We are certain that YOU're the kind of researcher that wants to dive deep into Neural Networks (and, clearly, LLMs) to understand what happens inside. If this is the case, YOU are the person Human-centric ART looks for. Take your time to solve this
and, meanwhile, apply to our Open Position
https://pica.cineca.it/uniroma2/f4-2024-0005/https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://pica.cineca.it/uniroma2/f4-2024-0005/__;!!O5Bi4QcV!EOCR8aG78__5sK8uzqWf2wv4y_kbrOR5KoRww_4FrX3wjaJXNk1EZKMx-yIt6yRGFMPDOhMuxvbRQSxJqkrW1DEkzNFl3vXx5b5cORBU3A$ <<<
To attract exactly YOU, we offer a competitive salary for a one-year position (34K€/annually with low taxation - Assegno di Ricerca IV Fascia) with possibility of renewal.
DEADLINE: August 31st
Drop me an email if you apply: fabio.massimo.zanzotto@uniroma2.it
Requirements: - out-of-the-box thinking attitude - an adequate publication record track in ML and/or NLP Encouraged: - Ph.D. in CS, AI, ML, or NLP
Research Group: Human-centric ART Institution: University of Rome Tor Vergata Location: Rome, Italy Position: Research Assistant (Assegno di Ricerca IV Fascia) Salary: 34K€/annually with low taxation Duration: 1 year with the possibility of renewal Application site: https://pica.cineca.it/uniroma2/f4-2024-0005/https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://pica.cineca.it/uniroma2/f4-2024-0005/__;!!O5Bi4QcV!EOCR8aG78__5sK8uzqWf2wv4y_kbrOR5KoRww_4FrX3wjaJXNk1EZKMx-yIt6yRGFMPDOhMuxvbRQSxJqkrW1DEkzNFl3vXx5b5cORBU3A$
Check out our last publications: Fabio Massimo Zanzotto - Google Scholarhttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=azv7Qr4AAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate__;!!O5Bi4QcV!EOCR8aG78__5sK8uzqWf2wv4y_kbrOR5KoRww_4FrX3wjaJXNk1EZKMx-yIt6yRGFMPDOhMuxvbRQSxJqkrW1DEkzNFl3vXx5b6vxjWW1A$