[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this extended deadline CFP]
---------- Call for Papers: Canadian AI 2025 ---------- ---------- May 26-29, 2025, in Calgary, Alberta ---------- ---------- Deadline Extension: Monday, Feb 17, 2025 (11:59 p.m. AoE) ----------
Dear Colleagues,
We want to thank all those who have submitted papers so far to our conference. We are also happy to announce that the submission deadline is being extended in response to all requests received. The new **extended** submission deadline is **Monday, Feb 17, 2025, by 11:59 p.m. AoE**.
We are inviting applications in all areas of Artificial Intelligence, either theoretical or applied, to the **38th Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence** taking place in Calgary on May 26-29. We also welcome the submission of position papers, which present evidence-based arguments for a particular point of view without necessarily introducing a new system.
Conference proceedings will be published in PubPub open-access online format and submitted to be indexed/abstracted in leading indexing services such as DBLP, ACM, and Google Scholar.
---------- Submission details ----------
Canadian AI is accepting submissions of both long and short papers. Long papers must be no longer than 12 pages, and short papers must be no longer than 6 pages, including references. Submissions in both LaTeX and Word are accepted.
**Please note: For each paper submitted, an Appendix file (in PDF format) can be uploaded by the authors as supplementary information.**
More information and submission templates are available under Submission Details here: https://www.caiac.ca/en/conferences/canadianai-2025/call-papers **The portal for submission is now open and can be found here:** https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/CANADIANAI2025/ Papers submitted to the conference must not have already been published, or accepted for publication, or be under review by a journal or another conference (preprint is acceptable if the title is different). Submissions will go through a double-blind review process by Program Committee members to assess originality, significance, technical merit, and clarity of presentation. As such, submissions must be anonymized, and papers that fail to do so will be desk rejected without a review.
---------- Topics of interest include: ----------
- Agent Systems - AI Applications - Automated Reasoning - Case‐based Reasoning - Cognitive Models - Constraint Satisfaction - Data Mining - Deep Learning and Neural Models - E‐Commerce - Ethics in AI, AI for social good - Evolutionary Computation - Explainable AI - Fair, Secure, Private, and Trusted AI - Games - Information Retrieval and Search - Knowledge Management - Knowledge Representation - Large Language Models - Machine Learning - Multimedia Processing - Natural Language Processing - Planning - Robotics - Uncertainty - User Modeling - Web Mining and Applications Authors of accepted long papers will be allotted time for an oral presentation during the conference. Accepted short papers will also be allotted time for a 5-minute oral presentation, followed by a poster session presentation. It is mandatory for at least one author of each accepted paper to attend the conference in person to present their work. Authors are expected to agree to this requirement before submitting their paper for review. Furthermore, the corresponding author of each paper must complete and sign a copyright form on behalf of all authors associated with the paper. It is important that the corresponding author who signs the copyright form matches the corresponding author listed on the paper.
---------- Awards ----------
A Best Paper Award and a Best Student Paper Award will be given at the conference, respectively, to the authors of each best paper, as judged by the Best Paper Award Selection Committee. For the Best Student Paper Award, the first author must be a registered student at the time of submitting the paper.
---------- Important dates ----------
- Submission deadline: Monday, Feb 17, 2025 **Extended** (11:59 p.m. AoE time zone) - Author notification: Tuesday, April 1, 2025 - Camera-ready copy due: Tuesday, April 15, 2025 (11:59 p.m. AoE time zone) - Conference dates: May 26-29 2025
---------- Program Chairs ----------
Paula Branco School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Ottawa pbranco@uottawa.ca https://uniweb.uottawa.ca/view/profile/members/4218?lang=en Amine Trabelsi Département d'informatique, Université de Sherbrooke Amine.Trabelsi@USherbrooke.ca https://www.usherbrooke.ca/informatique/trabelsi
We look forward to your participation in Canadian AI 2025!