Language Technologies and Digital Humanities: Resources and Applications (LTаDH-RA) CLaDA-BG 2023 Conference
Sofia, Bulgaria 10-12 May 2023
CLaDA-BG is the Bulgarian national research infrastructure for resources and technologies for linguistic, cultural and historical heritage, integrated within CLARIN EU and DARIAH EU. Its mission is to provide access to the necessary resources and technologies that would support the research in Social Sciences and Humanities (SS&H). Modeling and linking of various types of knowledge and its contexts is crucial for the successful research in the interdisciplinary field of resources and technologies related to language, culture and history.
Invited Speakers Agiatis Benardou, DARIAH EU. From Archives to Headsets: Digital Storytelling as Mediator of History (Abstract) Alessandro Lenci, Università di Pisa, Italy, TBA Erhard Hinrichs, Leibniz Institut für Deutsche Sprache Mannheim and Tübingen University, Germany. FAIRification of Research Data and Services and Incorporation of New Technologies in Text+ (Abstract) Milena Dobreva, Sofia University St Kliment Ohridski, Bulgaria, TBA
The CLaDA-BG Organizer