DIMEMEX@IberLEF2025: Detection of Inappropriate Memes from Mexico
*** Task description ***
Social networks play a crucial role in people's lives by transforming the dynamics of communication and information sharing. Analyzing the content from these platforms has become a hot research topic for the computational linguistics community. However, despite the notable advances made in recent years, there are still open challenges that merit additional research for better treatment or deeper understanding. One such challenge is the detection of abusive content, which includes aspects like hate speech, aggression, offensive language, and other related phenomena.
Given the multimodal nature of social media platforms, we aim to promote the research and development of multimodal computational models for detecting abusive content in Mexican Spanish, particularly hate, offensive, and vulgar memes. Memes are well known for providing predominantly a humorous or ironic meaning based on the conjunction of text and images. So, the absence of either text or image may alter its interpretation.
DIMEMEX comprises three subtasks, each of which can be approached with textual, visual, or multimodal information:
a) Three-way classification: hate speech, inappropriate content, or neither.
b) Fine-grained classification: to discriminate instances containing hate speech into different categories such as classism, sexism, racism, and others.
c) Three-way classification with LLMs: Same as a), but participants are restricted to exclusively leveraging LLMs to detect the specified categories.
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*** Important dates ***
March 4th - Release of training corpora April 15th - Release of test corpora and start of evaluation campaign. April 29th - End of evaluation campaign (deadline for submission of runs). May 6th - Publication of official results. May 20th - Deadline for paper submission. Jun 3rd - Acceptance notification. Jun 17th - Camera-ready submission deadline. September - TBD Publication of proceedings. September - TBD IberLEF@SEPLN 2025 Workshop.
*** Task organizers ***
Itzel Tlelo-Coyotecatl, INAOE, Mexico Horacio Jesús Jarquín, Università degli studi di Torino, Italy Delia Irazú Hernández, INAOE, Mexico Hugo Jair Escalante, INAOE, Mexico Luis Villaseñor, INAOE, Mexico Manuel Montes, INAOE, Mexico Marco Casavantes, INAOE, Mexico
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