Nakba-NLP 2025  

International Workshop on Nakba Narratives as Language Resources

Part of the COLING 2025 Conference

Abu Dhabi (virtual)

January 20, 2025

We invite submissions for Nakba-NLP 2025, a workshop dedicated to exploring and preserving Nakba narratives through the application of artificial intelligence, natural language processing, and corpus linguistics. We seek contributions on the following topics:

  ◈ Digitization of oral and written narratives

  ◈ Creation and labeling of language corpora and datasets

  ◈ Digital archives, metadata, and semantic/content mark-up

  ◈ Annotation tools and annotation guidelines

  ◈ Document classification, topic modeling, and information retrieval

  ◈ Named entity recognition for identifying people, places, organizations, and events

  ◈ Entity linking and relationship extraction

  ◈ Event detection and event argument extraction

  ◈ Knowledge Graphs and Linked Data

  ◈ Vocabularies, dictionaries, and ontologies

  ◈ Data visualization

  ◈ Knowledge representation

  ◈ Machine translation, summarisation, and paraphrasing

  ◈ Natural Language Generation

  ◈ Large Language Models

  ◈ Sentiment analysis and emotional content extraction

 ◈ Discourse analysis (e.g., bias, offensive language, and misinformation) related to Nakba narratives

  ◈ Voice & dialogue-based systems; ASR

  ◈ Palestinian dialects (written and spoken)

Suggested Datasets: a list of datasets can be found  here  

Important Dates: 


All deadlines are 11:59 pm UTC-12 (anywhere on Earth).

     -   Submission Deadline: 25 November 2024

     -   Notifications of Acceptance: 5 December 2024

     -   Camera Ready Deadline: 13 December 2024 (cannot be changed)

Organizing Committee:


     -   Mustafa Jarrar, Birzeit University, Palestine

     -   Nizar Habash, New York University, UAE

     -   Mo El-Haj, Lancaster University, UK

     -   Zeina Jallad, Harvard Law School, USA

     -   Camille Mansour, Paris-Sorbonne University, France

     -   Diana Allan, McGill University, Canada

     -   Paul Rayson, Lancaster University, UK

Publicity Chairs


     -   Amal Haddad, University of Granada, Spain

     -    Sanad Malaysha, Birzeit University, Palestine
