The Research Training Group 2853 “Neuroexplicit Models of Language, Vision, and Action” is looking for
*up to 8 PhD Students - Fall 2025*
Neuroexplicit models combine neural and human-interpretable (“explicit”) models in order to overcome the limitations that each model class has separately. They include neurosymbolic models, which combine neural and symbolic models, but also e.g. combinations of neural and physics-based models. In the RTG, we will improve the state of the art in natural language processing (“Language”), computer vision (“Vision”), and planning and reinforcement learning (“Action”). We also develop novel machine learning techniques for neuroexplicit models (“Foundations”). Our overarching aim is to contribute to a better understanding of the cross-cutting design principles of effective neuroexplicit models through interdisciplinary collaboration.
The RTG is scheduled to grow to a total of *24 PhD students* by 2025. An excellent and international group of twelve PhD students and one postdoc have already joined the RTG. Through the inclusion of ~20 associated PhD students and postdocs funded from other sources, it will be one of the largest research centers on neuroexplicit or neurosymbolic models in the world.
The RTG brings together researchers at Saarland University, the Max Planck Institute for Informatics, the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, the CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security, and the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI). All of these institutions are collocated on the same campus in Saarbrücken, Germany.
The positions will be *funded for four years* at the TV-L E13 100% pay scale. They are intended to start in September 2025. You should have or be about to complete an MSc degree in computer science or a related field and have demonstrated expertise in one of the research areas of the RTG, e.g. through an excellent Master’s thesis or relevant publications.
The RTG is part of the Saarland Informatics Campus, one of the *leading centers for research* in computer science, artificial intelligence, and natural language processing in Europe. The Saarland Informatics Campus brings together 900 researchers and 2500 students from 81 countries. The CISPA Helmholtz Center, located on the same campus, is home to an additional 350 researchers and on track to grow to 800 by 2026. Researchers at SIC and CISPA are part of the ELLIS network and have been awarded more than 40 ERC grants.
Each PhD student in the RTG will be *jointly supervised by two PhD advisors* from the list of Principal Investigators below. Each student will freely define their own research topic; we encourage the choice of topics that cross the traditional boundaries of research fields. Students may be affiliated with Saarland University or with one of the participating institutes.
Vera Demberg, Saarland University - Computational Linguistics
Jörg Hoffmann, Saarland University - AI Planning
Dietrich Klakow, Saarland University - Natural Language Processing
Alexander Koller, Saarland University - Computational Linguistics
Bernt Schiele, MPI for Informatics - Computer Vision, Machine Learning
Philipp Slusallek, DFKI and Saarland University - Computer Graphics, Artificial Intelligence
Christian Theobalt, MPI for Informatics - Visual Computing, Machine Learning
Mariya Toneva, MPI for Software Systems - Computational Neuroscience, Machine Learning
Isabel Valera, Saarland University - Machine Learning
Jilles Vreeken, CISPA - Machine Learning, Causality
Joachim Weickert, Saarland University - Mathematical Data Analysis
Verena Wolf, DFKI and Saarland University - Modeling and Simulation, Reinforcement Learning
Ellie Pavlick, Brown University and Google AI, will join us regularly as a Mercator Fellow.
Please send your application by *24th March 2024* to and include the reference number W2616. We aim to conduct job interviews in April-May 2025.
For more details on the position, including what materials to submit with your application, please see our website: