The Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) chairs are welcoming applications for Birds of a Feather (BoF) sessions at ECAI- 2024. Are you interested in having a focused discussion on a particular theme within AI or more specific research domains related to ECAI? We invite you to submit your proposals for BoF sessions where you can engage with fellow researchers, share insights, and explore collaborative opportunities.

These sessions aim to create a space for networking, idea exchange, and building new collaborations. Whether you are an early-career researcher or an expert, these gatherings provide a platform to connect. We encourage collaborative thinking, and encourage you to identify during these sessions potential research partners, discuss ongoing projects, and ignite new collaborations.

We expect each session to be led by one or two experienced researchers who will guide the conversation. Each session can be conducted during the pre-conference programme or at the end of the days of the main conference. Each session should take at least 2 hours. The available time slots are from 19th until the 23th (from 14h till 19h).

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to connect, learn, and collaborate. Your next collaborator might be sitting right across from you!


All deadlines are at the end of the day specified, anywhere on Earth (UTC-12).

If you are interested in hosting such sessions, please fill out the proposal form that you can find in our website:

Each bird of Birds-of-a-Feather (BoF) Sessions submission should consist of a description in PDF format, with the following sections: title, abstract, keywords about the session, target audience, and agenda (with the duration) for the session. The document must be written in English, and uploaded in the chairing tool.

If you have any questions, please contact the diversity and inclusion chairs, Samia Touileb and Isabel Neto, at

See you at the BoF sessions!

Isabel Neto and Samia Touileb,
The diversity and inclusion chairs @ECAI2024.