Call for participation: TempoWiC shared task at EvoNLP shared task (co-located with EMNLP)
Training and test data available!
Shared Task website: https://sites.google.com/view/evonlp/shared-task
Codalab evaluation page: https://codalab.lisn.upsaclay.fr/competitions/5360
Important dates:
* 1 August 2022: Test data released and evaluation phase starts
* 12 September 2022: Evaluation phase ends
* 16 September 2022: Results released
* 10 October 2022: System description paper deadline
TempoWiC is the Shared Task for the "EvoNLP: The First Workshop on Ever Evolving NLP" workshop, co-located with EMNLP 2022. For this novel temporal meaning shift task, users are given a pair of sentences (or, in this case, tweets) and a target word (e.g. delta), and the task consists of deciding whether the meaning of the target word is the same or not. Basically, the framing is the same binary classification as the original WiC (Word-in-Context) task but adapted so the temporal aspect is taken into account (tweets in each pair were selected from different time periods).
For example, we can observe a meaning shift happening to the word folklore in the following instance, where its meaning represents a recent music album in the second example.
(1) There's a thunderstorm outside so clearly it's the perfect time to watch videos about folklore monsters. (August 2019)
(2) Cardigan on folklore is my favorite song. I wish @taylorswift13 would love me (August 2020)
Jose Camacho Collados http://www.josecamachocollados.comhttp://www.josecamachocollados.com/