We are happy to announce a new special issue of the Journal for Language Technology and Computational Linguistics (JLCL) on https://jlcl.org :
"Challenges in Computational Linguistics, Empiric Research & Multidisciplinary Potential of German Song Lyrics", edited by Roman Schneider (Mannheim) and Gertrud Faaß (Hildesheim), brings together inter- and multidisciplinary contributions on a text type that combines a multitude of styles and registers, shows features of written and spoken discourse, and can be seen as a representation of language diversity in the continuum between standard and non-standard language.
The issue features the following articles:
Valentin Werner: English and German pop song lyrics: Towards a contrastive textology
Jan Langenhorst, Yannick Frommherz, Simon Meier-Vieracker: Keyness in song lyrics: Challenges of highly clumpy data
Marco Gierke: Ist alte Schule oldschool? Zum "Nutzen" von Anglizismen in Deutschraptexten
Katrin Hein: "Beinahe-ums-Leben-kommen-in-Regenpfützen" und "Chauvi-Macho-Macker-Stuss" – kreative Wortbildungen in Songtexten
Elke Donalies: Phraseme im Songkorpus: Etabliertes in Anti-Establishment-Texten
Sarah Broll, Roman Schneider: Empirische Verortung konzeptioneller Nähe/Mündlichkeit inner- und außerhalb schriftsprachlicher Korpora
Gertrud Faaß, Helmut Schmid: Segmentierungs- und Annotationsverfahren für die Texte Udo Lindenbergs: Apostrophe und andere Herausforderungen
Akshay Mendhakar, Mesian Tilmatine: Automatic Authorship Classification for German Lyrics Using Naïve Bayes
You will find all articles here: https://jlcl.org