*Release of trial corpora* *!!* ****We apologize for multiple postings of this e-mail****
MentalRiskES2025 describes the third edition of a novel task on early risk identification of mental disorders in Spanish comments from social media sources. The first and the second editions took place in the IberLEF evaluation forum as part of the SEPLN 2023 and SEPLN 2024. The task was resolved as an online problem, that is, the participants had to detect a potential risk as early as possible in a continuous stream of data. Therefore, the performance not only depended on the accuracy of the systems but also on how fast the problem is detected. These dynamics are reflected in the design of the tasks and the metrics used to evaluate participants. For this third edition, we propose two novel tasks, the first subtask is about the detection of the gambling disorder and the second subtask consists of detecting a type of Addiction.
We would like to invite you to participate in the following tasks:
1. Risk Detection of Gambling Disorders (Binary classification) 2. Type of Addiction Detection (Multiclass classification)
Find out more at https://sites.google.com/view/mentalriskes2025.
MentalRiskES 2025 is part of the IberLEF Workshop and will be held in conjunction with the SEPLN 2025 conference in Zaragoza (Spain).
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Important Dates ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Feb 14th Registration open *Feb 25th Release of trial corpora (trial server available)* Mar 19th Release of training corpora Mar 31st Registration closed Apr 7th Release of test corpora and start of the evaluation campaign (test server available and trial submissions closed) Apr 14th End of evaluation campaign (deadline for submission of runs) Apr 18th Publication of official results and release of test gold labels May 12th Deadline for paper submission May 30th Acceptance notification Jun 16th Camera-ready submission deadline Sep TBD Publication of proceedings
Note: All deadlines are 11:59PM UTC-12:00
Please reach out to the organizers at MentalRiskEs@IberLEF2025.
The MentalRiskES 2025 organizing committee.