[apologies for cross-posting]
BioRED track @ BioCreative VIII Challenge and Workshop
Where, When: The BioCreative VIII workshop<BioCreative%20VIII%20workshop> will run with AMIA 2023, November 11-15, 2023, In New Orleans, LA.
BioCreative VIII Track 1: BioRED (Biomedical Relation Extraction Dataset) Track. (Rezarta Islamaj and Zhiyong Lu)
This track aims to foster the development of systems that automatically extract biomedical relations in journal articles, and the final resource -- freely available to the community -- will consist of 1000 MEDLINE articles fully annotated with biological and medically relevant entities, biomedical relations between them, and the novelty of the relation (whether the relation is a key point of the article versus background knowledge that can be found elsewhere). The participants will use the training data (600 articles) to design and develop their NLP systems to extract asserted relationships from free text and are encouraged to classify relations that are novel findings. In the BioCreative setting we will enrich the BioRED training dataset with 400 recently published MEDLINE articles fully annotated, bringing this valuable resource to 1000 articles. This track serves as a continuation of previous BioCreative Workshops that addressed the individual extraction of bio entities and/or specific relations such as disease-gene, protein-protein, or chemical-chemical, in biomedical articles. In contrast from previous challenges, this track calls for the extraction of all semantic relations expressed in the article and their novelty factor.
Participation: Teams can participate in one or more of these tracks. Team registration will continue until final commitment is requested by the individual tracks. To register a team go to the Registration formhttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/forms.gle/cwEPevGPjrjm687z5__;!!KOmnBZxC8_2BBQ!3qThN96vjtSn1RncSdJvErJEL_mVPAQxonbHa80lTGc5HdtDyNTjaMd2UQieaXT-h-agKlz22LvlkXaNpp4WEoCcpIqd3jE$. If you have restrictions accessing Google forms please send e-mail to BiocreativeChallenge@gmail.commailto:BiocreativeChallenge@gmail.com
Key dates:
* Test data (only title/abstract) available: September 1, 2023 * Results Submission (sub-task 2, end-to-end system): September 7, 2023 * Test data (title/abstract and entity annotation) available: September 8, 2023 * Results Submission (sub-task 1, relation extraction): September 12, 2023 * Short technical systems description paper due: September 30, 2023 * Invites for presentation at the workshop: October 10, 2023
Workshop Proceedings and Special Issue: The BioCreative VIII Proceedings will host all the submissions from participating teams, and it will be freely available by the time of the workshop. In addition, we are happy to announce that the journal Database will host the BioCreative VIII special issue for work that has passed their peer-review process. Invitation to submit will be sent after the workshop.
More Information: Webpagehttps://biocreative.bioinformatics.udel.edu/tasks/biocreative-viii/track-1/
Organizing Committee * Rezarta Islamaj, National Library of Medicine * Po-Ting Lai, National Library of Medicine * Chih-Hsuan Wei, National Library of Medicine * Ling Luo, Dalian University of Technology * Zhiyong Lu, National Library of Medicine