**Apologies for cross-posting!**

Registration for Artificial Intelligence Research in Applied Linguistics (AIRiAL) 2024 Conference is open.

Register here for the conference. Early registration ends on July 31, 2024, so don't delay! 

Please note that banquet seating is limited to 50 guests. 

Contact use for information about sponsorship opportunities.

We look forward to seeing you in New York in September! 

Best regards,

The AIRiAL 2024 Conference Organizing Committee

Erik Voss, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Applied Linguistics & TESOL program
Language & Technology Specialization
Department of Arts & Humanities
Teachers College, Columbia University
TC Faculty ProfileLinkedin ProfileGoogle Scholar
ALTESOL Language & Technology Research Group
Editor-in-Chief of NYS TESOL Journal
Associate Editor of Language Assessment Quarterly

Latest Publications
TC Interview: How New Artificial Intelligence Tools Will Keep Changing Education (7:28 mins.)
Voss, E. et al. (2023). The Use of Assistive Technologies Including Generative AI by Test Takers in Language Assessment: A Debate of Theory and Practice. LAQ Journal
Voss, E. (2024) Duolingo Webinar: Current Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Language Assessment (1 hour)