KONVENS 2024: First Call for Papers
We warmly welcome the submission of papers for KONVENS 2024, scheduled from September 9 to 13, 2024, at the University of Vienna, Austria. In addition to its technical program, KONVENS will facilitate dynamic interactions among academic researchers and industry peers, offering workshops, tutorials, shared tasks, and networking events.
We invite submissions of original and unpublished works in the fields of research, development, applications, and evaluation, encompassing all aspects of natural language processing, from fundamental inquiries to the practical implementation of natural language resources, components, and systems. We particularly encourage submissions of NLP approaches dedicated to the German language, including survey papers that provide insights into the current state of the art in German language and speech processing. We welcome contributions from both academic and industry professionals.
We welcome the following types of paper submissions: * Long papers (8 pages plus references and appendix), describing original research with substantial new results. * Short papers (4 pages plus references and appendix), including small focused contributions, work in progress, as well as descriptions of projects, systems and resources.
Accepted papers will be presented orally or as posters as determined by the program chairs. The decisions will be based on the nature rather than the quality of the work. The conference language is English. Only contributions written in English will be accepted. Each submission must include a mandatory discussion of Ethical Considerations as well as a section on Limitations (both sections do not count towards the page limit). Papers without these sections will be desk-rejected. The review process will be double-blind. Submissions must be anonymized accordingly. The conference proceedings are planned to be published via the ACL Anthology.
Papers must be formatted in accordance with the ACL style sheetshttps://github.com/acl-org/acl-style-files. We strongly encourage authors to use LaTeX in preparing their document. Papers must be submitted electronically. The submission link will be provided soon.
* April 30th, 2024: Paper submission due (all submission types) * June 30th, 2024: Notification of acceptance * July 15th, 2024: Camera-ready papers due * September, 9th-13th, 2023: KONVENS
Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards
the KONVENS-2024 organization team konvens-2024@googlegroups.com https://konvens-2024.univie.ac.at/