*Call for Participation*
Shared Task: Detection and Classification of Persuasion Techniquesin Parliamentary Debates and Social Media, for Slavic Languages
Co-located with Slav-NLP 2025 http://bsnlp.cs.helsinki.fi/Workshop, at ACL 2025
http://bsnlp.cs.helsinki.fi/shared-task.html http://bsnlp.cs.helsinki.fi/shared-task.html
The task focuses on detection and classification of Persuasion Techniques in 5 Slavic languages — Bulgarian, Polish, Croatian, Slovene and Russian — in two types of texts: (a) parliamentary debates on hotly-contested topics, and (b) social media posts, related to the spread of disinformation. The task has two subtasks:
Subtask 1: Detection — Given a text and a list of fragment offsets, determine for each fragment whether it contains one or more persuasion techniques, from a given taxonomy of persuasion techniques,
Subtask 2: Classification —Given a text and a list of fragment offsets, determine for each fragment which persuasion techniques are employed therein.
We use a rich taxonomy with 25 persuasion techniques: Name-calling or labelling, Guilt by association, Casting doubt, Appeal to hypocrisy, Questioning the reputation, Flag waiving, Appeal to authority, Appeal to popularity, Appeal to fear and prejudice, Appeal to values, Strawman, Whataboutism, Red herring, Appeal to pity, Causal oversimplification, False dilemma or no choice, Consequential oversimplification, False equivalence, Slogans, Conversation killer, Appeal to time, Loaded language, Obfuscation-Intentional vagueness-confusion, Exaggeration or minimization, Repetition.
Subtask 1 is a binary classification task, whereas Subtask 2 is a multi-class multi-label classification task. The text fragments correspond to paragraphs.
For information about training and test data, guidelines, and participation, please see theShared Task Home Page. http://bsnlp.cs.helsinki.fi/shared-task.html
IMPORTANT: Participants may join both subtasks or only one. It is not mandatory to submit responses for all languages. Up to max. 5 system responses per language are allowed.
Important Dates
Registration deadline: 20 April 2025
Release of Testdata to registered participants: *22 April*2025
Submission of system responses: 26 April 2023
Results announced to participants: *29*April 2025
Submission of shared task papers (optional): 11 May 2025
*Questions and contact: bsnlp@cs.helsinki.fimailto:bsnlp@cs.helsinki.fi*