Mediate 2023: Mediate - News Media and Computational Journalism Workshop
co-located with ICWSM 2023 Limassol, Cyprus, June 5, 2023
Submission link: Papers due: March 27, 2023 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
The fourth MEDIATE workshop will be held on June 5, as part of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM). The main goal of the workshop is to bring together media practitioners and technologists to discuss new opportunities and obstacles that arise in the modern era of information diffusion. This year's theme is: Misinformation: automated journalism, explainable and multi-modal verification and content moderation.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: - Automated journalism: novel automated and human-in-the-loop solutions for rumour detection/verification, fact-checking, stance classification, evaluation of existing solutions and novel relevant applications. Submitted papers should describe how their advantages would lead to being adopted in practice by journalists and the public (e.g. improved generalisability, ability to provide explanations, reduced bias) and address ethical considerations. - Explainable and Multi-modal verification: explainable rumour verification systems, evidence-based solutions, uncertainty and prediction explainability and general interpretable and transparent AI-systems, as well as multi-modal rumour verification/fact-checking models, sources and data, non-textual and multi-modal features. - Content Moderation: novel content moderation systems for inhibiting misinformation spreading, domain-specific content moderation solutions as well as content moderation systems that showcase generalisability and are interpretable.
We invite submissions of technical papers and talk proposals: - Technical papers must be up to 4 pages (short papers) or up to 8 pages (long papers). Technical papers must contain novel, previously-unpublished material related to the topics of the workshop. Accepted papers will be presented orally and will appear in the workshop proceedings. - Talk proposals must be up to 2 pages describing the content of a short talk (the actual length will be determined based on program constraints).
Papers must adhere to the ICWSM guidelines ( and be submitted through easychair (
Organizing committee
Talia Tseriotou, Queen Mary University of London Dina Pisarevskaya, Queen Mary University of London Elena Kochkina, Alan Turing Institute Marya Bazzi, Alan Turing Institute & University of Warwick Maria Liakata, Alan Turing Institute & Queen Mary University of London Arkaitz Zubiaga, Queen Mary University of London
All questions about submissions should be emailed to, and