting submissions to the GSCL BA and MA Theses Awardshttps://gscl.org/en/2023/02/22/Call-for-nominatons-2023-ba-ma-student-thesis-awards.html.
* We have announced an exciting program of satellite events:
* Sept 18, 2023: KONVENS Teach4NLPhttps://gscl.org/events/teach4nlp2023 is a workshop that aims to bring together anyone interested in teaching NLP/CL at university, industry, or college level.
* Sept 18, 2023: PhD Networking Event
* Sept 21, 2023: GermEval Shared Task on Speaker Attributionhttps://codalab.lisn.upsaclay.fr/competitions/10431 (Evaluation Deadline end of July)
* Sept 21, 2023: Tutorial Learning from Task Instructions by Wenpeng Yinhttps://www.wenpengyin.org/ and Hinrich Schützehttps://www.cis.uni-muenchen.de/personen/professoren/schuetze
* Sept 22, 2023: Workshop on Linguistic Insights from and for Multimodal Language Processing
* Sept 22, 2023: Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Political and Social Sciences (CPSS 2023) by the GSCL SIG Computerlinguistik für die Politik- und Sozialwissenschaftenhttps://gscl.org/2023/01/27/activities/politicssocialsciences.
Natural language processing (NLP) technology is already part of our everyday life. We hence particularly invite contributions discussing the interaction of language technology and its users, including the application of speech and text technology in various settings (e.g., dialogue processing, mobility, medicine, e-commerce, or digital humanities). We encourage authors to discuss ethical aspects.
We invite two types of submissions:
1. long and short papers that will be archived in the ACL Anthology, and
2. abstracts on ongoing work, student/PhD theses, etc., which will not be archived.
We welcome original, unpublished contributions on research, development, applications and evaluation, covering all areas of natural language processing, ranging from basic questions to practical implementations of natural language resources, components and systems. We encourage the submission of NLP approaches to the German language, and survey papers describing the state of the art in German language and speech processing. We invite contributions from both academia and industry.
We welcome the following types of paper submissions:
* Long papers (8 pages plus references and appendix), describing original research with substantial new results.
* Short papers (4 pages plus references and appendix), including small focused contributions, work in progress, as well as descriptions of projects, systems and resources.
Accepted papers will be presented orally or as posters as determined by the program chairs. The decisions will be based on the nature rather than the quality of the work. The conference languages are English and German. We encourage the submission of contributions in English. Each submission must include a mandatory discussion of Ethical Considerations as well as a section on Limitations (both sections do not count towards the page limit). Papers without these sections will be desk-rejected. The review process will be double-blind. Submissions must be anonymized accordingly. The conference proceedings will be published in the ACL Anthology.
To foster interaction and discussion in our community, we also invite abstracts (max. 2 pages plus references) on the following topics:
* Ongoing projects, open source toolkits and software, repositories, etc.
* Bachelor or Master theses, student projects
* PhD theses (ongoing or finished)
* Use of NLP technology within industrial products
* Opinion pieces
Abstracts should not be anonymized. They will be made available to conference participants, but they will not be archived. Accepted abstracts will be presented as posters at the conference.
We explicitly invite students and doctoral researchers to join the event and present their work and obtain feedback in our student poster session by submitting an abstract.
* May 19th, 2023: Paper submission due (all submission types)
* June 30th, 2023: Notification of acceptance
* July 15th, 2023: Camera-ready papers due
* September 18-22 2023: KONVENS
Papers and abstracts must be formatted in accordance with the ACL style sheetshttps://github.com/acl-org/acl-style-files. We strongly encourage authors to use LaTeX in preparing their document. Papers must be submitted electronically via https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/KONVENS2023https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/KONVENS2023/.
On Behalf of the Organization Committee
Munir Georges, TH Ingolstadt (General Chair)
Aaricia Herygers, TH Ingolstadt (Local Chair)
Annemarie Friedrich, Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence (Program Chair)
Benjamin Roth, Universität Wien (Program Chair)