Dear Colleague,

We cordially invite you to participate and submit your paper in the 2nd SummDial @ SemDial 2022 ( The First SummDial special session was held at SIGDial 2021 and witnessed enthusiastic participation from the dialogue, summarization, NLP, and speech communities. (Report on SummDial @ SIGDial 2021)

The second SummDial would be held as a hybrid session at SemDial 2022 ( Papers accepted in SummDial will appear in the SemDial Anthology (

***2nd SummDial: A SemDial 2022 Special Session on Summarization of Dialogues and Multi-Party Meetings***

***Website: ***

***Submission Deadline: August 1, 2022 ***

***Event Date: August 24, 2022 ***

With a sizeable working population of the world going virtual, resulting in information overload from multiple online meetings, imagine how convenient it would be to just hover over past calendar invites and get concise summaries of the meeting proceedings? How about automatically minuting a multimodal multi-party meeting? Are minutes and multi-party dialogue summaries the same? We believe Automatic Minuting is challenging. There are possibly no agreed-upon guidelines for taking minutes, and people adopt different styles to record meeting minutes. The minutes also depend on the meeting's category, the intended audience, and the goal or objective of the meeting. We hosted the First SummDial Special Session at SIGDial 2021. Several significant problems and challenges in multi-party dialogue and meeting summarization came from the discussions in the first SummDial, which we documented in our event report

Since we witnessed enthusiastic participation of the dialogue and summarization community in the first SummDial special session (, we are hosting the Second SummDial special session at SemDial 2022 ( This year, we intend to continue discussing these challenges and lessons learned from the previous SummDial. Our goal for this special session would be to stimulate intense discussions around this topic and set the tone for further interest, research, and collaboration in both Speech and Natural Language Processing communities. Our topics of interest are Dialogue Summarization, including but not limited to Meeting Summarization, Chat Summarization, Email Threads Summarization, Customer Service Summarization, Medical Dialogue Summarziation, and Multi-modal Dialogue Summarization. Our shared task on Automatic Minuting (AutoMin) at Interspeech 2021 ( was another community effort in this direction.

***Call for papers***

We invite regular and work-in-progress papers that report:

  • Current research in multi-party dialogue summarization for summarizing meetings, spoken dialogue, using speech, text, or multi-modal data (audio, video),

  • Challenges in dialogue summarization evaluation (manual + automatic), 

  • New methods and metrics for dialogue summarization evaluation, 

  • Relevant corpus collection, pre-processing, development, and ethical issues involved, 

  • Compare and contrast speech-specific systems to systems imported from text summarization,

  • Tools for meeting transcript generation and automatic summarization,

  • Topic detection and span identification in meeting transcripts for multi-topic summarization,

  • Position papers to reflect on the current state of the art in this topic, to take stock of where we have been, where we are, where we are going and where we should go.

Researchers may choose to submit:

  • ***Long papers*** Authors should submit an anonymous paper of at most 8 pages of content (up to 2 additional pages are allowed for references).

  • ***Short papers*** Authors should submit a non-anonymized paper of at most 2 pages of content (up to 1 additional page allowed for references). Submissions to this track can be non-archival on request.

  • ***Position Papers*** Including extended abstracts, work-in-progress, and late-breaking papers. 

***Submission Link*** 

Submissions should follow the ACL format. Papers that have been or will be submitted to other meetings or publications must provide this information using a footnote on the title page of the submissions. SummDial 2022 cannot accept work for a publication that will be (or has been) published elsewhere.

***Special Session Program***

The special session would consist of a keynote, a panel, oral and/or poster paper presentations.


  • Tirthankar Ghosal, Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, Charles University, Czech Republic 

  • Muskaan Singh, IDIAP, Switzerland 

  • Xinnou Xu, University of Edinburgh, UK 

  • Ondřej Bojar, Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, Charles University, Czech Republic


Tirthankar Ghosal,
Researcher, EU H2020 Project ELITR and NEUREM3
Charles University, Czech Republic