The Centre for Corpus Research at the University of Birmingham is pleased to announce that our Corpus Linguistics Summer School will take place fully online this year on 15–18 July, 2024.
Attendance is open to all on a first-come-first-served basis upon completion of the registration process (including payment) through the university’s online shop linked from the above website.
Please note that we are planning to hold next year's summer school in-person at the University of Birmingham. Therefore, individuals wishing to attend the summer school remotely are encouraged to take advantage of this year's online format.
*Registration fee:* £80
*Speakers:* This year, our participants will have the pleasure to hear contributions by Joyce Kim (Aston University), as well as members of our local staff of corpus linguistics, including Edward Clay, Dagmar Divjak, Jason Grafmiller, Jack Grieve, Nicholas Groom, Petar Milin, Akira Murakami, Michael Oakes, Florent Perek, Adam Schembri, Paul Thompson, and Katharine Weetman, among others.
Dawn Knight will be delivering the annual Sinclair Lecture on Monday, 15 July.
*Programme:* Our Corpus Linguistics Summer School aims to equip participants with critical expertise in both the theory and practice of corpus-supported linguistic research. Over the course of four days, participants will be actively involved in two kinds of sessions. First, hands-on sessions will put the emphasis on the learning of practical skills for the purpose of extracting and analysing corpus data of various kinds, and the application of this knowledge to specific research projects. Second, participants will learn about current corpus research from our team.
*Topics of sessions will include (this is a non-exhaustive list and subject to change):*
- Analysing healthcare data using corpus linguistics
- Analysing learner language
- Behavioral Profile
- Corpora and legal research
- CQPweb
- Fake news
- Introduction to R
- Phraseology
- Sign language corpora
- Statistics and readability
- Tagging and parsing with spaCy
- Topic models
For more information and registration, please visit the website below:
Best regards,