Tue 1/3/2023 9:38 PM Dear Corpora list subscribers,
I'm pleased to announce the availability of CoANZSE Audio v0.2, the searchable online version of the Corpus of Australian and New Zealand Spoken English. The resource provides access to 195.5m words of part-of-speech-tagged transcripts from 478 Australian and New Zealand locations, as well as to over 18 million FLAC audio and forced alignment files in Praat's TextGrid format.
Access to the corpus is freely available for research and educational purposes at https://coanzse.org via login through CLARIN/eduGAIN-affiliated service providers or a account.
With kind regards, Steven Coats
University Lecturer
English, Faculty of Humanities
University of Oulu
P.O. Box 8000, FI-90014 University of Oulu