Science of Science Summer School (S4) 2022

August 1 - 12, 2022, Virtually hosted by the School of Information Studies at Syracuse University, NY, USA


Cost: Free, but apply

Apply by: July 2, 2022


S4 will introduce you to foundational and emerging questions, theories, and methods for science of science. We will review the big questions regarding knowledge production and the role of individuals, teams, countries, institutions, and funding agencies in making this possible. We will review machine learning, artificial intelligence, network science, and other topics to answer these questions. The school will be heavily based on Python, scikit-learn, TensorFlow/Keras, networkx, and the JupyterLab environment. We will provide a curated web-based environment with all software packages and relevant datasets pre-installed, so you will not need anything installed on your computer.


The first week of summer school, August 1 - August 5, 2022:

The second week of summer school, August 8 - August 12, 2021:




These are a sample of the topics to be covered at S4:


Partially sponsored by NSF's "Collaborative Research: Social Dynamics of Knowledge Transfer Through Scientific Mentorship and Publication" award #1933803

Science of Science Summer School (S4) Application




Bei Yu @LANTIS Lab

Professor, PhD Program Director

School of Information Studies
Syracuse University